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Study Group on the Ideal of the Digital Transportation Society

Based on the "Priority plan for the Realization of digital society" (decided by the Cabinet on December 24, 2021), we will set up a study group to receive opinions from experts on how the digital transportation society should be.
We would like to hear your opinions from a wide perspective on how society and life should be from the perspective of each and every citizen in the development of a digital transportation society, and how mobility should be backcast from that perspective.

Chairman: Expert

What's New

On May 27, 2022, the Study Group on the Future of the Digital Transportation Society (the 4th) was held.


On August 1, 2022, we formulated the "Future of Transportation Society Using Digital Technology 2022" based on the opinions of the Study Group from the perspective of how to envision the future of transportation society using digital technology.

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