Application and notification
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Be established by Digital Agency Applications and notifications will be made public.
Laws and ordinances Application Prior Confirmation Procedure (No Action Letter)
This is a procedure in which a private company, etc. confirms in advance with the administrative agency in charge whether or not the provisions of a specific laws and ordinances apply to a specific act pertaining to the business activity that the private company, etc. intends to realize, and the agency provides a response and publishes the response.
New Business Special Measures System, Gray Zone Elimination System, and New Technology Demonstration System (Regulatory Sandbox System)
This program supports businesses that are taking on the challenge of developing new businesses and promotes regulatory reform in line with the individual businesses of each company.
Approval for use of sponsor's name, etc.
It is a procedure to apply for Digital Agency's support for events held by organizations.
Contact point for requests for provision of statistical data, etc.
In Digital Agency, based on the Guidelines for Judging the Provision of Statistics and Other Data (decided by the EBPM Promotion Committee on April 27, 2018), a window has been established to receive requests for the provision of statistics and other data for statistical use.
Disclosure of information
Disclosure of information
Under the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs, anyone can request the disclosure of administrative documents held by Digital Agency.
Compliance initiatives
We are implementing compliance initiatives to contribute to the development of environments in which all employees working in Digital Agency can fully demonstrate their specialized expertise and skills and devote themselves to their duties creatively and autonomously, while complying with relevant norms.
Whistleblower Protection
In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Company has established a contact point to appropriately handle whistle-blowing from Digital Agency employees, etc.
Protection of personal information
Under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, anyone can request disclosure of their personal data held by Digital Agency.
Public records management
In accordance with the "Act on the Management of Public Records and Archives", the Office manages documents prepared and obtained by employees in the course of their duties. In addition, the Office receives reports related to public records from employees and former employees.
General Information Desk for FDI in Digital Agency
We accept inquiries and questions regarding matters related to FDI in Japan that fall under the jurisdiction of Digital Agency.