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Category: Procurement
We have posted a change to the contract for private sector competitive bidding for government public key infrastructure operation and maintenance services.
An overview of environmentally conscious contracts concluded
Planning competition: We posted demonstration projects (Tebura Tourism) related to the expansion of use of My Number Card.
Publication of information on the optimization of public procurement: "Goods and services, etc. (optional)" for May and February 2023 and "Goods and services, etc. (competition)" for October 2022 have been updated.
The Manual for Contract Business Operators (including Subcontracting Business Operators) and Digital Agency procurement Procedures (Material Edition) in Digital Agency has been updated.
Planning competition: Construction projects such as data connections infrastructure in the industrial area were posted.
Public announcement: English training for fiscal 2023
Request for Information (RFI) Closed: We posted the results of a market survey on technical requirements in Government Cloud.
Announcement of information on the optimization of public procurement: Updated "Goods and services, etc." for April 2023
Publication of information on the optimization of public procurement: "Goods and services, etc." for May 2023 was posted.