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Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee (the fourth)


  • Date and time: Friday, June 3, 2022 (2022) from 6:15 pm to 6:45 pm
  • Location: Main Hall, 2nd Floor, Prime Minister's Official Residence
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Regulation Comprehensive Review Plan (Draft) in Light of the Digital Principles
      2. Efforts of the regulatory reform Promotion Conference
      3. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's Efforts to Realize "Policy Formulation and Evaluation Suitable for the Digital Age"
      4. Exchange of opinions
    3. Adjournment


Minutes, etc.


From 6:15 pm to 6:45 pm on Friday, June 3, 2022 (2022)


Large Hall on the Second Floor of the Prime Minister's

Members present


  • KISHIDA Fumio (Prime Minister)

Vice Chairman

  • MAKISHIMA Karen (Minister for Digital Transformation)
  • MATSUNO Hirokazu (Chief Cabinet Secretary)


  • KANEKO Yasushi (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications)
  • Takashi Fujiwara (Parliamentary Secretary of Finance)
  • Ken'ichi Hosoda (Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
  • Yasufumi Kanemaru (Representative Director, Chairman and President of Future Corporation)
  • Joji Shishido (Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University
  • Soichiro Takashima (Mayor of Fukuoka city)
  • Akemi Tsunakawa (Representative Director and President of B-Spoke Co.
  • Masakazu Tokura (Japan Business Federation Chairman)
  • Takeshi Natsuno (President and Representative Director of KADOKAWA CORPORATION)
  • Tomoko Namba (Chairman and Representative Director of DeNA Co., Ltd)
  • Jun Murai (Professor, Keio University)

Relevant ministers, etc.

  • NINOYU Satoshi (Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform)
  • Yuko Kawamoto (President National Personnel Authority)


Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to We will be holding the 4th "Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee" from now. I am Kobayashi, Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs, and I will be the moderator today. Nice to meet you.

Let's get down to business. I would like to ask Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima to explain the "Plan for Comprehensive Review of regulation in Light of the Digital Principles (Draft)."

Makishima Minister for Digital Transformation: I would like to explain the regulation Comprehensive Review Plan (draft) in light of the Digital Principles.

Page 1 is "Significance of regulatory reform through the Comprehensive Review Plan." In order to eliminate regulations on paper and in-person processes that is impeding digitalization, the Digital Rincho is advancing reform with "three characteristics": "surface reform," "technology-based reform," and "future reform."

Page 2 is "Inspection and Review of regulation in Light of the Digital Principles." The objects of inspection are as many as 40000 law, notifications and notices, etc., but first of all, we have inspected and reviewed about 5,000 regulations on paper and in-person processes in law, which defines seven typical provision.

Pages 3 and 4 summarize how to proceed with the review of the visual inspection and on-site inspection regulation. Under this unified arrangement, we are conducting inspections and reviews jointly with each ministry and agency.

Page 5 is "The Current Status of Inspection and Review Work Relating to Approximately 5,000 provision Sites." As a result of the inspection and review, the review policies for approximately 4,000 provision Sites have already been finalized. For the remaining provision Sites, each ministry and agency will submit a road map to the Committee by the end of September this year, and the policies will be finalized by the end of this year.

Page 6 is "Status of Inspection and Review of Each Item (1)." Regarding the visual inspection and on-site inspection regulation, regulation review policies in various fields have been finalized.

The same is true for other items on pages 7 to 9.

Page 10 is "Specific Effects of Efforts for Digital Consultation." Through the review, various industries and parties will benefit from digital technology.

Page 11 is "Utilization of Technology Map." In order to promote the utilization of advanced technologies, in addition to developing Technology Map, we will create a "Digital Technology Catalog" for each technology field based on the previous proposal by Nanba Members.

Page 12 is "Overall Picture of Business Community Requests and Response Policies." We will decide on a review policy for requests from the business community by the end of this year. We will also positively consider the simplification and efficiency of move-related procedures proposed by Mr. Takashima at the previous meeting.

Page 13 is "Support for Efforts in local governments." In the future, we will make efforts such as preparing a manual for local governments on the review of regulation and other regulation.

Page 14 is "Process for Confirmation of Compliance with the Digital Principles of law, etc." We will consider incorporating the process for confirmation of compliance with the digital principles of law, etc. into the legislative process and build an environment in which the digital original copy of law Data can be always referred to.

Page 16 is the "Recommendations of the Working Group on the Formation and Evaluation of agile type Policies." You have proposed measures to break away from the "myth of infallibility" of administration and to convert to a more agile and flexible administration that can respond to the complex and difficult social Issue in a timely and accurate manner.

In the future, we will steadily advance the measures described on page 18. In addition, I recently asked the Minister of Finance Suzuki for cooperation in utilizing the budget formulation process of the review sheet.

Page 19 is "Securing digital human resources in the government and improving work environments using digital technology." Regarding the facilitation of specialization-based recuruitment recruitment, including digital human resources, and Reform of Working Practices for national public employees, I have presented my requests to President Kawamoto and Minister Ninoyu, and we will continue to work together so that the implementation and review status can be reported at the next Investigation Committee.

Page 20 is "Schedule for Cross-Regional regulation Review Based on Digital Principles." We will systematically advance the review during the three year intensive reform period until June in twenty twenty-five.

That's all for my explanation, but I would like to put together this package review plan today. Thank you very much.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

In relation to this, I would like to have a statement from President National Personnel Authority Kawamoto and Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Ninoyu, who are also present today.

First of all, I would like to ask President Kawamoto.

President National Personnel Authority Kawamoto: I would like to thank you for allowing me to attend the meeting today.

In December last year, I received a request from Minister Makishima for cooperation in advancing necessary efforts toward the transformation of Kasumigaseki to be suitable for the digital age, as instructed by Prime Minister Kishida.

In addition, on April 28, we received specific requests from Digital Agency, and National Personnel Authority is further accelerating efforts to facilitate recruitment in specialization-based recuruitment.

Today, I would like to take this opportunity to explain the current status of our efforts.

Among the requests, there were matters that were recognized as being operationally impossible due to a lack of awareness by private sector so far, although flexible responses are possible in operation under the current system, including the determination of flexible salaries based on an appropriate evaluation of National Personnel Authority experience. National Personnel Authority will provide careful explanations and written documentation promptly, and actively support the effective use of the system.

In addition, regarding requests that require a review of the current system, we will summarize the direction of responses by the salary recommendation this summer, and we will take measures ahead of schedule when possible. For example, we are actively considering the need for flexible and diverse working styles through the improvement of the flextime system and the review of individual consultations on the determination of the salary of fixed-term employees with high expertise.

We will continue to make efforts with a sense of speed while seeking cooperation and collaboration with all of you, including Ministers Makishima and Ninoyu.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Minister Ninoyu, please.

Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform Ninoyu: I believe that the comments made by President National Personnel Authority Kawamoto are very positive and contribute to the promotion of talented people from Digital Agency to various ministries, not only to private sector and digital human resources. Based on the Comprehensive Review Plan, I believe that it is important to take concrete measures with a sense of speed with regard to the following: (1) review of procedures and treatment for smooth recruitment in specialization-based recuruitment; (2) flexible working arrangements, such as a review of the flextime system and consideration of inter-work intervals; and (3) the development and advancement of internal expert human resources through reskilling. I will work on these issues while closely exchanging opinions with Minister Makishima and President National Personnel Authority Kawamoto.

Furthermore, based on the need to flexibly allocate personnel in Digital Agency, we will consider how to respond flexibly, including the number of personnel and the Institute.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, I would like to ask Mr. Natsuno to explain the "Efforts of the regulatory reform Promotion Conference."

Natsuno Member: Thank you, Thank you very much.

Then, as Chairman of the regulatory reform Promotion Council, I would like to introduce and report on the efforts of the regulatory reform Promotion Council.

Please refer to page 1 of Handout 2. Last month, on May 27, we held the regulatory reform Promotion Conference, and under the theme of "activating" growth in the post-COVID-19 era, we compiled a report on regulatory reform promotion.
In relation to the Digital Rincho, I feel that the division of roles in which the regulatory reform Promotion Council takes the lead in tackling important regulatory reform matters and long-standing Issue, and the Digital Rincho leads the results to a cross-sectional review is a system that can accelerate regulatory reform as an extremely multi-layered effort. Many long-standing Issue were included in the report.

In this report, in addition to the measures to promote start-up innovation and investment in people, which were instructed by the Prime Minister at the previous Digital Consultation on March 30, the digitalization Promotion Measures to improve access to medical care and long-term care services were also specified.

In terms of specific regulatory reform implementation matters, as a review of the regulation and systems related to startups, the Articles of Incorporation Certification System at the time of incorporation is included. For quite a long time, it has been necessary to have a notary public confirm the registration of a company. However, based on digital principles such as the digital completion and Automation Principles, we will consider and take measures to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs.

In addition, in the field of medical care and nursing care, pharmacists are currently taking up a lot of time for objective work such as packing medicine. As this has also been decided by regulation, by outsourcing part of the dispensing work, pharmacists will be able to concentrate on interpersonal work and be able to improve it. In addition, in order to reduce the burden and improve the treatment of nursing care workers, we have included special flexibility in the standards for staffing fee-based homes for the elderly, etc. that utilize ICT technology. In other words, it is a relaxation measure that increases the number of people covered per nursing care worker if technology is used.

Through these reforms, we will create environments in which medical care and nursing care workers can make the most of their specialized abilities.

In addition, we will step into digitalization, which has been a Issue for many years, and as an initiative of the Renewable Energy Task Force, we will review regulation, which is related to the storage facility of lithium-ion batteries for automobiles, to make it equivalent to Europe and the United States in order to strengthen the international competitiveness of EVs.

In addition to the above reforms, we have decided on 331 items to be implemented in the report as a whole, which is more than 292 items from last year. This is the highest number ever. We have just decided on the report this time, but it is necessary to constantly review regulation and systems, so we would like to continue to strongly promote regulatory reform.

The above is my report.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, I would like to ask Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kaneko to explain "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's efforts to realize' the ideal way of policy formulation and evaluation suitable for the digital age.'"

Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kaneko: Please see Handout 3.

As explained by Minister Makishima, it is necessary to shift to policy formulation and evaluation suitable for the rapidly changing digital age. To this end, it is important to make efforts at the time of policy formulation so that the effects of policies can be accurately understood in a timely manner at the implementation stage and flexible course corrections can be made.

From now on, we will put emphasis on these efforts in policy evaluation, and implement the reforms listed in the recommendations of the Policy Evaluation Council so that we can focus on efforts to improve the quality of policies.

In particular, in order to ensure that such efforts are widely implemented, we will eliminate the need for separate evaluations of policies for which sufficient efforts are made at the time of formulation. We will also organize evaluation-related work, develop human resources and utilize the knowledge of external experts to grasp the current situation and set Issue based on data, etc., and develop environments for the collection and utilization of data useful for policy formulation and evaluation at statistical offices.

In the future, with the cooperation of the Cabinet Office and each Ministry, we will contribute to the realization of high-quality policies by advancing the implementation of specific reforms.

In addition, with regard to the comprehensive review of regulation in the light of the Digital Principles, we will advance necessary efforts toward global digitalization based on the plan formulated today.

We will also cooperate with Digital Agency in supporting efforts in local governments.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

From here, I would like to ask for the opinions of everyone present. First of all, Mr. Fujiwara, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance, please.

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Finance FUJIWARA: In the budget formulation process, we believe it is very important that discussions for decision-making are held based on data, etc., along with specific and quantitative performance targets, etc.

We believe that the initiative to use the Administrative Project Review Sheet as a platform, which was proposed by the Agile Working Group, is very useful for such discussions.

The fiscal authorities will also cooperate with the Secretariat of the Administrative Reform Promotion Headquarters and each ministries and agencies to request the submission of administrative project review sheets in the budget formulation process and use them.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, may I speak to Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hosoda?

Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hosoda: We believe that replacing regulation such as visual inspection regulation, on-site inspection, and written procedures with digital technology will lead to improved productivity of business operators and the creation of new digital markets in addition to improving the convenience of daily life.

Regarding the regulation Comprehensive Review Plan in light of the Digital Principles that you introduced today, of the approximately 5,000 provision that are subject to the review, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has included approximately 1,500 provision. Based on this plan, we will firmly advance the promotion of smart security, which is premised on ensuring safety, and the facilitation of various procedures.

Based on the perspective of creating new businesses and industries and achieving strong economic growth through the use of digital technology, METI will constantly review regulation in light of the Digital Principles, while firmly cooperating with relevant ministries and agencies, including Digital Agency.

Thank you very much.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Minamiba, please.

Nanba Member: I would like to express my respect for you for organizing such a huge work in such a short period of time.

Today, I would like to make two points.

First of all, I would like to ask about the Technology Map Digital Technology Catalog. It is extremely important to develop this catalog, so I welcome that you have indicated your intention to develop it. When it is developed, I would like to ask you to keep the frequency of updates high so that the latest technologies will be posted. In addition, I would like to ask again about securing a budget for each ministry and agency to utilize digital technology and a government procurement for start-ups.

It is expected that private sector companies will also use these maps and catalogs for their own businesses. Therefore, I would like to see all of them disclosed. In doing so, if we simply show the technology used for government systems and design, there is a high possibility that companies will not see it. Therefore, I would like to emphasize that it can be used for companies as a list of the latest services and technologies.

As for the process of verifying the conformity to the Digital Principles, I believe that it is a considerable burden for Digital Agency to be in charge of verifying the law of all ministries and agencies, but I would like the Issue of the entire government to make steady efforts by securing the necessary resources, such as increasing the number of personnel.

In addition, even if the law complies with the Digital Principles, it will be meaningless if the person in charge at the window in local government requests the person in charge to come to the window with the documents, for example, if the person in charge does analog things in actual operation. Therefore, although there are some places such as Fukuoka City, which are making steady efforts, I would like to ask the central government as well as local government to reform their awareness and make them thoroughly known.

Even so, if there are places that respond in analog form, I think it is necessary to set up a contact point to provide information that citizens are responding in this way, and to make improvements on an individual basis.

Best regards

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Takashima, please.

Takashima Member: This time, we are very much looking forward to the fact that you will include in the plan that you can consider omitting the notification of change of address based on law and specify it.

You just mentioned local government. As local government alone can do, based on digital principles, the city of regulation will immediately submit a bill to revise the Fukuoka City Ordinance to the June Assembly.

As a result, when it comes to moving, there will be no need for more than 25000 forms of address change per year in Fukuoka City. I believe it is extremely important to accumulate efforts so that citizens and the people can directly feel the benefits of digitalization.

As for the fact that the people can feel the benefits of digitalization, I am writing one more thing in Material 4. The number of benefit is increasing very much right now, and it is very important to deliver them quickly. The problem with this is that we have to confirm the intention of the citizens and the people to receive all of them each time. For this reason, the number of days it takes to print out, mail, and return all of the confirmation forms is a hindrance to the speedup. The reason why I am saying it is a hindrance is that in fact, only one of about 110,000 households in Fukuoka City said they did not need it for last year's benefits. Therefore, I think that confirmation of the intention to receive should be made unnecessary, especially for specific public benefits. I think there are various ways to do it.

Currently, Digital Agency is promoting the Registration of public money receiving account program led by Minister Makishima, and I believe that the people will benefit greatly from the digitalization by combining it with this program. Please consider this as well. That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Murai, please.

MURAI: , I would like to make two points.

First of all, the monitoring that Dr. Namba mentioned is very important, and is it working well? The framework has already been completed, so a function to check this is necessary, but it is impossible for the government to check everything.

For this reason, open data is a mechanism that the people can check. We have reached the point where all prefectures are working on open data, and now 1,700 local local government are working on it. If you look at the data, everyone, whether private sector or students, can check it, and if there is something that is not working well, I think you can find it and solve it. I think the key is to promote open data, so I would like you to work on this.

Another point is that universities have been locked down for foreign students for two years, so I think there will be a fatal impact in the future. It is the same for research, it is the same for education, and Japan-loving human resources were born from foreign students and are active all over the world.

From the perspective of starting up after COVID-19, I think we need to take this part quite seriously in the future. We also need to attract research human resources and investment in research to Japanese universities. Moreover, I think we need to attract them to universities all over Japan, so I think it will be important to take measures to that end.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Tokura, please.

Tokura Member: Thank you, Thank you very much.

First of all, I would like to express my respect for the strong leadership of Prime Minister Kishida and Minister Makishima, who compiled a comprehensive review plan for regulation based on the recommendations of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) on digital consultation, and I would like to express my deep gratitude.

As you can see in Exhibit 5, the core of this series of structural reforms, as I have repeatedly stated, is the realization of a true digital completion without a single sheet of paper in the middle.

For this reason, I think it is necessary to complete the necessary law Reform with the determination to bring forward the intensive reform period, and to take prompt and irreversible measures such as the introduction of the Gatibu list method for thorough implementation of digital principles, the implementation of BPR from the viewpoint of users, and the steady promotion of the use of My Number.

We would like to thank you again for your continued efforts in the digital consultation.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Tsunakawa, may I have your attention?

Tsunakawa Member: Replacing analog work with technology is a must, so I feel that it is a great progress that the review policies for 4,000 items have already been finalized in the Bulk Review Plan. I would like to express my respect for the efforts of the people concerned.

This time, I would like to make two points, an update on regulation and further disclosure on Issue.

The first point is the update of the regulation. As indicated in the comprehensive review plan, until now, the regulation has been changed when there is an individual request from the industry, etc. In the future, we believe that the regulation should be changed according to the evolution of technology. We have high expectations for the establishment of a mechanism that can adapt the region to future technologies in the comprehensive review plan.

The second point is further disclosure of Issue. This time, we inspected about 10,000 law in light of digital principles, and I think we were able to identify Issue on the administrative side. From the perspective of future private sector utilization, it seems that many of them are still at a high level of abstraction. At the current level of abstraction, for example, from the perspective of startups, we still do not see how our technology can be useful.

For example, the Comprehensive Review Plan says, "Investigation of the damage situation using drones." If possible, it would be easier for the startup community to come up with wisdom if they could more specifically tell us what people on the ground are saying that they are in trouble because they cannot grasp this kind of information with this level of accuracy at the time of a disaster. On the other hand, if that is ambiguous, they do not know the direction to strive, so it may be difficult for ideas that may become the next unicorn to come up.

In the future, I would like to see more detailed disclosure of these Issue. If so, we can think about how the technologies owned by startups can be used to solve social Issue and how we can have contact points. I believe that disclosing the government's Issue will lead to the support for startups advocated by the Kishida Administration.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Shishido, please.

SHISHIDO Member: Thank you for the opportunity to speak to .

I would like to make a few remarks on pages 14 to 16 of Handout 1 that Mr. Makishima explained.

My first question is on page 14. I believe it is extremely important that the institutionalization of the prior execution coordination process is considered when confirming the compatibility of the digital principles of law and others. As Mr. Nanba stated earlier, regulation will actually be reformed. In order to ensure that it is appropriately executed on the ground in local law enforcement, I would like to ask that necessary systems, applications, software, and resources be thoroughly examined in public authorities, Japan, as part of this process, and that consideration be advanced so that law and resources can be implemented as one.

My second question is about the establishment of a system to provide the digital original copy of the law Database. In the picture on the lower left of page 15, the dotted line of e-LAWS in the middle of the Diet is missing, but I believe that legislation under the parliamentary cabinet system can be done accurately with cooperation between the Cabinet and the Diet. Of course, this is a forum to discuss administration, but at the same time, I would like the Cabinet and politics to consider the accurate use of the digital original copy and the law Database in the Diet.

At the same time, with regard to the judicial system, Mr. Natsuno mentioned the digitalization of criminal proceedings. I am aware that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court made a statement at the Judicial Officers' Meeting on June 1 in which he expressed his strong determination on the digitalization of the trial and the digitalization of the judicial system, which is very important in the world of lawyers.

If this judicial digitalization does not proceed, in the end, the digital completion of the so-called regulation will stop at the administrative level, and when the case is finally brought to court, it will be difficult for companies, consumers, and the people. Therefore, I would like you to continue to give consideration to judicial digitalization.

The third point, which is on page 16, is that the "Dynamic EBPM," which was announced this time, is an extremely important direction for realizing democratic responsible administration under a digital system based on the principles of the rule of law.

Making full use of the perspective of EBPM is not only about policy evaluation, but also, as President National Personnel Authority is visiting today, from the perspective of improving the efficiency of administrative personnel, I would like to see such a perspective incorporated into training and other programs, leading to reform of the civil service.

That's all from me.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Next, Mr. Kanemaru, please.

Kanemaru Member: Thank you, Thank you very much.

I would like to express my sincere respect for the achievements of the comprehensive review of regulation in such a short period of time and for the efforts made by all concerned.

On that basis, I would like to express my three opinions in order to make reforms more effective.

First of all, in terms of technology, not only agile, but also core systems, the global trend is to build systems that combine advanced and open technology elements. I think the future of Technology Map should include the use of open source.

Next, I would like to talk about future reform. In order to prevent law from becoming like the autonomous flying drones that has been lagging behind the rest of the world by nipping the buds of new business, it is necessary to not only look at current technology, but also to foresee technological innovation five years from now, formulate policies and law by backcasting from there, and validation from a technology perspective to see whether or not to bind the future.

Finally, as I have raised issues many times, it is necessary to quickly create an improvement schedule and rebuild the system so that it can be used in My Number Card and Issue, where the My Number system is diverse. Unless the main building, which is full of problems, is rebuilt, it may become an obstacle to health insurance card's efforts in administrative procedures, including the promotion of integration with digitalization. I would like to ask you to make steady efforts under the leadership of the Prime Minister and the leadership of Minister Makishima.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to Thank you very much.

Based on the discussions thus far, I would like to ask Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima.

Makishima Minister for Digital Transformation: Thank you very much.

Thanks to all the members, the package review plan was able to come this far today. I would like to thank you for your support.

About 4,000 provision, or 80% of the 5,000 provision, have decided to review their policies, but I believe that this is a start, not a goal.

I would like to make a point. At the G7 Minister for Digital Transformation Meeting, I explained the efforts of the Digital Initiative to the German minister. The German minister said that the Digital Check will confirm whether the newly created law is based on the Digital Principles, but checking the Digital Principles against the existing law is too much work and would be difficult. The Japanese minister said that his determination is excellent. In terms of the Digital Initiative, I realized that the Japanese government is at the forefront of the G7. I would like to once again express my gratitude and report to you.

Thank you very much.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to . Now, Prime Minister Kishida, please make your concluding remarks.

Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio: First of all, thank you very much to all the experts for your active discussions today. In the six months since the launch of the Digital Rincho, we have reviewed about 10,000 law, and today we have confirmed the full investigation policies for about 4,000 provision.

We will review the remaining provision in law, as well as 30000 notifications and notifications, in accordance with the schedule. We will wipe out the analog regulation that prevents social digitalization in three years, create new growth industries, solve the labor shortage, improve productivity, and increase income.

In the future, it will be essential for Japan's economic growth to transform into a social system that can make full use of the power of digital. The Digital Rincho was established as an implementation unit to accelerate the reform of the old regulation and the administrative organization, which are hindering the realization of this.

With I as Chairman, we will continue to put the highest priority on speed under the three themes of "surface reform," a comprehensive review of the same type of regulation, "technology-based reform," in line with technological progress, and "future reform," with the future of law in mind.

In the future, I will give instructions to each minister as follows. Minister Makishima, please specify the mechanism for the development and utilization of Technology Map as soon as possible. In addition, please organize the process for confirming the conformity of digital principles such as new legislation as soon as possible, and work on the legislative process step by step.

In addition to the measures to promote start-up innovation and investment in people that were crystallized at the regulatory reform Promotion Conference, please immediately implement the digitalization Promotion Measures to improve access to medical care and nursing care services in various parts of Japan in cooperation with each minister and realize reform.

It is essential for the administration to get rid of the myth of infallibility and to respond to the agile type. Ministers Makishima and Kaneko should work to realize the recommendations so that Kasumigaseki staff can flexibly respond to changes without being bound by precedent.

In particular, it is important to quantitatively set performance targets for administrative projects involving fiscal expenditures, validation the results from the execution stage, and review those that are less effective. Please review the review methods of approximately 5,000 administrative projects one by one, and validation the project effects by putting the EBPM method into practice.

The facilitation of recruitment and the Reform of Working Practices and reskilling of national public employees in specialization-based recuruitment are important not only for Digital Agency, but also for each ministry and agency to secure professional human resources. Ministers Makishima, Kawamoto and Ninoyu, please continue to work together to formulate specific measures.

That's all.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Thank you very much for your visit to . This concludes today's "Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee." Thank you for taking the time to attend.
