Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group (19th)
- Last Updated:
- Date and Time: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 (2023) from 10:00 to 12:00
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- On base registry for companies and Institutional Issue
- Land-Based Registries and Institutional Issue
- Completion of Formulation of Digital Identification Guidelines for private business
- Efforts towards end-to-end digital completion of administrative procedures
- Current Status of Review of Notifications and Circulars
- Issue Survey on the Review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in local governments
- Exchange of opinions
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/38KB)
- Exhibit 1: base registry for companies and Institutional Issue (PDF / 489 kb)
- Exhibit 2: Land-based Registry and Institutional Issue (PDF / 3,235 kb)
- Exhibit 3: Documents to be submitted by OpenID Foundation (PDF / 891 kb)
- Appendix 4: Efforts towards end-to-end digital completion of administrative procedures (PDF / 808 kb)
- Appendix 5: regulations on paper and in-person processes Survey on the Review of Issue in local governments (PDF / 480 kb)
- Minutes (PDF/497KB)
Minutes, etc.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 (2023), from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Held online
- OGUSHI Masaki (Senior Vice Minister of Digital)
- Junji Annen (Attorney-at-law, Professor of the Graduate School of Law
- Tatsuhiko Inadani (Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University)
- IWAMURA Arihiro (Managing Director, Japan Business Federation)
- Katsuya Uenoyama (President of PKSHATechnology, Inc.)
- Takafumi Ochiai (Attorney at law, Atsumi & Sakai, Foreign Law Joint Enterprise)
- Masakazu Masushima (Attorney-at-Law, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto)
Secretariat (Matsuda): Digital Ad Hoc Working Group.
Members are invited to participate online this time as well.
As for the attendance of the members today, I have heard that Mr. Sugawara will be absent due to personal reasons, and Mr. Inadani will leave the room in the middle of the day.
I would like to start today's agenda now. I would like to ask Mr. Yasunen, Vice Chairman, to proceed with the rest of the agenda. Thank you, Mr. Yasunen.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I'm Annen.
Let's begin the 19th meeting.
Today's proceedings are:
Part 1 "base registry for companies and Institutional Issue".
Part 2, "Land-Based Registry and Institutional Issue".
No. 3 "Completion of Formulation of Digital Identity Verification Guidelines for private business".
No. 4 "Efforts towards end-to-end digital completion of administrative procedures".
No. 5 "Current Status of Review of Notifications, Circulars, etc."
No. 6 "regulations on paper and in-person processes Survey on the Review of Issue in local governments".
These are the 6 cases.
Today's first agenda item, "base registry for companies and Institutional Issue," was attended by MOJ and NTA.
First of all, I would like to hear an explanation from Counselor Mishima.
Councilor Mishima: Now, I would like to explain about corporations.
First of all, the outline of the previous meeting is shown on page 3. In the previous meeting, as a general rule for the use of common infrastructure, we discussed the possibility of omitting application matters and application procedures by sharing information derived from commercial registration in public authorities, and the direction of cross-sectional legal development for that purpose.
Today, in order to realize the previous ideal, we would like you to discuss the requirements for basic corporate information to be shared between public authorities, the provider, the legal framework for the provision, and other aspects of the provision of data.
Please go to page 4. As for the requirements for master data, as Mr. National Tax Administration Agency stated last time, it is required to continue to provide information derived from registration without omission at least on a daily basis. I believe that who will take charge of this is Issue.
Before giving the names of specific ministries and agencies, on page 5, I would like to summarize the division of roles in public authorities. As a premise, I believe that the roles required of public authorities, which is in charge of the information source system, such as registration, and the roles required of public authorities, which provides data, are different. In the information source ministry and agency, the accuracy and currency of the information and the credibility of the system itself are required, but on the other hand, when providing data, contribution from another perspective, such as machine readability and continuous provision of differential data, is required.
On page 6, examples from other countries are conceptually summarized, but the circumstances differ from country to country in terms of whether the public authorities, which is under the institutional jurisdiction of the information source, plays roles in data provision.
On page 7, a system related diagram related to the provision of information derived from the current registration is shown, but if necessary, it is divided into several routes due to the omission of attachments and the numbering of corporate numbers in the past.
On the other hand, on page 8, what is needed is an information source called registration, data generated from it that guarantees quality, and the provision of functions such as APIs and browsing according to needs. Based on this concept, I believe it is necessary to sort out the extent to which the common infrastructure will be used and the extent to which the role of the ministry and agency that is the information source will be played by the Ministry of Justice in terms of registration.
On page 9, we show the specific division of roles. First, regarding the cooperation infrastructure such as API and authentication and authorization that provide information to users according to their needs, we believe that it is appropriate to develop it as a common infrastructure considering the possibility of expanding it to attribute information such as permission and qualification matters other than registration. In addition, we believe that it is optimal to ensure the quality of data by taking charge of the upstream process that has contact with users in principle, that is, the Ministry of Justice, which has jurisdiction over the registration system in the case of registration.
On the other hand, the registration information system is also a core system, and it is not realistic to renovate it immediately. In principle, the Ministry of Justice will take charge of it, but we will work on it during the examination of specifications for the future renewal. Based on the fact that if the development of the master side does not progress, the system renewal of the public authorities side, which is responsible for the individual systems of the reference side, cannot proceed, we believe that it is necessary to first create a form in which the master data is referenced, and it is necessary to position it as a transitional period and take charge of it on the common infrastructure side, that is, the Digital Agency side.
On page 10, we summarize the direction of the institutional response based on this. While setting the scope of use as the base registry, we believe that it is necessary to sort out the jurisdiction in which the information can be used by the referring public authorities. In addition, the public authorities that provides the information must provide it at the request of the referring public authorities. In addition, the public authorities that provides the information can request the necessary cooperation such as the provision of the information to the government agency in charge of the system.
Page 11 is a summary for you to discuss the contents I explained today, so please refer to it.
Thank you in advance for your discussions.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Then, I would like to have a discussion. Mr. Ochiai, please.
Ochiai Member: Thank you for your explanation. I think it is very important that you are advancing the efforts of the base registry, and I would like to advance the arrangement.
Among them, I think there are some points that will be important. While cooperating with such information, there may be discussions on eventually connecting it to EBPM. On the other hand, if you are in such a review meeting of each ministry and agency, I think that there are cases where the form in which data should be used is not sufficiently organized. Therefore, I think that there are parts where creating rules will lead to the appropriate use of information. Regarding privacy, I think there is a document that has been compiled once, but I think that it would be good to discuss such rules on the use of data not limited to personal data in the future.
Second, I think it is important to firmly establish a system on the corporate side. In that sense, there is also the question of how to combine corporate IDs, but I think that gBizID, for example, is actually being used mainly in the procedures of various ministries and agencies. On the other hand, there are parts that have not been institutionalized, and I think that there are cases where it is difficult to coordinate with other procedures or organize the positioning. In that sense, regarding the institutionalization of gBizID, I think that the content of gBizID itself is improving steadily, but on the other hand, I think that it would be good if you could consider such a form in order to connect it to the up-to-date security in the future.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Councilor Mishima, if you have any comments at this point in time, please let me know.
Councilor Mishima: , thank you very much.
We will once again consider what gBizID should be as we move forward with inter-ministerial information linkages. Thank you very much.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister I think both of the points you just pointed out were about the issue of institutionalization. Thank you very much.
Mr. Uenoyama, please go ahead.
Uenoyama Member: This is Uenoyama .
Thank you for your summary. I would like to make a few points from a slightly different perspective. First of all, since this is a huge system construction project, I would like to comment on two points that are somewhat meaningful. The first point is that the requirements for a huge software project will naturally change next year and the year after next, so it is important to what extent experts who have been engaged in a huge software project for a long time can be brought in from the initial phase in development. I believe that they have already been worked on, but I believe that there are so-called engineers who are strong in software in Digital Agency, and there are people who have been engaged in a huge project for many years in the past. I believe that these people have already been involved in this process, but I would like to invite them as core members. This is my first question.
The second point is that what will be produced will change to some extent in the future, so while there will be certain changes, I think it is very important to discuss "incentives for production methods" how to produce without losing productivity. The pattern in which a huge project becomes difficult is usually due to the structure of receiving and ordering from the producer, so it becomes more complicated and mysterious, and development is delayed. This time, I think the issue of how to avoid such a structure by creating an incentive design is an issue that should be discussed before starting to create a large block. This is my comment from another angle, but that is all from me.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I thought you said that it would be difficult to just leave it to the problem of how to procurement the resources of the engineer and the persistence of the engineer. Thank you very much.
Mr. Ochiai, please.
Ochiai Member: I don't think I answered about the content of the points in the first place, but I basically agree with the proposal you gave me. I think it is important to make the cooperation platform a common platform, and I think it is desirable to cooperate on basic information from the corporate part first. As I said, commercial registration and gBizID, I think various IDs are prepared by the government in various forms. I think it is important to make it a common platform in order to connect various IDs.
Regarding the second point, quality assurance of data, especially commercial registration, I think there is a different aspect from real estate registry. I think commercial registration is basically the kind of information that can be positive if it is written there, and I understand that the Ministry of Justice is actually screening through the Legal Affairs Bureau at this time, so the basic information input items and the contents that can be input there have already been specified, and basically, only the Ministry of Justice can do that part.
In addition, when we cooperate, I think that all the information is necessary, but it does not mean that all the detailed information is collected and cooperated, so I think that, for example, cutting out or cleansing will be mentioned. I think that it would be good to consult with you in the future about where to put the basic information, but I thought that the Ministry of Justice will do it to some extent, and then Digital Agency will accept it.
In addition, as I mentioned earlier, the direction of the last institutional response should be considered, but I believe it is better to firmly establish an institutional framework for data cooperation, including the content described here.
I thought I commented on everything just in case. That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Mr. Inadani, please go ahead.
Inadani Member: .
Thank you very much for the detailed arrangement. My comments basically overlap with Dr. Ochiai's, but the proposal you gave me this time is realistic, and I think it is realistic to consider the transitional period and the subsequent period separately. In addition, as you said, I think it is important to consider scalability.
In addition, how to play each role is related to the issue of data quality and the issue of the scope of use, so I basically agree with what is shown now, but I think this will probably lead to the discussion on how to put the data governance mechanism in a broad perspective later on. Therefore, if a legal system is created with this connection in mind, I think it will be a very useful attempt in various horizontal developments, so I would like to ask for your cooperation on this point.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
You pointed out the liver part, but it is also related to time, so I would like to proceed to the next step.
Today, people from related ministries and agencies are also attending, so I would like to hear your opinions.
First, I will ask the National Tax Administration Agency.
Currently, I understand that the National Tax Administration Agency is performing the required quality assurance work to publish the data of the commercial and corporate registry provided by the Ministry of Justice on the corporate number publication site. First of all, I would like you to explain the content of the quality assurance work. In addition, based on the explanation by the office today, I would like to know your view on receiving the data of the commercial and corporate registry in which the characters are degenerated and normalized. Thank you.
National Tax Agency (Councilor Sakurai): My name is Sakurai from the National Tax Agency. Nice to meet you.
The National Tax Agency is in charge of the affairs of designating a corporation number and announcing the corporation's trade name or name, head office location, and corporation number on the corporate number announcement website. We obtain the registry data from the Ministry of Justice, designate the corporation number based on it, and then announce the three on the announcement website.
I make a data connections with the Ministry of Justice twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. I make a reservation twice a day in the form of receiving the difference between the data I received before. The data I received from the Ministry of Justice in the morning is published at 4 p.m. on the day, and the data I received in the afternoon is published at 11 a.m. the next day on the publication site.
However, the data received from the Ministry of Justice, for example, may not include the name of the prefecture in the address description, or may include Arabic numerals or Chinese characters such as what chome, 3 chome, and 1 chome. In addition, the trade name and location may use Chinese characters that are not usually used, such as external characters other than the so-called JIS standard, or may include characters. Therefore, when announcing on the announcement site, of course, if the name of the prefecture is omitted, the name of the prefecture is complemented, and since chome is a mixture of Chinese and Arabic numerals, they are unified into Arabic numerals. In addition, the characters are posted on the announcement site on the Internet after complementing and normalizing the data, such as replacing the so-called JIS standard characters.
The National Tax Administration Agency has a system to assign corporate numbers, but this process is basically done automatically in the system. It is not done by people. This is the answer to your first question about what kind of work is being done.
Second, regarding the reception of data in which characters are degenerate and normalized, I said that it is automatically performed by the system, but naturally, confirmation of the processing results, etc. is performed as an office work, so if it is possible to receive the data in the state of the work we are doing for the commercial and corporate registry data, it will be a very grateful state.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . That's true.
Next, I would like to ask the Ministry of Justice.
With regard to the first direction of goal and the second division of roles that the Secretariat explained today, I would like to ask if you have any objection to proceeding after separating the transitional period and the principle. In addition, I would like to ask for any concerns or points to be noted by the Ministry of Justice. Thank you very much.
MOJ (Director of the Dote Division): Ministry of Justice. Nice to meet you.
MOJ recognizes that it is important for the Government as a whole to aim to reduce the administrative burden on business operators and related public authorities by utilizing base registry for companies. Therefore, we have no objection to the direction of goal indicated on page 9.
With regard to the realization of this, I believe that specific Issue will emerge as the details are worked out in the future, but at this point, there are three points that the Ministry of Justice considers it necessary to pay attention to.
First of all, regarding the division of roles, there are commercial registration and real estate registry, so I think it is of course necessary to consider them together. Moreover, it is necessary to organize them in a unified manner as a base registry.
The second point is that the development of data is premised on the fact that there are cases in which it is possible to respond and cases in which it is impossible to respond due to the registration system, so I believe that sufficient coordination with the relevant ministries and agencies is necessary.
The third point is about the budgetary measures necessary for responding to the issue. As explained by the Secretariat, the current structure is such that the more the MOJ provides registration according to the needs of each ministry and agency, the more its own budget, personnel, and other resources are strained. As mentioned in the comments from the relevant ministries and agencies last time, I believe that it is necessary for Digital Agency to take the lead in both the transitional period and the Principles, including on the budget side.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . You made three extremely important points, including the division of roles.
Do you have any comments from Councilor Mishima?
Councilor Mishima: . Thank you very much.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister of the Ministry of Justice gave us three very important points to note regarding the direction of goal. I heard that you have no objection to the policy of proceeding with the division of roles after separating the transitional period and the principle. Is it correct to understand this?
MOJ (Director of the Dote Division): That's right. Thank you.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I would like to ask you to discuss the three points carefully before proceeding.
Then, National Tax Agency and Ministry of Justice, thank you very much for taking the time to attend.
Mr. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Mr. Ministry of Justice, Mr. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr. Forestry Agency, and Mr. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism also participated in the second agenda, "Land-based Registry and Institutional Issue."
Then, Counselor Mishima would like to explain.
Councilor Mishima: Next, I would like to explain about the land-based registry.
First of all, on page 1, I would like to ask you to discuss today the necessity of legal measures for the implementation of real estate registry, which is being developed in an integrated manner, as well as the base registry of real estate registry, based on your instructions to report on the status of consideration in the base registry for address area last time.
Page 3 shows the advantages of developing a land-based registry. First of all, since the management bodies are distributed, there is no master data that can be referenced by anyone. Therefore, information collection costs and name-based aggregation costs are incurred. It is expected that these costs will be eliminated by developing the base registry.
In addition, since the efficient use of real estate registry has not been realized due to technical Issue such as data formats, we believe that there is a possibility of realizing business efficiency in each field, the creation of new value, and the omission of attachments and applications by creating a base registry that provides machine-readable data.
Page 4 summarizes what information is required from the real estate registry Base Registry for each public authorities's ledgers, public authorities procedures, and information provision.
There is a base registry for address on the far right. You will receive the lot number information from the real estate registry Base Registry.
On page 5, the Issue of base registry for address is listed. The town names and residence indications are implemented by local government, so the source of information is local government. On the other hand, as I explained earlier, the lot numbers are implemented by the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the real estate registry Act, so there are two sources of information for each, and it is necessary to consolidate them for maintenance.
Regarding the direction of the institutional response on page 7, although there are many parts that are basically the same as those of corporations, we believe that it is necessary to specify the items that are necessary and referred to by the master data and each public authorities of the destination for each public authorities. In addition, with reference to this, we are considering revising the system in the same manner as corporations that omit the procedures of the applicant, and also specifying the responsibilities and roles of the information source and the provider of the master data.
On page 8, the necessary items to be referred to by the information agency of the recipient are specified for each public authorities, but since the real estate registry items required by the recipient are quite different, we believe that it is basic to maintain the entire master data and then perform appropriate access control for each public authorities.
From page 9 onwards, we have provided examples to give you a specific image. Regarding the example of the forest land ledger, it is currently necessary for the owners of forest land to submit a notification based on the provisions of the Forest Act, but if the information on the change of real estate registry can be sent to the forest land ledger, there is a possibility that this procedure may be omitted, so we have provided examples.
On page 10, there is an example of where the cost will be reduced if all electronic data of real estate registry information is utilized.
In addition, page 11 is about real estate ID. For real estate ID, the relevant ministries and agencies are currently assuming that information will be provided from the real estate registry Base Registry and used for real estate ID numbering, so if an appropriate flow can be made, there is a possibility that use cases as shown on pages 11 and 12 will spread.
Page 13 is a summary of the points we would like you to discuss today, so please refer to it.
That's all for my explanation, so please discuss it.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Then, I would like you to discuss it.
Mr. Inadani, please.
Inadani Member: .
Thank you very much for taking my opinion on this issue, investigating and organizing it. I understand the situation very well.
As is clear from the careful arrangement, it is an extremely effective measure as a running cost, regardless of the initial cost, and it is clear from the fact that it is calculated every year based on how much it costs. I think the examples listed here, such as the reduction of the burden of real estate transactions for the resolution of Issue by real estate ID, which you organized on page 12, and disaster risk management, will be deeply related to the future of our country. In particular, I think it is clear that it is an extremely important measure for realizing the world view of Society5.0, so I think it is extremely valuable to advance it.
On the other hand, there is one point that is not mentioned here in the institutional response. There is something that I am worried about. I am sorry to say this every time I am talking about this issue, but real estate registry does not have public confidence at the present time, so even if you enter into a business relationship with real estate registry by trusting the base registry, there is a risk that the trust is not guaranteed. Of course, there are various legal theories to provide relief, but if we are to advance a world view that is completed digitally, I feel that it will be an unavoidable issue to discuss the timing of implementation the base registry, such as the period of ownership change in which ownership is transferred when transactions are made by trusting the base registry, and the manner of ownership change itself. I would appreciate it if you could consider this point at some point.
That's all from me. Thank you very much.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . As a lawyer, I'm excited about the point.
Mr. Ochiai, please.
Ochiai Member: Thank you very much.
I believe that this is a very significant initiative, following Dr. Inadani. I believe that this omission of procedures is also applicable to administrative procedures, but I believe that it is an area that has considerable potential for use, including in various situations on the private sector side, so I would like to ask you to do so. On the other hand, the issue of fluctuation in the title is the second point of the ideal form, and I believe that there are even bigger and more difficult problems than in the case of corporations, so I would like you to do your best to sort out these problems.
However, as I mentioned earlier in the discussion of commercial registration, in the case of real estate, there are actually many cases where there are considerable doubts about the accuracy of the current data itself. I think there are patterns in which it was measured in the Meiji period and registered as it is, and it remains as it is, so I think that it does not necessarily match the current situation. In that sense, there is a problem of whether it is simply a transaction doctrine, but I think it is difficult to determine whether it is correct as an arrangement of the facts. I think there are parts where you mention a combination with drones or automatic delivery, but rather than transaction safety, I think whether it matches the specific current situation is becoming a critical type of use. This is extremely difficult to arrange, and I don't think we can make a snap decision immediately. However, I think there are talks about 2024 in logistics, not just real estate transactions, and the cliff of twenty twenty-five, so I think it is a discussion of areas with various possibilities of use.
I believe that there will be discussions not only about simple real estate but also about structures. I believe that IPA is also considering the architecture of three dimensional spatial ID, and there were various discussions on various occasions. You also mentioned the real estate ID of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, but there was a part that said it would take six hours due to the business of the registered real estate agent company, but I believe that it will take more time to investigate dozens of land items, including the fact that they will not give you a paper unless you go to the counter to get it. In fact, I believe it will take quite a lot more than six hours. Including these points, I believe there are parts that can solve various Issue. It can be expanded, but on the other hand, it is extremely complex, so I would like you to proceed rationally from where you can.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . There was a cadastral map drawn with a brush.
Then, I would like to ask the relevant ministries and agencies for their opinions. On page 13 of the Secretariat's materials, I would like to ask for your opinions on the points I would like you to discuss today.
First of all, regarding the Forestry Agency, from the perspective of the jurisdiction of the Forest Act, I would like to hear your opinions on the possibility of simplifying the application matters and omitting the procedures, and the matters to be noted when sharing information with the provider. Thank you.
Forestry Agency (Manager Nagasakiya): This is Forestry Agency.
With regard to forests, an increase in the number of absentee village owners and unknown owners due to incomplete inheritance registration have become major problems. Under these circumstances, from the perspective of accurately understanding the owners, we operate the Forest Land Ownership Notification System and the Forest Land Ledger System. Under both systems, we ask you to attach a certificate of registered matters to confirm the transfer of ownership, and local government has requested that we further strengthen cooperation with the real estate registry Register.
Therefore, I believe it is very good to have a mechanism such as the real estate registry Base Registry, which you explained today, in which necessary information common to all systems is managed in an integrated manner and is provided promptly. If this can be done, we would like to consider the possibility of reviewing the efficiency of the operation of the Forest Law and the systems.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Next, I would like to ask the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Real estate registry Book From the perspective of a user of electronic data, we would like to hear your opinions on matters to be noted when accelerating business efficiency and new value creation in each field by comprehensively utilizing data or sharing information with providers. Thank you.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Counsellor, Kuboyama): Thank you very much. My name is Kuboyama, Counsellor of the Minister's Secretariat. Nice to meet you.
You mentioned forests earlier, but I would like to talk about agricultural land. In relation to agricultural land of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, there are the Agricultural Land Act and the Management Income Stabilization Measures. In reality, all application procedures and on-site confirmation services are carried out using the location and area of agricultural land and such agricultural land information. In particular, when it comes to on-site confirmation services, there is the Agricultural Committee in relation to agricultural land, and another council in relation to the Management Income Stabilization Measures. Until now, we have made a handwritten map, searched for agricultural land with the cooperation of people in the village, and conducted on-site confirmation. It takes considerable cost and labor.
In order to drastically improve this, we are advancing the development of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' Common Management System for Geographic Information, commonly known as eMAFF Map, which centrally manages agricultural land ledgers, paddy field ledgers, and others. In part, the efficiency of an on-site confirmation app for development on-site confirmation services related to agricultural land is advancing and has partially begun to operate. In order to expand this, it is necessary to link land number information to each piece of agricultural land information and display it on a tablet so that confirmation services can be performed. To this end, we need the data of the map kept by the registry office maintained by the District Legal Affairs Bureau, and we are providing this and sequentially proceeding with the linking work.
After the linking work is completed, the database will change every year, so it is necessary to link and update the latest database. In addition, not only for the confirmation work but also for the application work, it is necessary to attach the information of the real estate registry in the procedures under the Agricultural Land Act. Without preparing paper, data connections will be made if efficiency is made. Therefore, I believe that efficiency of the eMAFF, which is a system to share the real estate registry database, the base registry, and all of the administrative procedures of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by online application, will be considered in the future, and more on-site agricultural land-related services will be made. Thank you. data connections
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Then, I will ask the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Real estate registry Book From the perspective of a user of electronic data, we would like to hear your views on matters to be noted when accelerating business efficiency and new value creation in each field by comprehensively utilizing data or sharing information with providers. Thank you.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Section Manager Hakasaki): My name is Hakasaki, Director of the Real Estate Market Development Section of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism .
As you introduced earlier, in March last year, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism formulated rules for real estate registry based on real estate numbers in the real estate ID book. Going forward, we hope to promote the use of the system in a wide range of fields, including not only real estate transactions but also distribution, health, disaster risk management, and vacant houses.
As for real estate ID, it is based on the real estate number, so we would like to ask you to continue to consider whether it is monthly or daily, including the frequency of updating the real estate number, to ensure the currency is up to date and accurate, while assuming use cases as I mentioned earlier.
In addition, in anticipation of utilization in a wider range of fields, we believe that it is desirable to be in a state where a real estate ID can be identified from the parcel number, address, coordinate information, etc. We believe that it is desirable to be in a state where not only real estate registry information but also parcel number, address, location information, etc. are integrated into a base registry and can be referred to each other. We would appreciate if the relevant ministries and agencies, such as Digital Agency, would continue to consider these responses.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
We have heard from three ministries that they have very high expectations for the base registry.
Next, I would like to ask the Ministry of Justice.
From the perspective of the management body of real estate registry, we would like to ask for your opinion on the maintenance of the base registry and the prompt and accurate provision of information related to data update by the information sources to the master data provider side regarding real estate registry. Thank you.
MOJ (Chief Fujita): I am Fujita of the Civil Affairs Bureau of the MOJ, which is responsible for the real estate registry Scheme.
I believe that the reorganization of the land-based registry conducted mainly in Digital Agency has two major implications for us.
The first category deals with extremely diverse and sensitive information as real estate registry information. As you explained, there is one category called "base registry for address," which is widely used as a basic foundation for information in various situations in the public and private sectors. The other category is "public authorities based registry," which is limited to public authorities and shared within information linkages according to the needs of the administrative purposes of each and ministries and agencies. It is important that the information is clearly divided into two categories. In order to avoid confusion in the discussions, I believe it is important to consider them separately.
Second, regarding the latter "Real Estate Base Registry" between public authorities, you pointed out the advantages as a recipient of real estate registry information from other ministries and agencies earlier, but this also has advantages from the perspective of the Ministry of Justice, which manages real estate registry information, and the Legal Affairs Bureau, which is its local agency. Until now, we have been working to extract and provide data from time to time in response to the individual needs and orders of each ministry and agency, and it has been a considerable burden on us. If we can unify and unify the provision method within the framework of the Base Registry, we, as a provider, think that the advantages of efficiency are significant.
In addition, in promoting this second "Real Estate Based Registry" between public authorities, I believe that there are three points that need to be noted from the perspective of the provider.
The first point is from the perspective of arrangement and integration with the existing framework for provision. As you introduced earlier, multiple frameworks for information linkages are already in operation between the Ministry of Justice and multiple ministries and agencies, so it is important to take this opportunity to quickly integrate and integrate them into the base registry. For the sake of efficiency, I believe that the real estate base registry should not run side by side with the existing framework for individual provision.
In addition, when it comes to information linkages between public authorities, it is necessary to include public use requests for public authorities matters, which are currently used by many local government and local real estate registry. Currently, if there are public use requests, they are Issue on a paper basis, called real estate registry matter certificates, one by one, but this is a considerable administrative burden on the Legal Affairs Bureau, so we believe that we should promote the use of a real estate-based registry to consolidate them as a complete substitute for the previous public use requests.
The second point is that in the Real Estate Base Registry, there are three parties: the information source agency, the provision agency, and the use period, and I think that it is necessary to organize appropriate cooperation and division of roles. If the framework of the Real Estate Base Registry is realized at an early date, the Ministry of Justice will appropriately provide registration information as an information source, but it is necessary to firmly determine the division of roles between the Digital Agency, which will be the provision agency as the operating body of the Base Registry, and the individual public authorities, which will be the future use agency.
Even in the case of individual response under the current administrative mutual assistance, when information linkages real estate registry Information, the MOJ is also engaged in the work of data extraction and provision at the budget and cost of the public authorities that is the recipient of the information. Providing data is an office work that requires a certain amount of cost, so we must consider such an arrangement of Issue. In addition, real estate registry Information is a system that holds an extremely large amount of personal data and sensitive information, including rights. Therefore, in order to provide information to other public authorities through the Real Estate Base Registry, we believe that it is necessary to take institutional measures, including general legal arrangements, including the arrangement of personal data, and legislative amendments for that purpose, even between. public authorities
Finally, the third point is about ensuring data quality, which you just discussed. At present, demonstration experiments of data cleansing is being implemented on a considerable scale at the cost of real estate registry for Digital Agency information. As a result, we are currently waiting for results, but it is necessary to wait for that and discuss measures to ensure quality, which will be a continuing problem in the future, and the cost burden required for that. We will consult with Digital Agency or public authorities, which uses the registered information, on that matter, and if data modification or review is necessary due to the needs of the users, we will respond by asking the users to pay their fair share.
In any case, we recognize that this is an extremely important and significant initiative being undertaken by the Government of Japan as a whole, and as a source of information on real estate registry, we will take measures that we can take.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I heard that you will be actively involved in the construction and maintenance of the base registry, including the three important points to be noted. I believe you have given us very encouraging comments. Thank you very much.
Next, I would like to ask Mr. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
In light of the Local Autonomy Act and the Act on Residence Indication, we would like to ask for your opinion on the establishment of a base registry for addresses and the prompt and accurate receipt of information on data updates from information sources by the provider of master data. Thank you.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Manager Terada): I am Terada, Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Residents Systems Division, . Hello.
As you just stated, I am participating in the Conference as a person who has jurisdiction over the relationship between laws based on the Basic Resident Registration Law and the Local Autonomy Act, such as the relationship between town and village names based on the Local Autonomy Act. However, on the other hand, I believe it is important from the perspective that municipalities are responsible for practical operations.
Firstly, with regard to base registry for address, it contributes to the efficiency of administrative procedures, and I believe it is an initiative of great significance for local governments, which is in charge of practical operations. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is of course working on the standardization of the local governments system with Digital Agency and other relevant ministries and agencies. In that sense, I believe that it is necessary to proceed in full cooperation with Digital Agency and others.
In addition, as for future efforts, I believe it is necessary to fully listen to the opinions of local governments, obtain the understanding of local governments, and consider what is necessary to obtain cooperation in line with practical operations. What specific responses and what kind of work will be done by municipalities? In addition, I believe it is necessary for local governments to be able to firmly cooperate with this, including in terms of human resources and finances, and there are parts that are new efforts, so I believe it is necessary to clarify what kind of work and burden will be incurred in the future. I would like to work in cooperation with Mr. Digital Agency and other relevant organizations, so I would like to ask for your cooperation.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I think I heard Mr. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's attitude that you will actively commit to this, including the point that we must carefully consider measures to obtain the cooperation of municipalities on the front line. Thank you very much for your very encouraging comments.
Thank you very much to all the ministries and agencies who attended the meeting.
Next, I would like to talk about the "Completion of the Formulation of Digital Identification Guidelines for private business."
This is also attended by Mr. Hideaki Kamiya, Task Force Leader of the Identity Verification Guidelines of the OpenID Foundation KYC Working Group.
Then, I would like to have an introduction from Mr. Yoshida, Planning Officer, and an explanation of the outline of the guideline from Mr. Kamiya. Thank you very much.
Planning Officer Yoshida: Thank you, Thank you very much.
Thank you for your kind introduction. I am Mr. Yoshida, Planning Officer of Digital Agency.
At the end of November last year, I reported on the status of consideration of the Digital Identity Verification Guidelines for private business. In addition, at that time, I introduced that the Franchise Association of Japan is also preparing the Identity Verification Guidelines based on this. This time, the guidelines were compiled toward the end of this fiscal year, and I took time to hear the announcement from the OpenID Foundation.
Then, Kamiya-san, nice to meet you.
Mr. Kamiya: My name is Kamiya from TRUSTDOCK Co., Ltd., and I am a leader of the OpenID Foundation Japan Task Force. Nice to meet you.
I would like to explain about the "Digital Identification Guidelines for private business" that we released on the 20th last week.
Today, I will explain in the order of the second page.
First, why do we need a guideline?
First of all, the Task Force members who were the authors are on page 4. We have held more than 30 meetings, including 10 companies in private business and competing business operators, and have worked together to formulate the guidelines. With the participation of Mr. Digital Agency and Mr. Ochiai, these are the first guidelines for identity verification created through public-private cooperation.
On the left of page 5, there is an egg-like picture. This is a picture of the relationship between identity verification and private business's identity verification regulation. The part that looks like the yolk of an egg on the left corresponds to businesses that have a rule for identity verification in law, for example, financial institutions and mobile phone carrier services. On the other hand, most businesses do not have a rule in the light yellow and white part of law and can freely choose to agree to identity verification. As online services are expanding, the number of businesses that voluntarily introduce identity verification is rapidly increasing. However, since there were no guidelines across the private business, we created it due to the needs of businesses.
This guideline does not establish any regulation. It is intended to be a reference point for business operators who do not know their identity confirmation and want to know what to be careful about when introducing it, and to be a guidebook for choosing identity confirmation.
Next, on page 6, on the left, there is an overview based on the table of contents. The colored parts are basic knowledge about identity verification, and the main content is a summary of the characteristics and comparison of each method.
Two features are summarized on the right. This time, since it was created by private business, it was created in a slide format with a focus on usability, readability, and ease of use. We are also looking ahead to future revisions, and we believe that this format is effective in responding quickly to such revisions.
In addition, on the lower right, in anticipation of use in digital media, we use a lot of links. For example, if someone wants to know the characteristics of My Number Card, he or she can fly directly to it. In addition, it is easy to refer to related information such as the website of the government. Since the release last week, we have received responses from various quarters, and these two have been very popular.
Page 8 is about who and how to use it. Two users are assumed on the left and right. On the left is the case where individual business operators refer to it as a guidebook as I mentioned earlier. The other is the case where it is referred to when creating industry guidelines. At the working group meeting in November last year, which was introduced by Mr. Yoshida, Director of Planning, JFA explained the draft of the age verification guidelines for alcohol and tobacco sales businesses in convenience stores. It was created by JFA with reference to the private business Guidelines from the stage when they were still draft.
At the Sub-Committee meeting in November, Mr. Inadani, Mr. Iwamura of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and everyone else appreciated the evaluation that this is an ideal framework in which the private sector and the private sector work together. At that time, we received proposals on horizontal expansion in other industries, and I would like to advance such horizontal expansion with the cooperation of the Japan Business Federation, private sector organizations, Digital Agency, and the relevant ministries and agencies.
The third point is what kind of society will be created. The main purpose of identity verification is to prevent fraud such as counterfeiting of spoofs and damage caused by it. Therefore, if identity verification and recognition of identity verification spread, and understanding and introduction of identity verification spread, safe and secure services will spread. This is our main goal.
In addition, I believe it is necessary to consciously advance the two items on the bottom. One, on the left, is the "society in which no one is left behind," which is also advocated by the Government. For example, I believe we must avoid a situation in which only digital identity verification, which is difficult for people with disabilities to use, becomes widespread. NIST in the United States has presented a draft of the standards that are currently being formulated, and it is emphasized to ensure fairness more than ever. I believe we must be aware of such moves.
On the right, ensuring interoperability is also extremely important. This time, in these guidelines, we are recommending the use of ID collaboration technology called OpenIDConnect. As My Number Card has expanded, we will raise the position of such technology while also incorporating the use of My Number Card.
This is Issue on page 14 and our future response.
As I mentioned in the lead sentence above, I believe it is necessary to promote consistency between administrative procedures and identity verification. Regarding administrative procedures, there are guidelines presented by the government four years ago. I have heard that consideration for revision has currently begun in Digital Agency. Although the guidelines and roles of the administration and private sector are different, we will start by sorting out common items, promote cooperation between the guidelines, and strive to make the two guidelines become, so to speak, two wheels of a car in digital society.
And as I wrote on the left side, consideration of procedures necessary for regulation is also an important Issue. For example, in response to the so-called Luffy incident, the Ministerial Conference on Crime Prevention is currently considering requiring identity verification when signing a contract for a SIM card dedicated to data communication. As you saw the picture of an egg earlier, we will consider the yolk. We recognize that working on Issue is essential for building a safe and secure digital society.
In addition, I believe that the promotion of a diverse society, technological progress on the right, and responses to international trends are the Issue that is responding to the promotion of interoperability, a society in which no one is left behind, as I explained earlier.
In order to effectively respond to such Issue, under the leadership of Digital Agency, I believe that we have entered a phase in which various parties, including relevant ministries and agencies, industry organizations, for example, design experts, organizations with knowledge of usability, and certification experts, can discuss and cooperate on the ideal way of identity verification in Japan. We will work on cooperation with the parties concerned so that the private sector Guidelines we prepared will be a tailwind for such environmental development. Therefore, I would like to conclude my explanation today by proposing and requesting that the people of Digital Agency lead the further promotion of public-private cooperation. Thank you very much.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister , thank you very much.
It is a product of the ideal system that Dr. Inadani said. Due to the time, I am very sorry, but if you have any opinions or questions, please send them to the office by e-mail. Thank you very much, Mr. Kamiya.
Next is "Efforts toward End-to-End digital completion of Administrative Procedures."
Mr. Kusunome, please explain.
Secretariat (Kusunome): Thank you, Digital Ad Hoc Liaison Office.
I would like to report on our efforts toward the digital completion of the four administrative procedures on the agenda.
Regarding the status of administrative procedures in digitalization on page 1, the Working Group made a report last year as well. Looking at the situation since then, as stated in the materials, the status of administrative procedures in digitalization has remained at more than 50% for applications, etc. and less than 20% for notification of disciplinary actions, etc., and further efforts are required. Based on this situation, the Comprehensive Review Plan compiled by the Digital Consultation last year also includes a description on the promotion of digital completion as part of the framework.
Against this backdrop, as our future response, we would like to once again conduct a cross-sectional survey and inspection of the efforts made by each Ministry, and I would like to report on this. To be specific, we will request each Ministry to make efforts to aim for digital completion by twenty twenty-five for the application procedures of more than 10,000 cases per year, about 1,300 cases, and the corresponding notification of disposition, and we will organize and analyze Issue for those that are difficult to handle. In addition, we will compile the status of efforts and policies of each Ministry by the middle of the year, and reflect them in various plans and others to promote efforts.
The above is an overview of the efforts, but I would like to briefly supplement the background data.
Page 2 shows the status of online procedures for more than 10,000 cases over the years. Blue is the application, orange is the notice of disposition, and the dotted line shows the status of more than 100,000 procedures for which efforts are being made more intensively.
Page 3 shows the relationship between the number of procedures per year and the size of the application procedure in the form of a table. As stated in the upper frame, the number of procedures is more than 10,000, which is almost 100%, so we are considering more than 10,000 procedures as the target of this cross-sectional investigation and inspection.
In addition, as stated in the second point in the box, in particular, we will focus on the procedures for more than 100,000 cases from the perspective of system development, and we would like to promote the efforts of each Ministry by working in an integrated manner with the Digital Agency processes related to the information systems of each Ministry implemented by budget request itself.
Page 4 is the main survey items in this cross-sectional survey. In the lower frame, the application and the notice of disposition are written separately on the left and right, but in both cases, the status of online procedures, and if online procedures are not available, the timing and method of implementation will be examined. In addition, as stated in the application, etc., we would like to take this opportunity to confirm the current status and policy of online payment of fees.
Page 5 is a little detailed, but it summarizes the policy for conducting investigations and inspections.
First of all, regarding application procedures, etc., more than 10,000 procedures are subject to investigation and inspection, but as shown in "*", procedures, etc. that have multiple requests from the business community are included in the scope of inspection. In addition, we have been requesting that application procedures, etc. be online up to the twenty twenty-five, but this time, we would like to ask for consideration, including acceleration, and grasp the current situation.
Next, with regard to the notification of disposition, we will request that consideration be given to online application procedures and responses up to twenty twenty-five.
Regarding the second point, which I reported at the previous Working Group meeting, we will also work on creating and disseminating guidelines that will serve as a reference so that digitalization's efforts to issue notification of disciplinary action in each ministries and agencies will be accelerated.
In addition, for cases that are difficult to respond to through horizontal deployment of prior cases, we will consider responses by organizing and analyzing the Issue.
Lastly, regarding the online payment of fees, there is a policy to provide common functions to each Ministry in Digital Agency, and based on this, we would like to promote consideration of the efforts of each Ministry.
Pages 6 and after are reference materials, so please refer to them and I will omit the explanation.
Through the above-mentioned cross-sectional surveys and inspections, we would like to promote efforts toward the digital completion of administrative procedures. Thank you very much.
That's all from me.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister , thank you very much.
Please let us know if you have any comments or questions about the explanation we have just given.
Mr. Inadani, please.
Inadani Member: .
Thank you for your very detailed explanation. I understand very well.
This may be a little different from what I discussed today, but there is something that I was a little concerned about when I looked at the data you gave me this time. Looking at the table on page 3 on the relationship between the number of procedures for applications, etc. and the number of procedures per year, out of a total of 24911 procedures, 12476 procedures are "0, unknown," which means that some procedures are not used.
In addition to advancing digitalization, I feel that some of the roles of the Working Group were to validation regulation, which actually has no meaning, regulation, which has lost its meaning, or regulation itself, which is why it has become so. It may be a little different from the theme of this time, but there are places where regulation had meaning when it was created, but it disappeared, or it originally had no meaning, and it is unclear which one it is, but I feel that it is relatively clear that there were some problems in the method of regulation so far. I think it would be very good if Mr. Digital Agency could communicate this in some form, including the fact that there is a particular need to sort out the views of the relevant ministries and agencies.
It may have been an unrelated issue, but I just noticed it, so I told you. Thank you.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister . I think it is also the role of the Working Group to validation meaningless things. Zero cases is really strange.
Secretariat (Kusunome): Thank you, .
Some of the "0 cases, unknown" are handled by local government and the number of cases has not been ascertained. In addition, for the 0 cases, in addition to the really old regulation, various relief procedures have been established, and procedures to correct errors made by the administrative side have been established in principle, and there are such things, so it may not necessarily be as wasteful as the apparent impact. An inventory survey, which is the source of this data, is conducted in Digital Agency, but it also confirms whether each procedure is really necessary and considers whether or not to abolish it every year. In addition to such efforts, I would like to proceed based on the points you pointed out. Thank you very much.
Inadani Member: Thank you very much. Nice to meet you.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Mr. Ochiai, how are you?
Ochiai Member: Thank you very much.
This is also an extremely important initiative, and I think it is very wonderful that the number is steadily increasing. However, I think there are still some parts where the percentage is low as an absolute number, so I would like to see further acceleration on the whole in the future.
In addition, when increasing the percentage of procedures, I think there were originally parts where the regulation surface was mostly cleaned. However, in the case of the written, sealed, and face-to-face review conducted at the regulatory reform Promotion Conference, I think some of the procedures were around 2020, and it was inevitable that it would not be possible to go online completely at that timing, so I think there were some procedures in which it was okay to leave the written and sealed documents as they were, and some procedures were added because it was impossible to go online without a seal after the review. I think the point at issue this time is to make it possible to make a full digital transition, and in that sense, while cooperating with the regulatory reform Promotion Conference, I am sorry to say that we have returned to our ancestors at the time of the written and sealed documents, but we have already advanced other priority items, and I would like to once again eliminate the theme of the written and sealed documents.
I think that online payment of fees is also a very important point. I feel that this point is also often related to the payment part when discussing the digitalization of procedures at the regulatory reform Promotion Conference and other meetings. Since you wrote credit cards and the like, I think that various means are expected, but we are going to proceed in various areas, including cooperation with e-Tax, eLTAX, and the like, including relations with local government. I would like you to proceed with cooperation in an easy-to-understand manner as much as possible, including consistency with such matters, so I would like you to organize it in the future.
In addition, I understand that there are some procedures that are not unnecessary, but I think it is also important to terminate unnecessary procedures as Dr. Inadani said.
That's all.
Secretariat (Kusunome): Thank you, Thank you very much.
I think you have a point, so I would like to continue to steadily advance our efforts in cooperation with the regulation Office and related departments. Thank you very much.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister Thank you very much.
Is there anyone else who would like to speak? Since there seems to be no comments, I would like to end this agenda item.
As Mr. Ochiai said, there is already a digital means of payment for public payments, so it would be convenient if we could cooperate with them. Thank you very much.
Now, I would like to turn to the fifth agenda item, "The Current Status of Review of Notifications and Circulars."
The "Current Status of Review of Notifications, Notices, etc." is not disclosed.
Secretariat (Matsuda): 's "regulations on paper and in-person processes Survey on the Review of Issue in local governments".
On page 1, we issued a manual last year to provide a reference for voluntary efforts in regulations on paper and in-person processes regarding how the Government of Japan classifies and reviews local governments and what kind of system it is advancing. Since then, efforts have been started in several local government.
I believe that efforts are underway in other prefectures than local governments, which is described in the materials. According to what we have heard directly, in Fukuoka city, as already announced at the Digiri-Parents' Association, among the regulation, rules, etc. of the city, regulations on paper and in-person processes 475 provision has been identified and is being reviewed. In addition, in Oita prefecture, as of February, regulations on paper and in-person processes 962 provision has been identified, and revision is being considered in the future based on the trend of the national review of law. In addition, in Gifu prefecture, it will be difficult to identify regulation, notices, and notifications within the agency, and in order to automatically process part of the work, I have heard that they are implementing identification using an in-house tool in Excel macros. This was introduced at the forum for local government held in February, and other local government was also very interested in it. So that other local government can use this tool, we also released it on the co-creation platform on March 6. At present, about 20 organizations are using this tool to identify them.
On the other hand, at the bottom of the page, we have received inquiries from each local government about whether it is difficult to identify the regulation, whether it is possible to organize the regulations on paper and in-person processes delegated to regulation in a list, and how to make specific corrections.
Page 3 is an introduction to the status of each department in terms of the identification of regulations on paper and in-person processes in Oita prefecture. There are 962 provision in total, but in terms of number, there are 361 welfare Health Department, 159 Police Headquarters, and quite a few regulation that also include the Civil Engineering and Construction Department, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department, and the Living Environment Department.
On page 3, based on the situation I explained earlier, we are considering starting the project as a digital survey project to thoroughly identify and review specific local government. On the lower right, we conducted a public offering for the model local government related to this project from late February to March 17. In addition to the two preceding organizations, Oita and Fukuoka, which I explained earlier, 13 organizations selected through the public offering, 15 organizations in total, will be working together to identify regulations on paper and in-person processes and consider a review proposal. Today, we are considering having the Minister Kono announce the results of the public offering for the model local government.
In the prefectures, ordinance-designated cities, and municipalities that have become the model local government, we would like to focus on the fields with high review needs among the fields of "Fire and disaster risk management," "medical care, welfare, and Health," "Child Care," "Environmental," "Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries," and "Civil Engineering and Infrastructure" described in the image of the subject to be considered on the left side, and we would like to identify all of them by cooperating and sharing them in each local government.
As you can see on the lower right, regarding the results of the investigation and review, we would like to revise the "Manual for Inspection and Review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in local governments," which was released as Version 1 last November, and share it with local governments throughout Japan. If you look at regulation side by side, I think there are almost the same local government, and the same thing can be thought of in ordinance-designated cities and municipalities. By looking at specific examples of local government that we worked on ahead of others, I hope it will be easier for various prefectures to work on it.
The last page is the future schedule. Today, 15 organizations will be announced for the public offering of model local government. From April, we expect the same contractor as Technology Map, but we would like to start the investigation after the contractor is decided. Around December, we will revise the inspection and review manual and support efforts in local governments nationwide.
In addition, regarding the part marked with "*" after April, we have received opinions from several local government that they would like us to share advanced cases. Therefore, we would like to continue our work by sharing local government's efforts to provide information as needed through the Co-Creation Platform, etc., and eventually posting them in the manual to be revised in December.
That's all for my report.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
I have received an explanation from Counsellor Matsuda on the back-up to local governments on the sixth agenda item. I would like to take the floor. Mr. Masushima, please.
○Thank you, Mr. Masushima.
In relation to local governments, I think it is very good that you responded to various inquiries from local governments and came up with a plan to accompany us in the form of a model. I think the people who raised their hands to this model local government are rather active people, but I imagine that there are a certain number of people who say that the spread of the model project nationwide will really be like this. I would like to know how you will approach this.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister Thank you very much.
May I ask Managing Director Iwamura to speak first, followed by Mr. Ochiai?
Member: There is a huge demand in the business community to do something about the documents necessary for applications, procedures, etc. that are different for each local government, so I would like to see these efforts move forward. However, as Mr. Masushima said, the government has been conducting model projects and sharing good cases so far, and I believe that we can provide technical advice, but I believe that the main Issue is how to solve the problem of lack of enforceability. We have no choice but to think about a good way, but after all, it is probably the most effective way for the actual residents to speak up. I believe that one idea is to think about a way with effectiveness, including this. I would appreciate if you could tell us about the progress of this Model local government initiative on a regular basis.
Ochiai Member: As expected, efforts related to local local government are also very important, so thank you for proceeding with this as well.
I hope that you will proceed in this way, and in that case, I think it is important to be able to thoroughly review business processes, so I think it would be good to create a manual that includes that point.
Another point is that we will aim for complete online access in the end, and in particular, at the initial stage, we will make efforts to incentivize or benefit local government, which is raising its hand. I believe that we must consider mandatory or disincentive measures at a certain moment, and depending on the content, they may be shared, so I would like you to consider such future processes at some point.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister , Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, to comment on the
Secretariat (Matsuda): Thank you very much. Thank you for pointing out various essential points.
Regarding the precedent case of local governments, while it is good to be accompanied, I think it was Issue's sense of how to fully develop it horizontally. We do not have a complete solution to this. However, in relation to local governments, there are several initiatives. One is the Issue Fund of Digita. In the review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in local government, the expenses necessary for Technology implementation can be appropriated by subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation as an initiative to utilize digital technology and solve the Issue problem in area and promote convenience for residents. We are incorporating the digitalization of the entire local government into improving services for residents, but I think it is also necessary to push it.
In addition, in the advanced local government that I explained earlier, there are cases in which prefectures and municipalities have already worked together. Basically, Basic local government has quite a lot of work, but we have also adopted cases in which prefectures work to support the whole. In that sense, I would like to create a model in which prefectures work together with Basic local government while coordinating with each other.
I believe that we will be able to present specific measures by the end of the year. If we can do so, we will be able to consider follow-up measures. This is what we are considering for the time being.
As for Issue in the future, I have previously mentioned the issue of working certificates for childcare, but the Cabinet Office has decided to unify the forms, or rather to unify them by ministerial ordinance. Of course, the basic local government is being carried out, but I believe that how to take up the matters that are reasonable to be common nationwide, such as the form and system, needs to be organized from the viewpoint of what is the most reasonable system and service rather than the relationship between the national government and local governments. I believe that this is a discussion that we cannot do alone, but I believe it is a quite essential discussion. I would like you to discuss this with the teachers.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
In that sense, we are waiting for the release of version 2.0 of the manual. Thank you.
Then, I would like to conclude my discussion.
Finally, I would like to ask Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister Okushi to say a few words.
Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Okushi: Thank you very Thank you very much.
Thank you for your active discussions today. First, regarding base registry for companies and Institutional Issue, in order to realize the vision you discussed last time, we discussed the ideal architecture of the data provision system, the division of roles with related ministries and agencies, and the development of laws related to data provision. Based on today's discussions, we will advance the reflection of the vision in the system and budget in cooperation with related ministries and agencies under the direction of the division of roles and the development of laws proposed this time.
Regarding the second part, the land-based base registry and the institutional Issue, you discussed the business efficiency and the convenience by sharing information on the real estate registry and the address. The work to collect and utilize information on the location and parcel number of land and buildings is duplicated by many parties. We will work to reduce the burden on both the people and the public authorities through the use of the base registry.
The third is the Digital Identification Guidelines for private business, which is an important initiative in private sector, and I would like to once again express my respect to all those involved in the creation of the Guidelines. I hope that highly reliable private service will be provided while utilizing the Guidelines.
Regarding the fourth initiative, the end-to-end digital completion of administrative procedures, we will work on cross-sectional investigations and inspections based on today's discussions in order to accelerate the online transfer of notification of disposition, in addition to the online transfer of applications, etc.
In addition, based on today's discussions, we will continue to make efforts regarding the fifth review of notifications and notifications and the sixth review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in local governments. Thank you very much for your visit today. We look forward to your continued support.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
Then, I would like to ask for an explanation from the Secretariat about the next Working Group.
Secretariat (Matsuda): Thank you very much.
As for the details of the next Working Group, the Secretariat would like to contact you later.
In addition, regarding Agenda 5 "The Current Status of Review of Notifications and Circulars," as coordination is being made by each Ministry, if you do not have any objection, we will not disclose it to the public at this time. For the other parts, we will prepare minutes later and disclose them after everyone has confirmed them.
In addition, with regard to the treatment of today's materials, we would like to disclose the materials other than the "Current Status of Review of Notices and Circulars" on the Digital Agency website.
That's all.
Vice-Chairperson Annen: Thank you very much, State Minister .
That concludes the 19th meeting. Thank you very much.