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Category: Policies

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Materials added to My Number Card Info (useful information for local governments)


Detailed discussion of data requirements and collaboration requirements for some operations


About the "How to Receive Medical Care in the Future" Introduction Campaign at Pharmacies


About Mynaportal API, which starts to provide new and convenient services, we published an introduction article that was featured in Digital Agency News


Information on qualifications that can be processed in the future in online digitalisation such as national qualifications has been updated.


Materials added to My Number Card Info (useful information for local governments)


Holding a School Network Local Government Pitch


The final report of the trend survey research on startups in semi-public sector, etc. was published in the list of commissioned survey deliverables.


[Noto earthquake of 2024] I updated the online application of disaster victim certificate (risai shomeisho).


Updated materials on basic information necessary for using My Number Card

Press Kit

Press Contact

Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp

*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
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Reference Information

The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.