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[Noto earthquake of 2024] Online application for disaster victim certificate (risai shomeisho)

We would like to express our condolences to those who lost their lives in the 2024 Noto earthquake and express our deepest sympathy to all those who were affected.
We will guide you about the online application for the Disaster Victim Certificate (risai shomeisho) *.

*Victim's Certificate (risai shomeisho)
An affliction certificate is a document that is required to be attached to an application for protection measures for affected people upon Issue by the mayor of a municipality as a document certifying the extent of damage. You can apply for the issuance of an affliction certificate online from Mynaportal using My Number Card. You can apply without visiting public office for the application and without waiting. You can also apply online through the system of each local government.

Application Method

The application method differs depending on the municipality.
For how to apply from Mynaportal, please check the application method from of the Mynaportal Disaster Victim Certificate (risai shomeisho).
For online application methods outside of Mynaportal, please check the link for each local government.

Online local government

Among the local government covered by the Disaster Relief Act in the Noto earthquake of 2024, the local government where you can apply for a disaster victim certificate online is as follows (Digital Agency survey as of January 30, 2024).

Niigata Prefecture

Toyama Prefecture

  • Toyama City: Mynaportal,
  • Himi City: Mynaportal,
  • Namerikawa City: Mynaportal,
  • Oyabe City: Mynaportal,
  • Imizu City: Mynaportal,
  • Kamiichi-machi: Mynaportal,

Ishikawa Prefecture

Fukui Prefecture

  • Fukui City: Mynaportal,
  • Sakai City: Mynaportal,

Contact information

If there are any points to be corrected in the above description, please let us know at the contact information below.
mynumber_team _ atmark _
*To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

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