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My Number Information full investigation Office (5th)


  • Date and Time: December 12, 2023 (2023) (Tue) 16:45 to 17:00
  • Location: Main conference room on the 4th floor of the Prime Minister's Official
  • Order of business
    1. Opening Remarks, Minister for Digital Transformation
    2. Results of implementation of My Number Information full investigation (Minister for Digital Transformation)
    3. Status of Efforts by Relevant Ministries and Agencies on My Number Information full investigation, etc. (Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications)
    4. Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio Remarks


Summary of proceedings

1. Opening Remarks

Minister for Digital Transformation Kono delivered an opening address.

2. Results of implementation of My Number Information full investigation

Minister for Digital Transformation Kono explained the results of the implementation of the My Number Information full investigation.

3. Efforts by relevant ministries and agencies related to My Number Information full investigation, etc.

The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications explained the efforts of relevant ministries and agencies related to the My Number Information full investigation.

4. Remarks by Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio

Since June this year, the Government of Japan has been promoting the full investigation of My Number information, taking seriously the fact that the erroneous linking of My Numbers has been confirmed and has caused anxiety among the people.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to full investigation and the relevant organizations for their cooperation with local government during this time.

Today, I received a report on the results of the full investigation at this point in time. It has been confirmed that the confirmation of identity has been completed for 99.9 percent of the 82.08 million items subject to inspection, and that the remaining part of the disability card information is expected to be completed by the end of December. Therefore, it has been confirmed that the full investigation is expected to be completed.

In full investigation this time, 8,351 cases, or 0.01% of the total, were found to have linking errors, including those that have already been made public. Viewing of these cases has been suspended, and work to correct the linking errors is already underway in each local government.

In the future, while taking measures to prevent recurrence, we will make a transition to a phase in which we will thoroughly confirm My Number on a regular basis in our regular business.

Based on the tightened law and guidelines, each minister is requested to thoroughly confirm the My Number at the time of application and renewal, and to start providing a new inquiry system of J-LIS (local governments Information Systems Institute) to local government and national institutions from the 18th in order to tighten the Juki Net inquiry.

In addition, please widely provide applications that enable automatic entry of My Number so that My Number registration can be performed electronically without human intervention.

Next, for health insurance card, in addition to full investigation, based on the characteristics of medical care information, we carefully confirm all registered data.

According to the report from Minister Takemi today, it is expected that the confirmation of the discrepancy data will be completed around spring next year.

In addition, when making a transition for a Maina Health Insurance Card, the current Health Insurance Card can be used for up to one year even after the abolition of the health insurance card, and a confirmation letter of eligibility will be issued without an application to those who do not possess a Maina Health Insurance Card. In this way, we will create an environment in which all people can receive health insurance treatment with peace of mind by firmly establishing a period of simultaneous use of digital and analog.

In addition, we will improve the Issue system to facilitate the smooth use of the My-Number Insurance Card, such as by establishing a My Number Card system for facial recognition cards that do not require the setting of a personal identification number and a system for the issuance of limited expresses.

In light of the progress of various measures to dispel the concerns of the people, based on the law, we will end the issuance of the current health insurance card as scheduled in the fall of next year, and transition will be based on the Maina Health Insurance Card.

My Number Card is the public infrastructure in digital society. In the medical care field, the Maina Health Insurance Card has many advantages for patients and medical care sites, such as better medical care and spoofs prevention based on the patient's own drug and medical treatment data. In addition, it is the foundation for promoting medical DX (digital transformation) in Japan, which is the core for the spread and utilization of electronic prescriptions and electronic medical records.

First of all, we will actively make efforts to promote the use of My Number medical care Card in cooperation with medical institutions and insurers so that people can use it once and feel the benefits such as higher-quality health insurance.
