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Press Room
Press Conference by Minister Taira (November 29, 2024) Video was posted.
Detailed discussion of data requirements and collaboration requirements for some operations
About the "How to Receive Medical Care in the Future" Introduction Campaign at Pharmacies
[For new graduates] Roundtable discussion with staff (online), [For new graduates and first timers] Public Service Research Seminar hosted by National Personnel Authority, [For new graduates and first timers] Briefing session for beginners (online) were updated.
Updated the My Number Card dissemination dashboard
Response to the Request for Comments on the "Second Phase of the Contract for twenty twenty-five on the Government Common Platform"
Planning Competition: Survey research on open source initiatives by foreign governments and agile development
Materials from the fifth meeting of the Mobility Working Group
About Mynaportal API, which starts to provide new and convenient services, we published an introduction article that was featured in Digital Agency News
General competitive bidding: Operation and maintenance work related to the development of the account information registration and linkage system (numbering request reception and linkage function, financial institution linkage function) was posted
Press Kit
- Brand Guidelines
- Photos, etc. * Scheduled to be posted in the future
Press Contact
Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
Reference Information
The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.