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Meetings, etc.

Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society

With the enforcement of Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society and Act on the Establishment of the Digital Agency on September 1, 2021 (2021), the "Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society)," which had been established based on the Basic Law for the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society, was abolished, and the "Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society" was established to administer the following administrative affairs.

  1. To promote the implementation of measures for the formation of a digital society.
  2. Necessary coordination among relevant administrative organs with regard to measures for the formation of a digital society.

Reasons for setting: Act on the Establishment of the Digital Agency, Article 14
Chairperson: Prime Minister

Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Order, the Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board will be held for the purpose of promoting the implementation of measures for the formation of a digital society in Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society and contributing to the mutual coordination of related administrative agencies.

Reasons for setting: Chairman Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society decided
Chair: Vice-Minister for Digital Transformation, Chief Officer of Digital Agency

Data Strategy Promotion Working Group

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Ordinance, the Working Group for the Promotion of Data Strategies will be held to promote data strategies that contribute to the formation of a digital society.

Reasons for setting: Chairman Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society decided
Chief: Special Advisor to the Prime Minister

DX Promotion Sub-Working Group (abolished on February 28, 2023)

The DX Promotion Sub-Working Group, which secured trust, was held to discuss specific promotion measures for digital transformation with trust.

Reasons for setting: Data Strategy Promotion Working Group decided by Deputy Chief
Chief: Expert

Sub-Working Group on Implementation of Data-Handling Rules in Platforms (abolished on February 28, 2023)

A sub-working group on the implementation of data handling rules in the platform was held to encourage data distribution on the platform and remove obstacles to data distribution.

Reasons for setting: Data Strategy Promotion Working Group decided by Deputy Chief
Chief: Expert

EBPM Promotion Committee (abolished on April 1, 2023)

The EBPM Promotion Committee was held as a system for promoting EBPM throughout the government.

Reasons for setting: Data Strategy Promotion Working Group decided by Deputy Chief
Chairman: Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Secretariat (in charge of domestic affairs)

EBPM Promotion Committee Executive Committee (abolished on April 1, 2023)

The Executive Board Meeting of the EBPM Promotion Committee was held to discuss the promotion of EBPM in a concrete and systematic manner in close cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies.

Reasons for setting: Chairman of EBPM Promotion Committee decided
Chairman: Deputy Director-General Cabinet Secretariat (Deputy Director-General, Secretariat of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Administrative Reform)

The Digital System Reform Review committee

A laws and ordinances will be held to check and review the conformity to the digital principles and to consider the construction of a process and system to confirm the conformity of a new the Digital System Reform Review committee to the digital principles.
Chairperson: Expert

The Digital System Reform Review committee Digital Legal System Working Group (abolished on June 19, 2024)

Under the the Digital System Reform Review committee, the Digital Legal System Working Group will be held in order to check and review the conformity to the digital principles, build a process and system to confirm the conformity to the digital principles of a new laws and ordinances, digitalisation legal affairs, improve the base and registry of laws and ordinances data, and consider the promotion of the utilization of laws and ordinances data.
Chief: Director-General, Digital Agency

The Digital System Reform Review committee Technology-based Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform

Under the the Digital System Reform Review committee, we will hold a technology-based Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform to scrutinize digital technologies that can be used for cross-sectional reviews and to examine the applicability of digital technologies that have been confirmed to be safe and effective to other regulations.
Chair: Senior Expert Digital Agency

Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting (abolished on October 6, 2023)

In light of the fundamental structural changes and expansion of development potential that the rapid development of digitalisation will bring to the world, we held the Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting with the aim of quickly advancing structural reform of national and local systems and systems by integrally examining and implementing cross-cutting issues related to digital reform, regulatory reform, and administrative reform, and making it easier for individuals and businesses to create new added values.

Reasons for setting: Prime Minister Decisions
Chairperson: Prime Minister

Digital Ad Hoc administrative investigation Working Group (abolished on October 6, 2023)

Under the Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting, the Digital Extraordinary administrative investigation Meeting Working Group was held in order to inspect and review the conformity to the Digital Principles for structural reforms and to consider the construction of a process and system to confirm the conformity to the Digital Principles for a new laws and ordinances.

Reasons for setting: Prime Minister approval
Chair: State Minister for Digital Transformation

Digitalisation Study Team (abolished on October 6, 2023)

From the perspective of ensuring compatibility with digital principles, the laws and ordinances Study Team for Legal Affairs was held under the Digital Ad Hoc administrative investigation Working Group in order to examine the construction of more efficient and autonomous confirmation processes and systems for laws and ordinances, including new digitalisation.

Reasons for setting: Approved by State Minister for Digital Transformation
Chair: State Minister for Digital Transformation

Digital Ad Hoc administrative investigation Working Group Technology-based Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform (abolished on October 6, 2023)

A technology-based Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform was held under the Working Group of the Ad Hoc Digital administrative investigation Meeting to closely examine digital technologies that can be used for cross-sectional reviews and to examine the applicability of digital technologies that have been confirmed to be safe and effective to other regulations.

Reasons for setting: Approved by State Minister for Digital Transformation
Chairperson: Hiroshi Ezaki

Digital Society Initiative Conference

Based on the purpose of Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society, which came into effect on September 1, 2021, the Digital Society Initiative Conference will be held to conduct research and deliberations on Priority Plan, etc. based on the Act toward the formation of a digital society that contributes to the sustainable and sound development of the Japanese economy and the realization of the happy lives of the people.

Reasons for setting: Determined by Minister for Digital Transformation
Chairperson: Expert

My Number System and central / local digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Group

The Working Group for Fundamental Improvement of My Number System and Central and Local digital infrastructure will be held in order to achieve fundamental improvement of My Number System and Central and Local digital infrastructure toward the formation of a digital society.

Reasons for setting: Determined by Minister for Digital Transformation
Chief: Vice-Minister for Digital Policy

Compliance Committee

The Committee is established for the purpose of obtaining necessary opinions and advice from external experts, etc. in order to contribute to the development of environments in which all persons working Digital Agency can fully exercise their professional expertise and skills and creatively and autonomously devote themselves to their duties while complying with relevant norms.

Reasons for setting: Determined by Minister for Digital Transformation
Chairperson: Expert

Other meetings, etc.

Overall Review of My Number Information Head Office

In light of the fact that there have been a number of incidents involving errors in the linking of My Numbers, the Government of Japan will establish the Self-Defense Forces in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies, centering on Digital Agency, in order to strongly promote thorough inspections and recurrence prevention throughout the Government.

Reasons for setting: Determined by Minister for Digital Transformation
Director: Minister for Digital Transformation

Senior Vice-Minister for Information and Data Coordination Project Team on

A project team consisting of senior vice-ministers from Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will be set up in Chief, State Minister for Digital Transformation, in order to examine the content of information and data on children held by municipalities and support institutions, how to organize and cooperate with institutions that hold such data, how to grasp the situation of preceding local governments, and how to conduct demonstrations targeting local governments.

Reasons for setting: Agreement among relevant ministries and agencies
Chief: State Minister for Digital Transformation

Study Group on Integration of My Number Card and Health Insurance Card

We will consider the integration of the My Number Card and the health insurance card.

Chair: Minister for Digital Transformation

Expert Working Group on the Integration of My Number Card and Health Insurance Cards

An expert working group will be set up under the review meeting on the integration of the My Number Card and the health insurance card, and it will be examined.

Chair: Digital Director-General

Liaison Meeting of Related Ministries and Agencies for Promotion of Dissemination and Utilization of My Number Card

In view of the fact that the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on June 7, 2022) and other documents stipulate that My Number Card should be distributed to almost all citizens by the end of FY 2022 (FY 2022), the Inter-Ministerial Meeting on the Promotion of the Dissemination and Use of My Number Card will be held in order to strongly promote the dissemination and use of My Number Card throughout the government.

Reasons for setting: Agreed by relevant ministries and agencies
Chair: Minister for Digital Transformation

Ministerial Conference on the Popularization of My Number Card and the Use of Health Insurance Cards

Based on the "Policies for Promoting the Spread of My Number Card and the Use of My Number" (decided by the Digital Government Cabinet Meeting on June 4, 2019), the government will hold a meeting of related ministries and agencies on the spread of My Number Card and the use of health insurance cards in order to consider the smooth implementation of necessary procedures by all companies toward the spread of My Number Card and the use of health insurance cards.

Reasons for setting: Agreement among relevant ministries and agencies
Chair: Vice-Minister for Digital Policy

Next Individual Number Card Task Force

We will consider the next Individual Number Card.

Chairperson: Expert

Ministerial Conference on the Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Operations of Local Governments

Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society," the government will hold the "Ministerial Conference on the Unification and Standardization of Systems for Core Business, etc. of Local Governments" to smoothly advance the unification and standardization of systems for core business, etc. under the jurisdiction of relevant ministries and agencies.

Reasons for setting: Agreed by relevant ministries and agencies
Chair: Vice-Minister for Digital Policy

Task Study Meeting on Common Functions for Unification and Standardization of Basic Operation Systems of Local Governments

With regard to the Standard Specifications for Common Functions of Local Government Information Systems and the Standard Specifications for Data Requirements and Collaboration Requirements for Local Government Information Systems, the purpose of this project is to understand the development status of common functions and issues related to migration, and to consider measures to realize smooth and safe migration.

Technical Requirements Study Meeting on Common Functions for Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments

Regarding the Standard Specifications for Common Functions of Local Government Information Systems and the Standard Specifications for Data Requirements and Linkage Requirements for Local Government Information Systems, we will consider matters that need to be specified and detailed when implementing and operating them.

Data Linkage Working Team, Technical Requirements Study Meeting on Common Functions, etc. for Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments

Under the Technical Requirements for Common Functions for the Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments, we will examine data linkage specifications for standard compliance system and measures for data linkage during the transition period to standard compliance system.

Application Management Working Team of the Technical Requirements Study Meeting on Common Functions, etc. for Unification and Standardization of Basic Business Systems of Local Governments

Under the Technical Requirements Study Meeting on Common Functions for the Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments, we will study the implementation of specifications for application management and the optimizing of cooperation between application management functions and standard compliance system.

Address Management Working Team of the Technical Requirements Study Meeting on Common Functions, etc. for Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments

Under the Technical Requirements for Common Functions for the Unification and Standardization of Core Business Systems of Local Governments, we will study the implementation of address management specifications and the optimization of address management methods.

Designation of standard specifications Study Meeting on Issues in Cities

Issues in designated cities will be examined regarding standard specifications for local government information systems.

Study Group on Operation of Character Requirements in Local Government Information Systems

Issues in the operation of the standard character requirements for data requirements and linkage requirements for local government information systems will be examined.

Expert Council on Standardization of Characters in Local Government Information Systems

With regard to the standardization of characters in information systems for local governments, the government will follow up on the state of character identification in local governments and the state of standard compliance system development, and examine issues and solutions.

Study Meeting on the Future Image and Realization Scenario of National and Local Networks

Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on June 9, 2023), this conference will be held to discuss the overall optimal and efficient network configuration for digital infrastructure through the national and local governments.

Chairperson: Expert

Digital Day Study Committee

"Digital Day" was established in 2021 as an opportunity for society as a whole to regularly reflect, experience, and review digital to realize "a human-friendly digitalisation where no one is left behind".
We will organize and consider the direction for the implementation of the annual "Digital Day".

Chairperson: Expert

Next Generation Security Architecture Study Meeting

The Next-Generation Security Architecture Study Meeting will be held in order to specifically examine technical guidance for the next-generation security Architecture.

Digital Agency Information Systems Procurement Reform Study Meeting

Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on June 7, 2022), the government will hold the Information Systems Procurement Reform Study Meeting to discuss measures necessary for information systems procurement, while investigating and organizing advanced cases of systems, frameworks, and methods related to information systems procurement in Japan and overseas, in order to consider more flexible procurement methods, such as reviewing procurement processes and systems that are different from conventional ones, in responding to various system development needs.

Chairperson: Experts

Mobility Working Group

Based on the provisions of Article 4 of the Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society Order, the government will hold a Mobility Working Group to promote the formulation of the "Mobility Roadmap 2024 (tentative name)" toward the simultaneous and integrated commercialization of technologies that support regional mobility, such as autonomous driving, drones, and service robots.

Reasons for setting: Chairman Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society decided
Chief: Special Advisor to the Prime Minister

Sub-Working Group on Social Rules for Autonomous Vehicles in the AI Era

The Sub-Working Group on Social Rules for Self-Driving Vehicles in the AI Era will be held to discuss social rules for traffic accidents involving self-driving vehicles for the future.

Reasons for setting: Mobility Working Group decided by Chief
Chief: Expert

Workshop on the "Mobility Roadmap"

With a view to relaunching the policy roadmap in the field of mobility, we will establish a study group to receive the opinions of experts.
In order to develop the "Mobility Roadmap (tentative name)," which extends to all technologies supporting mobility services such as drones and service robots, and to formulate the roadmap, we will receive opinions from a broad perspective on issues that we think need to be sorted out in the future, such as necessary technology development and system reform matters, taking into account not only the supply side but also the demand side.

Chairperson: Expert

Research Group on the Future of the Digital Transportation Society

Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on December 24, 2021), we will establish a study group to receive opinions from experts on how the digital transportation society should be.
We would like to hear your opinions from a broad perspective on how society and life should be from the perspective of each citizen in the development of a digital transportation society, and how mobility should be backcast from that perspective.

Chairperson: Expert

Web3.0 Study Meeting

In light of the inclusion of "Development of environments for the promotion of Web3.0, such as the use of NFT (Priority Plan) based on blockchain technology" in "non-fungible tokens for the Realization of a Digital Society" (Cabinet decision on June 7, 2022), etc., the Web3.0 Study Group will be held to conduct necessary deliberations.

Chairperson: Experts

Operation of a multi-stakeholder model for digital reform (digitalisation of disposal notices, etc.)

In the "Report of the DX Promotion Sub-Working Group that Secures Trust" (published on July 29, 2022), recommendations such as the promotion of digital completion of administration and discussions in the multi-stakeholder model were incorporated. In light of this, we will start operating the multi-stakeholder model for digital reform.
In order to contribute to the promotion of digital completion of administrative procedures, the government will consider the "Basic Concept of digitalisation of Disposition Notices, etc." as a reference material for ensuring the reliability of digitalisation of disposition notices, etc.

Study meeting on the installation of My Number Card functions in smartphones

This conference will be held to consider measures to install My Number Card functions (My Number Card) on smartphones to improve the convenience of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure, which is essential for the digital society.

Chairperson: Experts

Study Group on the Promotion of the Utilization of Well-Being Indicators for the Realization of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

With the aim of realizing a Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, the government will hold a study meeting on the promotion of the utilization of regional well-being indicators for the realization of the Digital Garden City State concept, in order to consider the utilization and advancement of regional well-being indicators, which are common indicators for the prosperity of regions and spiritually rich lives, through mutual assistance initiatives.

Chairperson: Experts

Electronic Power of Attorney Law Enforcement Review Meeting

As five years have passed since the enforcement of the Act on the Promotion of the Dissemination of Electronic Power of Attorney (Act No. 64 of 2017), the Electronic Power of Attorney Enforcement Review Meeting will be held pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the supplementary provisions of the same Act in order to review the enforcement status and future direction.

Chairperson: Expert

Advisory Council for the Revision of the identity verification Guidelines

We will hold an expert meeting for the next revision of 's "DS-500 Guidelines on Online identity verification Methods for Administrative Procedures," which has been developed as one of the standard guidelines for promoting the digital society, in .

Liaison Meeting of Related Ministries and Agencies Concerning the digitalisation of Business Operators

The government will hold liaison meetings with related ministries and agencies regarding the digitalisation of business operators and the digitalisation of public procedures, in order to promote close cooperation among related ministries and agencies and accelerate measures for the digitalisation of business operators.

Reasons for setting: Agreement among relevant ministries and agencies
Chair: Deputy Director-General Digital Agency

International Data Governance Study Group

In order to support the implementation of the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP), which was established under the OECD, and the Government of Japan's initiatives and proposals for the materialization of the DFFT in other international frameworks, the government will hold a study group with the aim of supporting the implementation of the DFFT while reflecting information and requests from Japan, companies, and other stakeholders concerning the cross-border transfer of data.

Chairperson: Expert

Data Security Working Group

In light of the current state of the globalized supply chain, the Government of Japan will hold a working group aimed at promoting data security in Japan as well as leading international discussions at the DFFT / IAP and at bilateral and multilateral levels by discussing, examining, and proposing security approaches premised on the cross-border sharing and utilization of data, including protection measures for data that is particularly sensitive in light of Japan's national conditions.

Chairperson: Expert

International Data Governance Advisory Committee

With the aim of realizing an integrated data economic zone (ecosystem) in Japan and overseas, we will hold a committee aimed at strengthening public-private cooperation related to international data distribution and utilization, aiming to coordinate the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) launched under the OECD, efforts to materialize Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) in other international frameworks, and efforts related to data strategy and data governance in Japan.

Chairman: Minister for Digital Transformation

Study Meeting on Modernization of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act Certification Standards

In Japan, various trust services such as electronic signatures are being developed and examined. In particular, with regard to electronic signatures, there is a certification system for specified authentication services based on the Act on Electronic Signatures and Certification Business (Act No. 102 of 2000; hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act"), which came into effect in April 2001.
However, there have been no major revisions to the certification standards since the enforcement of the law, and it has been suggested that the standards need to be updated in light of technological trends and changes in the approach to security. Therefore, we will hold a review meeting on updating the certification standards.

Chairperson: Expert

Study meeting on revision of guidelines related to service design

In order to promote the establishment and updating of guidelines and guidebooks related to service design, such as human-centered design, with the aim of building easy-to-use administrative digital services, the government will convene a study meeting with experts in related fields.