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Plans, etc.

Digital Agency has formulated the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society," which shows the vision of the digital society that the country aims to achieve and the approaches and initiatives necessary to realize it.

Priority Plan for a Digital Society

This plan specifies measures that the government should promptly and intensively implement to realize the desired digital society, and serves as a compass for Digital Agency and other ministries and agencies to work on structural reforms and individual measures and to communicate and propose them to the world.

Priority Plan for a Digital Society

Activity report

We report on the activities of Digital Agency.

Digital Agency Activity Report

Quarterly activity report

Policy area

Efforts are being made in various fields to realize digital society where no one left behind. The status of efforts in the main fields is as follows.

1. Development and dissemination of common functions necessary for the digital society

My Number (Individual Number) Program / My Number Card

This is a system to identify specific individuals in administrative procedures, etc. It is possible to omit attached documents in various administrative procedures by information coordination among administrative agencies. My Number Card can also be used for identity verification in private services, etc.

My Number (Individual Number) Program / My Number Card

Public money receiving account Registry

This is a My Number (Individual Number) - related system. If an individual voluntarily registers a deposit account with a financial institution with the national government as an account for receiving benefits, etc., procedures and attached documents can be omitted when applying for benefits, etc. in an emergency.

Public money receiving account Registry

Deposit account numbering system

The My Number system for deposit accounts (My Number System for Deposit Accounts) is a system for submitting My Numbers to financial institutions. By numbering deposit accounts, from around the end of fiscal 2024 (planned), it will be possible to confirm the whereabouts of deposit accounts with My Numbers at the counter of one financial institution at the time of inheritance or disaster.
Deposit account numbering system


This is a mechanism for certifying legal entities that carry out administrative procedures, etc. It enables online application for legal entities of various national and local governments with one ID-password and without identity verification documents.


Electronic signature

In addition to stipulating the legal definition and validity of electronic signatures that prevent the impersonation of the creator of contracts and other electronic documents and the falsification of content, we have established a certification system for certification services that meet certain standards to confirm the validity of electronic signatures.

Electronic signature

Electronic power of attorney

We are promoting the spread of electronic power of attorney, which is an electromagnetic record indicating that a representative of a corporation has granted the right of representation to a member.

Electronic power of attorney

Government Cloud

This is a common cloud service usage environment for the government. By making the most of the advantages of cloud services, it is possible to build a system that is fast, flexible, secure, and cost-effective. We aim to provide and improve services that are highly convenient for users as soon as possible. We will consider ways to enable local governments to enjoy the same advantages.

Government Cloud

Government Solution Services

This project aims to improve the productivity and security of government agencies through the adoption of state-of-the-art technologies and the gradual integration of their environments.

Government Solution Services

Unification and standardization of key operation systems of local governments

An environment will be developed that enables local governments to efficiently and effectively select applications suitable for them from among applications built on the Government Cloud that meet the standardization standards for mission-critical systems.

Unification and standardization of key operation systems of local governments

Public service mesh

This is a new information-sharing platform for the swift utilization and collaboration of administrative information. By using the public service mesh to improve data-based convenience, we will spread and expand "People-Friendly digitalisation" more efficiently.

Public service mesh

Municipal DX services counter' One-stop, no writing service'

We aim to realize a "people-friendly digitalisation where no one is left behind" at the local government counter by realizing a "one stop counter that does not write, wait, or circulate" at the local government counter through joint creation with local governments.

Municipal DX services counter' One-stop, no writing service'


The government as a whole will work to strengthen security, including at the design and development stages of information systems, from the perspective of both thoroughly improving convenience from the people's perspective and ensuring cybersecurity.


Promotion of data strategy

In order to resolve social issues and maintain and improve Japan's international competitiveness in cooperation with the rest of the world, it is necessary to create an environment where diverse, high-quality, and sufficient data can be used easily, safely, and reliably. To this end, the government as a whole will promote transparent and reliable data utilization.

Promotion of data strategy


In order to ensure the free and safe distribution of reliable information, based on the belief that the free distribution of data within a framework that guarantees reliability will lead to economic growth, Japan will first cooperate with countries that share the same basic views and principles on data, promote international rule-making and discussions on data distribution, and work responsibly as a proponent country toward the realization of the DFFT.


National and local networks

As a common digital infrastructure for national and local governments, we aim to realize a national and local network that is optimal as a whole from a medium - to long-term perspective.

National and local networks

2. Improvement of UI and UX from the viewpoint of the people and realization of services for the people

Service design

In order to realize a digital society in which "no one is left behind," we will work on administrative service design based on user-centered (human-centered) principles so that the needs of various users can be achieved effectively and efficiently, in light of the fact that digital devices and services are used in various situations of use, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of digitalisation anytime and anywhere.

Service design


It is an online window for administrative procedures such as child rearing and nursing care. In addition to online application, we provide services such as confirmation of your own information held by administrative agencies, etc. and reception of notifications from administrative agencies, etc.


Public front service (one stop service, etc.)

Various procedures (child care, nursing care, moving, death / inheritance, social insurance / tax procedures, corporation establishment, passport application, residence application, immigration procedures, etc.) will be made online and one stop services will be provided. In doing so, one stop services will be provided not only for administrative procedures but also for private procedures through API linkage, etc.

Online services for moving procedures
One stop service for death and inheritance
Online administrative procedures
Online digitalisation of National Qualifications, etc.

Standardization and unification of government websites

By standardizing and unifying the design and content structure of the websites of the Cabinet Office and each Ministry and Agency, we will build a common infrastructure for information dissemination that enables anyone to access necessary information quickly.

Standardization and unification of government websites

Digitalisation in semi-public sector

We will promote digitalisation in semi-public sector (health, medical, and nursing care; education; children; disaster prevention; mobility; agriculture, fisheries, and food-related industries; ports and harbors; and infrastructure), which are closely related to people's lives and have significant spillover effects on other private sectors. We will also develop data-linkage and data-utilization systems to provide optimal services that meet the needs of individuals and to enrich people's lives.

Health, medical, and nursing care
Disaster prevention
Agriculture, fisheries and food-related industries

Digitalisation in the field of mutual collaboration

The standard specifications for digital invoices in Japan (JP PINT) are disclosed.

We are promoting the development of tools and systems that enable data to be used and linked safely across companies and industries.
Industrial data linkage infrastructure

New corona vaccination certification application

We provide an application that allows you to obtain new corona vaccination certificates.

New corona vaccination certification application

Vaccination Record System (VRS)

As of March 29, 2024, we have stopped updating the Vaccination Record System (VRS) at

Information on future VRS can be found in the Vaccination Record System (VRS) Overview (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) .

Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 contact-tracing app (COCOA)

In cooperation with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, we are developing, maintaining, and operating COCOA, as well as compiling verification and summary reports that summarize the results and issues of the app.

Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 contact-tracing app (COCOA)

Visit Japan Web

The Immigration Bureau provides a web service that enables people entering Japan from overseas (including Japanese returning from overseas) to carry out immigration procedures such as quarantine, immigration examination, and customs declaration at the time of entry.

Visit Japan Web

Digitalisation of procedures of other countries and local governments

We will work on judicial proceedings, police work and digitalisation at ports and harbors.

Cashless payment of fees paid to the government

Fees, etc. to be paid to the government will be made cashless (Internet banking, credit cards, electronic money, payment at convenience stores, etc.) to improve the convenience of the people and the efficiency of business operations.

Cashless payment of fees paid to the government

3. Development and management of national information systems

Control and supervision of national information systems

A basic policy for the development and management of national information systems will be formulated, and its standardization and unification will be promoted. This will enable the efficient development of systems and the linkage of information, including private information systems, while promoting the reform of administrative services from the user's perspective and the reform of business systems in an integrated manner.

Control and supervision of national information systems

Promotion of joint projects between Digital Agency and the Cabinet Office and each Ministry

The SESC will work with the Cabinet Office and each Ministry to promote projects for information systems that require high operational costs, such as the National Tax Information System, the Social Security Online System, the Hello Work System, and the Patent Administration System, and information systems that require development utilizing Digital Agency's technical knowledge and common infrastructure, and to resolve issues related to those information systems.

Promotion of projects related to registration information systems

4. Others

Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

We are promoting Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, which will deliver the benefits of digital technology to local residents while creating new services and business models for mutual assistance with the power of digital technology.

Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

Developing and securing digital human resources

We will steadily realize the desired digital society by developing environments in which all citizens can acquire the ICT skills required for their respective life stages and by securing and developing human resources required for their respective positions in society.

Developing and securing digital human resources

Promotion of the sharing economy

With regard to the sharing economy, the government will promote initiatives that will lead to its further penetration and establishment in society while improving the safety and reliability of services.

Promotion of the sharing economy

Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in Procurement / Procurement Reform to Utilize New Technologies

In order to provide better administrative services, we will work to ensure fair and transparent procurement from the perspective of promoting private sector personnel. We will also work to realize a flexible and appropriate procurement process, strengthen the government's system procurement and development capabilities, ensure the participation and appropriate selection of a wide variety of business operators, and ensure clear and transparent processes so that we can realize rapid development and provision and continuous improvement from the perspective of users.

Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in Procurement / Procurement Reform to Utilize New Technologies

Digital Day

Since 2021, "Digital Day" has been established as an opportunity to regularly reflect on, experience, review, and share digital. The public and private sectors will cooperate to implement various initiatives using digital-related technologies and services and to improve the momentum for social digitalisation.

Digital Day

Efforts in digital promotion committee

Digital promotion committee is an initiative to create environments where no one is left behind in enjoying the convenience of the digital society by providing detailed support to those unfamiliar with digital devices and services.

Efforts in digital promotion committee

Efforts to review analog regulations

Under the Digital Principles, which are the common guidelines of the government, we are working to eliminate analog regulations in order to create a society that is easy to create new added value.

Efforts to review analog regulations

Promotion of Data Utilization in digitalisation and laws and ordinances

Efforts are being made to establish a process and system for confirming the conformity of a new laws and ordinances to the Digital Principles, digitalisation legal affairs, develop a laws and ordinances database registry, and consider promoting the use of laws and ordinances databases.

Promotion of Data Utilization in digitalisation and laws and ordinances

Main Responses to Various Digital-Related Requests Received to Date - Results of the Flexible Improvement Team -

A flexible improvement team was established in September 2022 to respond to various digital-related requests, etc. The following is a summary of the main responses.
Main Responses to Various Digital-Related Requests Received to Date (PDF / 1,152 kb) (updated on September 20, 2024)

Policy Evaluation and Administrative Project Review

The purpose of this project is to identify and analyze the effects of Digital Agency's policies and to evaluate them before and after the implementation of the project. The results of the analysis will be reflected in future policy planning and will be used for regular review and improvement of the project.
Starting in fiscal 2023, policy evaluations and administrative project reviews, which had been conducted separately, will be conducted in an integrated manner.

Policy evaluation by the Digital Agency

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