Study Group on the Promotion of the Use of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation Well-Being Indicators for the Realization of area (First)
- Last Updated:
- Date and Time: Monday, February 19, 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- Status of efforts in each local governments (Kakogawa City, Hyogo; Hamamatsu, Shizuoka; Asahimachi, Toyama)
- Toward the Promotion of Utilization of local governments Well-Being Indicators in area
- Exchange of opinions
- Handout 1 Agenda (PDF/256KB)
- Exhibit 2-1: Materials announced by Kakogawa City, Hyogo (PDF / 1,595 kb)
- Appendix 2-2: Hyogo Kakogawa City Public Awareness Survey Questionnaire (PDF / 963 kb)
- Exhibit 3: Materials presented by Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (PDF / 3,329 kb)
- Exhibit 4: Asahimachi, Toyama (PDF / 2,652 kb)
- Exhibit 5: Secretariat Briefing Material: Towards the Promotion of Utilization of the local governments Well-Being Indicator in area (PDF / 4,824 kb)
- Reference 6: Update based on the results of the preliminary survey of area Well-Being Indicators
- Appendix 7: Minutes (PDF/312KB)
Moderator (Suzuki): Thank you very much, Well, it's on time, so I'd like to start.
I will be the moderator today. I am Mr. Suzuki in charge of Digita in For the public Group, Digital Agency. Nice to meet you.
From now on, we will hold the first "Review Meeting on the Promotion of the Use of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation Well-Being Indicators for the Realization of area."
First of all, Mr. Murakami, Director-General of For the public Group, Digital Agency, would like to say a few words. Thank you very much.
Mr. Murakami: I have two business communications from Mr. Murakami .
I think you have Handout 5 at hand. I would like to give you a brief explanation and tell you what I want to do mainly in Issue today.
The positioning of today's meeting is, in short, that utilization is starting to advance little by little, and at the same time that I would like to hear explanations from people in local government who are actually using it, I would like to discuss what is needed now in order to take it one step further. In short, there are many local government who say that it is too difficult to tackle, so the main issue is how to respond to this.
Today, I would like to hear 3 local government's explanation. This is probably the top runner class in local government, where we have to take TYPE2/3 and measure Well-Being instead. When I listen to these three, I hear that they are doing well, but more than half of local government cannot keep up with them, and at present, they are stuck at the front, where there are too many questions on subjective indicators to be answered.
In the end, the purpose of the process is to accurately measure and collect data on all the products that have been made, so I have no intention of compromising on this matter in the end. However, if we continue to proceed as it is, on the contrary, we are paying for it, we are asked to do it, and it is likely that we will not be able to follow the people who think we must do it. Therefore, I am wondering how to proceed in order to have all of this measured step by step. This is an honest consultation.
I have asked Mr. Nagumo to share the current situation a little in advance, and Mr. Nagumo will give me a proposal today. First of all, I would like to hear what the three local government are doing in terms of how they are used and their direct impressions, and then I would like to hear the advice of experts on how to proceed in the near future. I would appreciate it very much.
That's all for the opening. Thank you.
Moderator (Suzuki): Thank you very much, , Director-General, thank you very much.
Since this is the first meeting of the Study Group, we would normally like to invite all of you to attend. However, due to the limited time available, we will instead introduce you to the members and observers listed in today's reference material. Thank you very much.
I would like to ask Mr. Maeno of the Graduate School of Keio University, who will be the chairman, to proceed with the proceedings from here on.
Mr. Maeno, nice to meet you.
Chairman Maeno: , nice to meet you.
So, I will take over as the MC, and should I greet him first and designate a vice president?
Mr. Murakami: I have two business communications from Mr. Murakami , please.
Chairman Maeno: First of all, welcome to local government.
Also, there are experts, old acquaintances, people who haven't seen you for a long time, and people who haven't seen you before. My name is Maeno from Keio University.
Originally, I was researching robots, but I started researching community development, creating happy workplaces, products and services that make people happy, and happiness. Recently, I have been researching Well-Being. Well-Being is originally a word that encompasses health, happiness, and welfare, but it is increasingly being used in a sense that is closer to happiness. Of course, as GoodHealthandWell-Being, No. 3 of the SDGs, says, "Health and welfare for all," it is sometimes translated as Health welfare, but it is also often translated as happiness. I am a researcher of Well-Being.
I heard Mr. Murakami's explanation earlier that local government is difficult and it is difficult to measure Well-Being, and I was listening to it thinking that it is my 15-year history. When we study happiness, we are told that it is not unpleasant or religious at first, whether it can be quantitatively measured by questionnaires or the like, and even so, it is profitable. It is important to carefully examine the effectiveness of Well-Being with evidence. When we measure Well-Being properly, we can see that people's productivity and creativity increase, and in the workplace, the rate of turnover and absence from work decreases. Therefore, in area, there are fewer cases of recluse, and it is less likely to suffer from mental and physical diseases. It can be said that Well-Being is a form of preventive medicine. And there are already various evidence that Well-Being leads to healthy longevity. We should carefully explain this to local government, and as you said, we should tell them that it is actually better to take a lot of questionnaires. It is the same as a health checkup. Some people may say that a health checkup is troublesome and only measures body weight, but shouldn't we do all blood tests and internal organ tests? It is good for health and Well-Being, and local government should also collect a large amount of data. However, this has not yet spread. Therefore, at this time, which is in a transitional period, it is important to use digital power and have everyone see examples of local government, especially cutting-edge local government like the one you are here today, and let us try to measure Well-Being.
Because it is well-being, I think the goal is to make people feel positive that there are good things to measure and that our town has improved, not that I have to do something because I was made to do something and received money. I think that is the purpose of the committee. I think that various people will come and we will be able to have very active discussions. In particular, I think that Mr. Nagumo has made various efforts and will continue to explain, but I think that everyone will join forces and that this committee is really good for society. We will promote activities to achieve a world in which all people are happy.
In fact, we are lagging behind Europe and the United States. Well-being is 10 or 20 years behind. Around New Zealand, we usually have a Well-Being Budget, but if serious Japanese people take this opportunity to seriously engage in Well-Being and digital, I think this is a field that is filled with the possibility of success. Therefore, I am also creating a Well-Being Indicator for area, and I am chairing the meeting. I would like to share my knowledge with you to create a better world. Thank you very much.
It is a rule to appoint a deputy inspector in case I am not there, and Mr. Nagumo is the right person for this, so I will appoint him here. I don't think I need to act for you today, but I think there will be many things to do in the future, so I would like to ask Mr. Nagumo to be the deputy inspector.
Is everyone all right?
Dr. Nagumo: Mr. Nice to meet you. Thank you very much.
Chairman Maeno: First of all, Mr. Kakogawa City, please give us your presentation.
Kakogawa City: This is Kurumatani from Kakogawa City, . Nice to meet you.
Now, I would like to make an announcement about Kakogawa City.
First of all, I would like to give a brief introduction to Kakogawa City. Kakogawa City is located in the southern part of Hyogo prefecture, and is a city with a population of 260,000. The Kakogawa River, the largest first class river in the prefecture, flows through the central part of the city.
This is an opportunity to utilize the Well-Being Indicator. In the comprehensive plan of Kakogawa City, the city image for the future is set as "Kakogawa, a city where people can dream and hope and feel happiness." Behind the decision, it is mentioned that people's values are changing with the maturation of society, and we are in an age where people want more spiritual enrichment. In addition, in order for this city to achieve sustainable development amid an unavoidable population decline, it is important to how to increase the sense of happiness of citizens.
Next, regarding the citizens' awareness survey, it is conducted every year. The purpose of the survey is to reflect the thoughts and feelings of citizens in community development. The content is to survey the degree of satisfaction and importance of about 50 items of the city's measures.
In this survey, since fiscal 2020, we have been conducting a survey focusing on the sense of happiness of citizens. As a result, about 40% of the respondents answered "I feel" and about 40% answered "I feel a little", and more than 80% of the respondents answered that they feel happy in their daily lives. In addition, it has been found that a high percentage of the younger generation in their teens and 20s feel that "free time" and "mental comfort" are important, those aged 30 or older feel that "family life" and "family relationships" are important, and that "health" is important as they get older.
The public awareness survey has been able to grasp a rough trend, but various factors are related to human happiness. We in the local local government also believe that there are many areas that can be approached by policies and projects, and in order to firmly grasp this area, we believe that it is important to measure it with quantitative indicators rather than qualitative indicators, and we have started to consider the utilization of Well-Being Indicators.
This is a model for utilization. In order to realize a city in which people can feel happiness, we create a story of happiness as a hypothetical, and measure the Well-Being Indicator derived from it in a public awareness survey. Based on the measured results, we commercialize it and check how much it contributes to the improvement of citizens' sense of happiness through the next validation. We want to promote happiness by rotating this cycle, so we are creating this mechanism and working on the Well-Being Indicator.
In terms of specific ways to proceed this fiscal year, when investigating the Well-Being Index in the Public Awareness Survey, there were many original indicators, and I thought that there might be indicators that do not match the characteristics of this city or that have not been implemented, so I decided to select indicators.
As a procedure, the Policy Planning Division takes up one or more important measures for each institutional department of this city and creates a story of happiness. There are mental factors, behavioral factors, and environmental factors in the story of happiness, and Well-Being Indicators corresponding to each factor were extracted and aggregated.
The point of creating the story is to clarify who will be raised in the sense of happiness in important policies and who will be the target. We gradually considered what kind of state the mind of the person should be in to be happy, what kind of action is necessary to become happy, what kind of environment is necessary for that action, and what kind of measures and impact are necessary to create that environment. In order to guide the means from the goal, we tried to create the story by delving into the factors of the mind and creating the measures and impact. In addition, in this city, we exchanged opinions within the division to brush up on the story.
This is one of the stories of happiness that I created. From each factor in this hypothesis, I extracted the Well-Being Index shown on the right.
In this way, we have created a story map of happiness for 25 measures and decided on the indicators to be surveyed.
A survey is prepared based on the determined indicators.
At present, we have completed the implementation of the Public Awareness Survey with the addition of the Well-Being Index, and are in the process of compiling the response data. We hope to complete the compilation work by the end of this year, and proceed with the analysis of the results from the beginning of the New Year.
Finally, I believe that the future of Issue is to establish an analysis method and utilization measures for the investigated Well-Being Indicators, to disseminate the concept of Well-Being within the Agency, to create a story in each department of the Agency, to validation the story using the results of the investigation, and to create rules so that departments can work on the utilization of the story for the development of measures as their own matters.
That's all. Thank you very much.
Chairman Maeno: . I was Section Chief Kurumatani from Kakogawa City.
Next, I'm Mr. Takimoto smart cities, Promotion Manager of Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture. Nice to meet you.
Hamamatsu-shi: This is Takimoto in Hamamatsu-shi, Nice to meet you. I'm Takimoto from Hamamatsu-shi.
From Hamamatsu City, I would like to introduce a public-private co-creation approach centered on a workshop using the Well-Being Index. I would like to share my story including my failures.
In 2019, Hamamatsu City made a Digital First Declaration, and the next fiscal year, it created a system of public-private cooperation. In addition, in the same fiscal year, it formulated an initiative, and positioned the improvement of citizens' QOL as the direction to be pursued.
As for the promotion system, as you can see on the right, we have positioned community development through public-private co-creation. This was stipulated in regulation in July of this year.
As for the Well-Being Indicator, we are working to utilize it in advance in the four fields of Wellness, Carbon Neutral, mobility, and Start-ups, which are characteristic of this city.
In May, as a kickoff, Mr. Nagumo visited Hamamatsu, and we held a study session with the staff of the relevant departments in the four fields mentioned earlier.
In June, we held a workshop in the Agency. Sections in the four fields mentioned earlier gathered and first experienced scenario creation in the wellness of individual fields. This did not go well. It is in the middle, but it is difficult to connect to high-level action and mental factors, so I could not create a scenario well.
However, I noticed many things. On the far right, I noticed that Well-Being differs depending on the age, and that the older the person, the higher the awareness of health. In addition, I initially placed health at the top, but when I think about it, it is a means, not an end, and the efforts positioned in the current plan are often symptomatic measures for unhealthy and sick areas. I also noticed that it is difficult to create a wellness and Well-Being scenario only in the health field, and it is necessary to work in cooperation with related fields.
In order to expand the use of the Well-Being Index in the public and private sectors from October this year, we first held an online forum on the theme of Well-Being on October 26.
Then, on the following day, October 27, we held a workshop centered on the constituent organizations of the Public-Private Partnership Platform Steering Committee, with the participation of child-rearing NPOs, support groups for foreigners, and university students, using Decidim.
The status of the meeting is written in blue in the middle, but Mr. Code for Japan wrote an article on the web, so please see it for details.
In this workshop, we took advantage of the reflection on the failure earlier, and instead of starting with measures, we set up a persona and thought about the well-being of the persona. We tried to create a story about what kind of situation the persona would be happy in area in the future. Then, unexpectedly, a story was created, and the group presented the story at the end of the group work. From the presentation, we could see that the participants probably want to connect these resources of Hamamatsu for the future, and that Hamamatsu is rich in nature, and that the personality of the Hamamatsu residents, for example, elderly people talk to us when we walk around to raise children, and that Hamamatsu wants to leave for the future. We could see that these are very common elements. We felt that we could create a story and scenario and apply measures to it.
We have received comments from the participants, so we will introduce them in the video.
It seems that there is no video sound, so I will share the public YouTube address later.
As for our future efforts, the first is that Hamamatsu City conducted an original questionnaire. Using private sector's Internet monitor, we collected about 1,800. The second is that we have created original questionnaire items in four fields that complement the national questionnaire and are used proactively, so we would like to reflect them in the creation of the scenario.
The tabulation was completed this month, so we will analyze it for next month.
Second, I would like to create scenarios for the four preceding areas. I would like to set personas, set important targets in those areas as personas, and create scenarios for those personas.
My third point is that I would like to focus on. In this city, smart cities is positioned as a community development through public-private co-creation, so I would like to see how the scenarios that will be created in the future will have an impact on the projects that private sector will implement.
There will be a steering committee meeting of the platform on the 22nd of this month, and I would like to report on that. To be specific, we will focus on the priority areas of mobility and wellness. In these areas, there are public-private promotion bodies. For example, in the mobility area, there is the mobility Service Promotion Consortium, and the consortium shares scenarios in the mobility area and receives opinions from people in private sector. In addition, the consortium holds a workshop for the creation of mobile solutions every year. Next year, we would like to consider holding a workshop on what kind of solutions should be created for the created scenarios to increase happiness.
That's all.
Chairman Maeno: . It was Mr. Takimoto from Hamamatsu City.
Next, based on Handout 4, I would like to speak to Acting Manager Terazaki of Toyama and Mr. Furuya of Hakuhodo. Are there two of you?
Asahimachi: This is Asahimachi, Toyama, . Nice to meet you.
In Asahimachi, Toyama, we are using Digita Issue Kin to conduct an initiative called PoHUNT. PoHUNT is a point program that leads to area revitalization. It means hunting for points. You can earn points by reading QR codes hung at commercial facilities in the town or by accomplishing a given mission. You can apply for prizes according to the points you accumulate during the point period, and Asahimachi is using this PoHUNT mechanism to conduct a questionnaire on the Well-Being Indicator this time.
From here on, I would like to ask Hakuhodo-san to give a presentation on how to take a questionnaire on the Well-Being Index, and the trends and characteristics seen from the results. Thank you very much.
Asahimachi (Hakuhodo): From here, I would like to start with Furuya of Hakuhodo.
When we work on the Well-Being Indicator, we recognize that it is important to use it for short-term evaluation of measures, but I believe that it is more important to trace and look at it over the medium to long term. For that purpose, while using it for evaluation of measures, this time we focused on creating a mechanism that can be continuously united by utilizing PoHUNT.
To this end, we first introduced POHUNT, which I mentioned earlier, and we are trying to create a system in which we can actively collect answers from residents by asking them to answer a questionnaire with points as an incentive.
When we divided the LWC indicator into five and listened to the questionnaire separately, it was a campaign period of a little more than one month, and the average number of responses, a little less than 400, was automatically collected.
Furthermore, if we continue to listen to all the indicators we have received, there are parts where the burden is high and there are parts where we have no choice but to reduce the frequency. Therefore, we would like to carefully examine the items. At that time, we heard that it would be bad if we arbitrarily narrow down the items without any data. Regarding this time, although it will put a burden on the residents, we will take the form of listening to all the items, and based on the results, we will try to narrow down the items in the future.
I would like to briefly report on the results of the analysis of the data collected from here.
First of all, regarding Well-Being, we believe that individual happiness is important, so we have analyzed the correlation between the question on individual happiness and other questions.
First of all, if we look at the items related to individual factors, it is found that the health of one's mind and body is ranked high, and that the comfort of daily life is also a factor that is highly correlated with happiness.
As for the cooperation factors, items such as whether they are as happy as their neighbors or how they are compared with their neighbors were relatively high. In addition, the happiness of the townspeople is also high as a correlative relationship, and we hypothesize that the happiness of the entire area community is also important.
In terms of ActiveQOL, there was a high correlation between happiness and social and community roles such as work, childcare, and family care, as well as the meaning of one's existence. On the other hand, personal hobbies, sports, culture, and eating out tended to be low.
Last but not least, although it is an evaluation of the correlation between Sensus City and happiness, there was a tendency for it to be low overall. Among them, in particular, as I have mentioned from the bottom 10, the final conclusion is that places that are likely to affect happiness in urban areas, such as exchanges with strangers and commercial activities, are not so relevant in Asahimachi.
Based on these, in terms of Well-Being unique to Asahimachi, it is concluded that the three pillars of comfort in daily life, harmony with people around us, and area community are important. In the future, I would like to promote digitalization that respects this life while attaching importance to these three pillars.
From here, I would like to talk about how you narrowed down the items, including the data I just mentioned.
In addition to the happiness correlation that I talked about earlier, I think there are many questions that are evaluated from "Yes" to "No" in the five level evaluation of the percentage of top & bottom boxes. Among them, those that have many answers such as number 3 in the middle or "I can't say either way" are evaluated using this index. In addition, we are looking at an index called coefficient of variation that shows the variation in answers. Based on this, we decided that it would be good to lower the priority of questions to which many users give similar answers.
After doing this, however, in promoting DX services, we have added, although it is arbitrary, what we believe to be important even though it has been revealed to be unimportant from the data. The items shown now have been set as the Well-Being Indicators of the Asahimachi Model. I believe that the contents need to be scrutinized a little more, but I would like to continuously and quantitatively investigate them and trace them over the medium to long term.
Lastly, we would like to develop this indicator nationwide, but it is based on a questionnaire survey of some users in Asahimachi. What impact will it have if the same thing is done in another area or if it is continuously taken, and how will it change? In addition, we would like to create a Japanese version of the Well-Being Indicator by looking at user reactions in the area of load reduction.
I am sorry to rush you, but this is the report from Asahimachi.
Asahimachi (Hakuhodo): Just like Hakuhodo.
As for the relationship with happiness that we found in Asahimachi, on page 9, this is also the basis of the cooperation type public service that we are doing in Nokkaru and Asahimachi, and I believe that it is truly the result of Asahimachi, and that it can be used for a new public service that makes use of the result of Asahimachi, a way of cooperation, and a way of creating a community.
On the other hand, I believe that there are various points, such as whether this is only in Asahimachi or whether each area has its own characteristics, so I once again believe that it is necessary to set up a system in which people from all over Japan can participate in a way that makes it easy for them to continuously answer these questions.
That's all.
Chairman Maeno: . It was 3 local government's talk.
After this, Mr. Murakami and Mr. Nagumo will explain.
Mr. Murakami: I have two business communications from Mr. Murakami .
While looking at Document 5, I would like to ask for your candid opinions today, including raising questions, although it will be a little oral.
The first point is how to make it easier to work on. Actually, when we have a problem, I think it would be better to share our recognition of the significance of doing Well-Being in Digita this time, rather than a general theory of Well-Being, such as why we are taking it.
In this page, I don't think it is necessary to do it in detail, but to put it simply, from the era when demand could be satisfied by running buses according to the timetable only in the traffic area to the era when both buses and drivers must be narrowed down, things will not work well unless we efficiently allocate supplies based on a real-time understanding of customer needs. This is true for living and working rules, shopping, and school education. Teachers' resources are not sufficient for diversifying education needs, and it is impossible for primary care doctors to examine all of medical care's progress. In this way, the supply-side will efficiently allocate supplies after sharing demand-side trends with everyone.
On the next page, for that purpose, I think it is necessary to share various digital infrastructures such as data connections in the area of mutual assistance. If it was a period of population increase, individual business operators might have done some work. If it was a period of population decrease, everyone could not share the cost or do it together. This did not go well, and digital TV was stopped, leading to digital defeat.
Therefore, as for the next page, I would like to involve everyone in community development. From a practical point of view, I would like to include everyone, increase inclusiveness, or involve diversity more and more. In the world of community development strategies, there are investors, citizens, entrepreneurs, and various people. Unless they have common insights and a common sense of Issue for community development, the Digita Project will not proceed. It will be a simple battle to digest subsidies. Therefore, as a cycle in which human resources and funds in and outside the Issue are actively worked on with the main premise that citizens will be the main players with the participation of citizens, the Well-Being Indicator is mandatorily used for the Digita Regional Fund this time. To put it in perspective, I wonder if it is like this.
So, in terms of the key phrase, at the same time as raising a certain kind of inclusiveness and inclusiveness, if we interpret the common Issue of community development that comes out there from the perspective of mental richness and Well-Being, what can we interpret? I think we are using the Well-Being indicator in the form of making it mandatory in the Digita Issue Fund.
The next page is an example of Hamamatsu City. I introduced it at the Digita Conference where you are also a minister. I wonder if workshops such as the one in Hamamatsu City are being held to create a common understanding of community development.
While listening to the presentations by the three cities, I would like to make an unnecessary remark. In fact, all three cities shared the same scenario and logic for selecting indicators, but in fact, I wonder if this will be an important insight in terms of how to proceed. In particular, I would like to consult with you today about a somewhat easy-to-approach approach, a step-by-step introduction, and Dr. Maeno's very easy-to-understand comments. In a sense, measuring your weight alone will not be a health checkup. That is exactly what I mean, but in making adjustments for the fact that there is nothing I can do about not coming to the health checkup itself, I have just once again reflected on what I am doing for, and when it comes to what to choose, I think all three cities and towns have said that there is a logic and scenario that they want to work on at this stage.
When it comes to objective well-being research, I think it is not necessarily necessary to assume scenario logic. On the other hand, if there are many people who need scenario logic step by step, I think what this means is that it is necessary to form a community even if they start to measure well-being. In short, it is difficult to start just by distributing questionnaires, collecting statistics, and saying that it was like this, with each stake in the town being separated. In the first place, it is impossible to sample who should receive the questionnaires and collect them. Therefore, I thought that people who have started to work on reality are troubled by the fact that they will use all the questionnaires by random sampling.
Also, listening to the explanations of the three cities and towns, I felt that the fact that they are using the same scenario logic as the current one means that they are saying behind the scenes that a kind of prototype community is necessary even when they start the survey. In addition, listening to Mr. Asahimachi's example, indicators such as social nature and hobby nature are very clearly correlated with happiness. To put it the other way around, it is fine to understand the objective fact that the characteristics of the current happiness of the town are so, and when we expand this to suggest town development, we should read the Issue in a way that the higher the happiness function is, because the characteristics of our town are like this. Rather, in a field where the correlations are weak, for example, Sensus City is very low, and I may have thought so when I heard it, but I wonder if it is really okay to leave it as it is. In this sense, from the standpoint of using the measurement this time to suggest town development, I thought that before starting, we should consider the problem that may require a community, and I thought that I should consider which direction and what kind of insights should be actively obtained for the results that came out. I asked him while reflecting on himself.
In this discussion, as you can see on the next page, it is natural to say that we would like to use it for policy evaluation in the context of EBPM. However, looking at the discussion and the current situation, first of all, we would like to create a community for Well-Being. Then, we would like to examine the logic of drawing out the necessary Issue. Then, we would like to move forward while correctly using the tool of objectively measuring Well-Being. As a result, this picture is somewhat like that. As described in the "Future" section, rather than pursuing the usability of EBPM as a method first, first of all, we would like to consider how the activity of measuring the Well-Being Indicator will work and how we should prioritize it.
I think the composition of the indicators on the next page is enough, so I will skip it. As for the map on page 9, although we do not immediately grasp the latest situation, if we estimate from the situation one to two months ago, briefly speaking, half of local government is proceeding with the design or distribution of questionnaires, and half of them do not know how to distribute questionnaires, so they continue to discuss and agonize for the time being. Roughly speaking, that is the situation.
So, on the next page, I would like to ask you to discuss this today. Under these circumstances, regarding objective indicators, Reference 2 is attached at the back, so if I just share the screen here, Reference 2, the analysis procedure for objective indicators, is in the written procedure, and I don't think it is impossible to write this much, so I would like to ask 27 local government to operate Excel as it is. In that sense, I would like to do something about it. On the other hand, going back to page 18, there is an overview of subjective indicators, and in the questionnaire, there is a draft of the questionnaire that considers the questions in the questionnaire. I am very sorry, and I would like to promise that we will eventually aim for a world in which we can take this as it is. For example, Mr. Kakogawa City has attached a real questionnaire in the form of Reference 2-2, and I would like to ask if you have received it. As you explained earlier, even with this, the number of questions is narrowed down to about one fourth, and when we have citizens who actually receive this, it may be true that they are full. We are trying to write this questionnaire by Mr. Kakogawa City at once, but if they are asked to do it by clicking it digitally, there are citizens who will be very upset at that point. In that sense, I feel that it is necessary to make considerable efforts, including UI, when I look at the questionnaire that was made again.
In this regard, not only will the system be improved within this fiscal year, but in the next fiscal year's budget, Digital Agency will make it a bit more systematic, make it easier to download Excel, and probably make it not macro-compatible with Excel. As for the questionnaire, each local government will make a questionnaire that can be used by people who cannot make a digital questionnaire by themselves, and we are thinking of making it together with SCI-J in the future within the commission cost of the Digi-cho budget. For the time being, I would like to ask you to discuss what to do about this issue based on Mr. Nagumo's opinion today.
In that sense, I believe that the collection of analysis will be refined step by step, so I would like to summarize it once again. When I look back on what I am doing in Digita today, we have in common the Issue of community development. I would like to advance it while utilizing the original significance of the Well-Being Indicator as accurately as possible. When I look back and think about it, what should I emphasize? In that regard, in my personal opinion, the fact that you value scenario logic itself means that we may need a community before the start of the survey. On the contrary, we have come to know whether to be obedient to the characteristics that have emerged or to strengthen the weak points. At the same time, in order to increase the number of samples for the time being, I would like you to work hard on objective indicators for the time being, and I would like to discuss how to proceed with the acquisition of subjective indicators.
That's all from me. Thank you very much.
Chairman Maeno: : Thank you very much.
Next, I would like to speak to Mr. Nagumo of SCI-J, smart cities Institute.
Dr. Nagumo: Mr. .
I believe that the current awareness of the issue is correct. The questionnaire is said to have various questions, but we conducted a preliminary survey of 34000 people, and based on that, Mr. Kakogawa City and Mr. Hamamatsu were the first to be sent. Following this, Mr. Maebashi and Mr. Aizuwakamatsu are also being sent. At the beginning, I would like to express my opinion, and then I would like to share the results of the preliminary survey with you.
When it comes to questionnaires, if we don't first take a survey that takes a panoramic perspective of the whole, and then create a focus, we will go back to why we are taking the survey later. So, personally, I think it is an image that Dr. Maeno's questionnaire is the main pillar, and other teachers' questionnaires are added to it, for example, where it is necessary for cooperative happiness. Rather than adding all of them, I think it is an image that they are added selectively. And, as we will see later, the results of Walkable City, which says that you can walk, are highly correlated. This comes from Sensus, so you can add this, or you can add that you want to ask about something unique to the town, so I think it is the easiest for you to consider the standard of Dr. Maeno's additional 10 questions.
If you look at the results of the preliminary survey here, you can see what kind of things will be common in general, so I would like you to take a bird' s-eye view of it.
Have you just appeared on the screen? I would like to talk about it. First of all, as a common understanding, the main objective is to show that this is the world, and Japan's Well-Being is like this.
First of all, there is a tendency by male, female, sex, and age. If you look at this, I hear that U-shaped people are usually well-being. Young people are happy, and it seems that happiness gradually decreases as they become adults and returns after they reach their 60s. In the case of Japan, young people do not feel as happy as young people. This may be even lower in the teens, so I think this is a point to be noted. Another is that women generally have higher well-being.
So, if you divide the current one by age group, one interesting thing is that Mr. Maeno often said this, and I remembered it later. What is your degree of happiness from 0 to 10? This is the cantril ladder included in Mr. Uchida's question, which I think is the most standard question. It is double-humped, and the lower the bar is, the higher the bar is. When you get older, the higher the bar is. Is it a special characteristic of Japanese culture that the middle bar, around 6, is lower? This is what we have.
We divided this into three age groups by teachers, and men and women are divided into upper and lower groups. If you look at this, you can see that this circle of happiness tends to grow as you get older, and the difference between men and women is the largest in their 20s and 30s. When you get older than 60s, there is less difference between men and women. For example, according to Professor Maeno, men are evaluated less highly for excessive interference and intolerance, and dynamism is high. Women are not so. Also, I think you can see a tendency that the sense of nature becomes thicker as you get older.
According to Dr. Uchida, there is also an interesting result. It is the same trend by age group. When we look at men in their 20s and 30s, they participate in social capital in area and various activities in area. This is high, and on the contrary, women are low. It is high for women to be as happy as everyone in area, and low for men. When it comes to sensuas, I think nature is the most characteristic, but it tends to be high when you get older. On the contrary, when you are young, feeling the city tends to be high.
In addition, I will show you the factors of the mind in the subjective view by type later, but I can see that they are divided into these three groups as a whole. If you take the correlation between the degree of happiness at the top and how happy you are now, you can see that they are roughly divided into these three groups. The yellow part is the way to live your own life, which is the area where happiness science and psychology have been traditionally studied.
And the pink area is social capital. If Mr. Uchida were to say it this time, it would be a representative example, but in terms of community development, there are areas that are well handled by community design people.
Then, if you go to the right and look at the blue part, you can see the landscape of the city and the functions of the city, which are areas that the people at the Urban Design Center tend to deal with.
The sum total of these three forms constitutes the well-being of the town.
If we look at Japan as a whole, the correlation coefficient is not very high because the unevenness is canceled out, but if we take the correlation coefficient to 0.4 or more, we can see cooperative happiness, health, self-esteem, and living space. It is interesting. Houses will be shown in the figure later, but living space will always be shown in any type of Japan.
It is quite difficult to organize this in Japan as a whole, so if you try to organize it by population cohort, city of child-rearing, city of students, city of workers, city of fledging or maturing, and city where various places are gathered, you will see this tendency when the correlation coefficient is 0.7 or more.
In the case of a child-raising town, the degree of satisfaction with life in area and whether things are going well with people around you will be deeply expressed.
It is very interesting when it becomes a city of students, but the current city of child-rearing, trust in public office, and the area administration is thinking about area. Public will come out.
When it becomes a city of working people, there will be things like income, educational background, that you have good qualities, that you make your loved ones happy, and that you are more self-reliant and active.
When it becomes a mature city, the health, happiness, and physical health of everyone in the city will come out. It will become a relatively calm atmosphere of the city.
The 23 wards of Tokyo are almost all included, so they are mixed. This is the situation. If you look at each type of town that I just showed you, it looks like this. It's the same as before. The correlation coefficient for happiness is 0.5 or more. Those with 0.7 or more are in red, those with 0.6 or more and less than 0.7 are in black, and those with 0.5 or more and less than 0.6 are in gray. Generally, health, self-esteem, and living space are the characteristics of a child-rearing town.
When it becomes a city of students, self-esteem and residence will come out, but in addition, there will be a lot of sensuas themselves, such as feeling nature and being able to walk.
In the same way, if you look at the city of working people, you will find the most various things. In addition to self-esteem and living space, you will find start-ups, art, challenges, people who can feel the city and people who can walk. You will find administration. Then you will find income and educational background.
When a city becomes mature, health, living space, and cooperative happiness, among other things, will appear.
When it becomes 23 wards, everything comes out mixed. It may be one of the characteristics of Tokyo, but there is also something called food culture. It looks like this.
So, in the future, without asking all the questions, if you look at something like this, you will mostly understand that this kind of thing will come out strongly. In addition, you will use the local knowledge of the individuality of each town, and Mr. Maeno will think about the basic structure. Of course, as mentioned in Mr. Murakami's talk earlier, it is important to involve communities, so I think it is necessary to do more to share information with people who are working together, such as creating a small group like a Well-Being Research Institute in a town and gathering everyone's knowledge there.
That's all from me.
Chairman Maeno: : Thank you very much.
I was very interested in the various detailed analyses. Based on the above, I have a little more than 20 minutes to decide what to do next, and I would like to ask any of you who are here today.
Moderator (Suzuki): Thank you very much, Maeno, I'm sorry.
Mr. Ohta will leave at two o'clock, so please do so in advance.
Chairman Maeno: Of course.
Mr. Ota, please.
Member: I'm sorry, but I have another appointment.
I would like to make a brief comment. First of all, since this is the first conference, I would like to reiterate the meaning of this indicator. The other day, SmartCityExpo was held in Barcelona, and I have not been to it. However, during my exchanges of views with quite a few people, I believe that it is extremely significant to set the goal of Well-Being, because the results and outcomes of smart cities and town development using technology, such as China-like optimizations and efficiency projects in the Middle East and the U.S. and Canada-have been stalled.
As for the process, it is also a contrast between China, the Middle East, and the United States, but rather than drawing pictures from the top down by great people, various people participate in it. To put it simply, I think it is very significant to consider Well-Being as an outcome in the bottom-up process.
However, going back to Digita, I think there are two ways to do this. One is Mr. Nagumo's last proposal, and I think it is closer to Mr. Kakogawa City's. There is a history and system of conducting public awareness surveys in area, and there is a foundation for that. Rather than using all of the current 100 factors, it is a way to draw a comprehensive picture of what this city aims for, where we are now, and how we will get there.
Another is that there are places where comprehensive surveys are not conducted at all. So, for example, regarding specific services, such as childcare, mobility, or environmental factors, while referring to factors, for example, mobility is not just running automated driving on demand, but how the lives of people in the city, such as those of Hamamatsu city, will change. As a result, how will it change? In digital services, various behavioral factors and environmental factors can be obtained through the use of services without taking the trouble to conduct questionnaires, and they will be accumulated in the data infrastructure. Therefore, I wonder if it is sufficient to conduct PDCA in a shorter cycle at the service level.
For about five years, I have been conducting research on Well-Being and prototyping services with Mr. Dominick Chen, who is starting a business, under the theme of Well-Being. About 40 future stories were created with the participation of various people. Some of them have already been commercialized and made into services, but it is not possible for a wide range of people to participate and do so in various area. I can understand it well from my experience of five years in business, so I think it will be a very significant project if I work on whether to do it comprehensively in the city or with specific services at the same time.
I have a meeting at 2 o'clock, and I will leave without saying anything, but I would like to make a solid contribution to this review meeting, so I would like to ask for your support.
Chairman Maeno: Ohta.
Then, is there anything else? I can reply to what you pointed out.
Seki-san, please.
Commissioner Seki: Thank you very much, .
As Mr. Murakami said, I think that communities are quite important. This is what I think when I talk with various people in the course of actually incorporating these indicators into policies in several local government. Because there are many things that cannot be decided by local government alone, and in particular, there are parts that cannot be decided on their own, as Mr. Asahimachi said in his comment. However, I actually feel that one thing that is easy to narrow down is to think together with the residents.
On the other hand, if we narrow it down, there are places where I feel uneasy about whether this is the right thing to do, so I thought it would be important to solve them. So, although there are probably no fixed answers or ways of living, there are places where I don't know if they are right, so I thought it would be good if the committee could think about how to follow them.
In addition, I would like to ask you a question. I am also concerned about how much the results differ between thinking only within the administration and thinking among the people of area. In the case of the city of Hamamatsu, I believe that at first, it was thought about among the officials, but in the second round, private sector companies and others were also involved. I would like to ask if there were any differences in the quality of the discussions in that area.
Chairman Maeno: 's questions?
Hamamatsu-shi: This is Takimoto in Hamamatsu-shi, .
When administrative officials think about it, it is quite difficult to get away from the logic of measures and KPIs and go to create a story about the level of happiness in area. This was done by the public and private sectors, and when I was thinking about the story from the perspective of area residents, I could easily get into it. I felt such ease of entry when I did it by the public and private sectors.
That's all.
Commissioner Seki: Thank you very much, .
Chairman Maeno: ?
Dr. Nagumo: Mr. , can I ask you a question?
This is a common story, but if we think only within the administration, we are bound by the relationship with the policies we are currently implementing. It is fine in the sense that we are falling into a realistic place, but on the contrary, there is a tendency to lose the perspective of the citizens. On the other hand, if we do it only by the citizens, people who know the policies we are implementing can say realistic things in relation to them, but if they don't, they say something like a dream, and it becomes like local government will do this and that. I think it is necessary to balance and mix them by setting milestones.
Chairman Maeno: .
There is a phrase "poison bun of policy", but I thought it was a happy bun. If we eat it, we have no choice but to discuss our philosophy. In short, local government and the citizens must think about what their own town development should be, rather than saying we will do as we are told. Otherwise, we cannot give an answer.
I originally conducted a questionnaire on the happiness of the workplace, but as Mr. Murakami said earlier, I am asked whether I should extend the bad points or the good points. However, there is no answer to that. We have to think by ourselves whether we want to extend the bad points and make it a good workplace or extend the good points and be ourselves, so I understand your feeling that you want an answer, but the answer is to be yourself. It may be good to convey that properly. It is not because I will do as I am told, but it is difficult. This is a happy manju, so I thought that after eating this, I had to aim for happiness for a long time.
How is everyone else?
Go ahead.
Member Shirasaka: I am Shirasaka .
As you just said, I also think that basically, to be honest, this is how we position ourselves. Because we will think about what to do based on this indicator with the participation of various people, including citizens. To put it bluntly, I think that there is an advantage that various people will think in the same way about measures, not only what local government will do, but also what citizens will do on their own, and what NPOs that citizens are already doing will do, and will be aware of these things.
On the other hand, this is the meaning of using this in Digita TYPE2/3. I think it is how to grasp this. In a sense, in Digita TYPE2/3, when we are trying to decide on a direction, if we take a top-down approach, there is a possibility that the means will not go where we said they would go. It is always a matter of which side to start from, the needs or the seeds side, but when we start from the seeds side, the needs are limited and it becomes difficult. On the other hand, when we start from the needs side, the seeds do not fall into the seeds we wanted, and the conclusion is that it would have been better to do something completely different. This is a need-driven story. Whatever we do to match seeds and needs, whether we use data or technology, this always happens. So, what I am thinking about is that if we take a survey of the whole, if possible, once every few years in a national survey, I don't know how much it will cost, but we can actually take a survey without limiting what we are doing widely. We can follow what we know from this survey in five years or ten years. It is good to measure not only what we are doing, but also what we are doing. On the other hand, what we are doing in Digita this time is, for example, aiming to do health care or something else. We are planning to measure what we are doing, and we are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are doing. We are planning to do what we are area local government
That's all.
Chairman Maeno: .
The local government selected may have been selected because it is seed-driven and has a clear philosophy, but it is necessary to look at the whole to find out the areas that were not covered by the seed-driven approach. In that sense, the explanation of those areas may not have been so detailed until now, so it may be easier to understand if I do this. Thank you very much.
How about the others?
Go ahead, Mr. Hatakeyama.
Asahimachi (Hakuhodo): Just like Hakuhodo. I'm working with Mr. Asahimachi.
Today, I have a question from Mr. Murakami. There are two of them. If I share them with Mr. Asahimachi from what we are doing now, may I have the screen?
Can you see?
Chairman Maeno: is in sight.
Asahimachi (Hakuhodo): Just like , first of all, I would like to talk about the community starting point. As a strategy, of course, I thought that the topic given this time as Well-Being should be taken in the medium to long term. On the other hand, I thought that it would be impossible for us to suddenly ask the residents this much alone. So, I thought about how to adapt to Po-Hunt, which the residents and residents want to do. In the end, this is what they want to do, so the residents are reading the QR code and participating in it. How can they do it? So, to be honest, I thought that it would be difficult to do the questionnaire alone, but I thought that it would be possible to get used to this kind of thing, so I asked them to do it, and as a result, we received a lot of answers.
In addition, the mechanism itself is just cooperation, since all digital design services are provided from the community, there are 10 districts in Asahimachi, so each district is doing a trick to compete on Pohunt, so each district is talking to each other and enjoying the points. Since design is a design of services, it is a way to induce a community by itself, and among them, I want to participate, I will do it for you, I will do it for you, and I will do it for you, and I think I was able to get these answers, according to the Asahimachi side. Therefore, all services are provided in the same spirit, and residents are invited to participate in them.
My second question is, based on what Mr. Murakami has just told me, I would like to talk about all services, such as Pohunt, even if it is a smartphone course, and all services that are not related to Digita are used to life services.
Last but not least, I would like to talk about the second topic, how to use it in the future. Mr. Terasaki, who was the first speaker in Asahimachi today, belongs to the Future! Division. This is not someone's future, but there will be various big social Issue in the future, and we established it to create the future together with the residents, involving not only government officials but also the residents. We are working together on this. So, I would like to share the answers I gave this time with the residents, and what kind of things are good and what kind of things should be done in Asahimachi. I would like to have a future conference with the residents. I am sharing this with the residents. In November, I announced that Asahimachi will be the city of the future together with the people of the world. So, I would like to work on the Well-Being Index in the medium to long term.
I have made some declarations, but that is all from me.
Chairman Maeno: Did you make a declaration that this will be done in a quite seed-driven manner?
Asahimachi (Hakuhodo): Just like , Hakuhodo is said to be seed-driven, but we are in the position of actually doing service implementation with Digita, so I really think that product-oriented will never work well when doing service implementation, and I really feel that only market-oriented and social-in can take root. In that case, I think it is most important how to create win-win relationships with the people of area, especially the residents. In that sense, I think it is very important from the perspective of service development that each area has a foundation where they feel Well-Being and happiness, and I think that it is very different from area to region, not only in terms of shape, but also in terms of emotional insights, so I think it can be used.
Chairman Maeno: , people have services, but they are also interested in general surveys.
There are many hands raised. From the top, there are Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Koizumi, and Mr. Sasao. Let's ask them in order.
Dr. Kan Suzuki.
Mr. Suzuki: It may be a matter of the mid - to long-term, but you said that it is difficult to measure. For example, when you make a Issue for a Maternal and Child Health Passbook, or when you make a health insurance card for a child for free, the health insurance card for a child alone is probably renewed once every two years. In addition, for children, we are thinking about the timing of a medical examination based on the Health Act at school, and for employees, we are thinking about the timing of a stress check based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act. I think it is possible that we will be asked to add one or two more sheets to the work we are doing. I think it is difficult to take this alone, of course, but we are aiming for the timing when the City public office makes a Issue to citizens on a regular basis. Even so, I think the number of samples is sufficient. Or if we are to make a policy, for example, how old the child is and how young the child is aged 15 or younger, we may be able to use it for policy making.
Second, earlier, I also thought that whether it is the administration or the citizens is a very important point. In the case of Well-Being, in particular, the point is that the city of public office cannot do anything about social tolerance or culture. The city of public office can operate the systems, or it can operate the money, but it cannot change the culture. In that case, this survey does not grade the city of public office, and the city of public office is of course included, but I thought that it is necessary to design communication in such a way as to how to convey that the citizens are the parties concerned, such as behavior of the citizens, action for environmental consideration, or action for health promotion, or how to make them understand this voluntarily. I have been doing deliberative work for a long time, and I think that is one way.
That's all.
Chairman Maeno: : Thank you very much.
Then, Mr. Koizumi, please go ahead.
Member: I'm Mr. . Nice to meet you.
I had the impression that I had learned a lot from looking at a variety of rich materials today. For example, I have been conducting a study that statistically analyzed the relationship between well-being and policy for the past two years or so, but it is difficult to link it with policy. When we actually did it, the total explanatory power or coefficient of determination was about 0.4. In other words, there are rather many things that cannot be explained, and there is one thing that I feel is very difficult. In that case, it is difficult to talk in a word about what should be done to actually improve well-being, including activities and daily activities by residents themselves. In addition, it is difficult to evaluate it in a single year, so I think it is difficult to strictly do evidence-based policy making. In a true sense, evidence-based policy making can be done only when we quantitatively know that doing so much will increase the sense of happiness. So, it is difficult, so I think there are places where we have to take a step forward. This is one thing that I thought again when I heard everyone's stories.
Also, Mr. Asahimachi's survey was very interesting, and I thought it would be useful because it was conducted in a very practical manner. Also, I wonder if Mr. Hamamatsu is the same. The point is, of course, as Mr. Suzuki said, there is one option to conduct a survey in line with a comprehensive survey of something, but the other is that although it is a specific person, while developing this policy by targeting those people a little, it is easier to monitor how Well-Being changes over time in practice. The reason for this is that not only measures taken by the government, but also various efforts can be made, including the actions of the residents themselves, their changes, and collective activities. It is easier to do so. It is quite difficult to work on something as a whole, so it may be a little smaller as a group, but I felt that it would be easier to achieve results if we could proceed while clarifying such targets, for example, in the child-rearing age group. My second point is that I felt that it would be easier to achieve results.
The third point is that when I saw Mr. Asahimachi's survey, on page 5, I was quite interested in the fact that it is not colored. For example, the townscape around my house matches my preference, and I can agree with the policies of the area where I live. These are highly correlated. This is an extremely important point from the viewpoint of participation theory, and it means that self-determination can be made regarding policies and social environments. Self-determination is not made by individuals, but it is asked whether self-determination can be made by the collective will of the area. It is asked whether we can make the townscape as we wish and whether we can implement the policies necessary for the area as we wish. I realized once again that this is quite important, and we are implementing participatory community building in various parts of Japan. Looking at the results of this survey, I thought that the significance of this was positioned from the perspective of Well-Being.
So, I realized once again that this part is rather a part where policies can be made. If you don't mind, I would like to have a discussion with you again from the perspective of community development.
These three points are a little longer, but I learned a lot. I look forward to your continued support.
Chairman Maeno: Not at all. Thank you very much. It was a variety of stories rich in very valuable suggestions. The correlation between independence and happiness is very high, so I think that community development with resident participation is extremely important.
Mr. Sasao, please go ahead.
Member Sasao: Thank you very much, .
I learned a lot from your very thought-provoking presentation.
There are some points that I would like to share with you, so I would like to give you my opinion briefly. After hearing today's presentation, I wonder if there are two ways to use the Well-Being Index. First, it is taken for the purpose of seeing the state of the entire city. I feel that it is important for the city and the national government to collect data by asking as many questions to as many people as possible. I think it is necessary to consider a mechanism in which the national government and the government cooperate well so that it can be taken constantly.
On the other hand, in terms of how to evaluate the efforts of Digita, I think it will be evaluated on a service basis, but in that sense, when a service is development, the users of the service are always the first to be envisioned. So, this is very clear, so I think the process of creating personas, how the people who are the targets of the personas feel happy, and what kind of actions make them feel happy, and creating stories by targeting the target users in stages, which was conducted in workshops by Mr. Kakogawa City and Mr. Hamamatsu, who made presentations this time, will be very useful as a reference. I felt that it will be easier to set evaluation indicators for the service if we share with local government quite practical methods such as how to create personas and how detailed design should be to draw a well-being story.
On the other hand, as Professor Koizumi mentioned earlier, I believe that it will take quite a long time for the results to be reflected in the Well-Being Index. Therefore, I am concerned that it will be quite a long time before the data is actually reflected (changes are observed) in the Digita's efforts this time. I thought that there would be many places where we would not know how long we should continue to collect data unless the government creates a certain standard for when the mental Well-Being Index will reach a higher level or how to set such a point. I thought that it would be good to discuss this in depth at this meeting and other meetings.
Finally, I would like to make a final comment. I thought that Asahimachi's efforts were very interesting and that the indicators were narrowed down very logically, but I was a little concerned about whether it is really good to take the overall correlation coefficient only in considering the well-being of each individual. Lifestyles are completely different from person to person, and people who are raising children are really only a few, but there is a problem that the correlation coefficient of the value changes because we look at the indicators of well-being and look at the overall average value. So, I thought that it would be good to add a little process of looking at the correlation coefficient by dividing it into lifestyles. I thought that it would be good to convey somewhere that it is important to look at both the overall and individual aspects of local government's efforts.
That's all.
Chairman Maeno: .
Now, I think all the members have made their statements one at a time. It was supposed to be no later than two thirty, but there are only 40 seconds left. In fact, it would be nice if we could all share our opinions on one side of the statement, discuss the next side again, and create new wisdom. However, I didn't have time today, so I stopped at listening to your opinions. However, basically, in Mr. Shirasaka's words, it is good to have a way of proceeding in which the seeds are clearly expressed, and it is also good to use a questionnaire to improve the whole thing. In addition, there is a difficulty that the questionnaire does not improve easily, so it would be nice if we could clearly convey this point and ask more local government who are not sure about it to come. In local government, which is already advanced, it would be nice if all of us could receive a multi-faceted happiness diagnosis like a health checkup, as I compared it to a health checkup. I think it is both to aim for a town that is free from metabolic syndrome and unhealthy health, or to aim for a town that is the best in Japan in terms of muscle mass.
So, after all, we should aim for both in a balanced manner. You said that it is difficult to improve the level of happiness, but for example, it is good that if you specialize in improving your muscles or something, your level of happiness will increase considerably. For example, if 100 people in the workplace thoroughly communicate and improve their sense of fulfillment for about six months, their level of happiness will increase significantly. So, speaking from the actual feeling, if community development can be truly independent, I don't think it is impossible to reduce the level of happiness to 10,000 people, as it was possible to do with 100 people. Of course, it is not easy, but I think it is good that some towns are specialized, like Hakuhodo, which has a certain muscle and personality, and the index for that will increase significantly. In addition, it is certainly not easy to gradually increase the level of happiness of many citizens as a whole, as Mr. Koizumi said. I felt that it is necessary to understand this and to show them top-level good examples first, and show them how much they will increase, or how they will increase a little, but whether they have such good qualities.
It is more like my impression than a summary, but I would like to continue to discuss with the teachers today. Thank you very much for coming, everyone from local government. Also, people who support local government. I would like to continue to create a happy community from various perspectives.
Then, I will return the moderator to Mr. Digital Agency.
Moderator (Suzuki): Thank you very much, .
Here's to an end.
Mr. Murakami: I have two business communications from Mr. Murakami .
First, on page 13 of Handout 5, there is an outline of the KPI setting guidelines for the smart cities Measures. In fact, those who are working on the project KPIs of other ministries and agencies that are working on the smart cities Measures are asked to organize the relationship between our Well-Being. I would like to introduce to you at today's Expert Meeting that such a thing exists. Needless to discuss about the organization, I think it was almost clear from your opinions that there is a considerable gap between the project KPIs and what we are trying to do here. It is different in nature and substance from the KPIs of the smart cities Measures. I would like to talk about dividing the project KPIs into separate project KPIs. That is my first report.
My second question is, thank you very much to the experts. In fact, I have not confirmed whether all 27 local government are included in this discussion, but basically everyone is listening to it, so I did not have a chance to speak today. However, if there are any comments from the people of local government, whether they are likely to be raised, or what will be done in this case, I would be grateful if you could give us comments to the Secretariat, rather than just listening to it. Questions or impressions are fine, and the Secretariat will make a decision, and if necessary, we would like to consult with you and give us an answer. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could give us feedback on each local government so that we do not leave it to others.
I have not yet decided on the timing for the next meeting, but I intend to hold one or two meetings during the fiscal year. You said that you would like to report on the situation, but I believe that the discussions that appeared today will be able to sort out the issues to a certain extent, although it will not be a logic tree. So, I think that if I can make an abstraction of a simple memo that is different from a simple outline of the meeting and share it with you, it will be a various point in the next meeting. So, I think that the year will pass, but I would be grateful if you could give me your opinions at the time of sharing.
That's about it. Thank you very much.
Moderator (Suzuki): Thank you very much, , Director-General, thank you very much.
Then, local government, I would like to ask for your comments. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your valuable opinions today.
As for the future schedule, as I mentioned earlier, it is scheduled to be held within the fiscal year, so I will let you know again even though you may be busy. We would appreciate it if you could attend the meeting.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule today.
Well, I'd like to conclude the plenary session. Have a good New Year.