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My Number System and National and Local Digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Group (2nd)


  • Date and Time: Monday, November 22, 2021 (2021) from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Examination of data sharing platform, etc. for realization of total design
      2. Matters to be considered concerning the My Number Act
    3. Adjournment



Summary of proceedings


Friday, November 22, 2021 (2021), from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Online Meetings


  • MAKISHIMA Karen (Minister for Digital Transformation)
  • Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy)
  • Kazuto Ataka (Professor, Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University / CSO, Yahoo Japan Corporation)
  • Naoki Ota (Representative Director of New Stories Co., Ltd.)
  • Yohei Saito (Director and CTO of Future Corporation)
  • Masahiko Shoji (Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Musashi University) * Leave midway
  • Shigeki Morinobu, Senior Researcher, Institute for Policy Studies, The Tokyo Foundation
  • Hiroshi Esaki (Digital Agency, CA)
  • Sota MIZUSHIMA (Digital Agency CPO)
  • Taiichiro Tomiyasu (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Hirotami KIKKAWA (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Director-General of Local Administration Bureau)
  • UEHARA Tetsutaro (Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
  • Otani Kazuko (Executive Officer, General Manager of Legal Department, The Japan Research Institute
  • Shuji Goto (President and Representative Director, area Information Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
  • Joji Shishido (Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo)
  • Akiko Sugawara (Managing Director and Head of Policy Planning, Keizai Doyukai) * Leave midway

Summary of proceedings

At the beginning, Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima said that when the Digital Principles will be compiled by the end of this year as common guidelines for digital reform, regulatory reform, and administrative reform, it is necessary to discuss the total design of the system of My Number System and the central and local governments as a specific theory from the viewpoint of converting the relationship between the people, the country, and the local government through the Digital Principles. He said that this working group will discuss the issues of systems and systems to be examined based on the discussions so far, and based on that, the new Priority plan to be formulated by the end of this year will appropriately include them and implement them.

(1) Examination of data sharing platform, etc. for realization of total design

Based on Material 1, the Secretariat introduced the discussions at the local government Task Force based on the previous (first) Total Design and Discussion Points, and the members and special members mainly made the following remarks.

  • The summary of the local government Task Force is meaningful because it is an in-depth study item.

  • The target of twenty twenty-five should be planned in line with reality. In the case of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, it will take two years until the front line SaaS can be used to some extent, and five years until the functions including the backbone system can be fully used.

  • The current study is based on the assumption that the administration will use private sector data, but there is a possibility that it does not match the actual situation, and it should be properly discussed in a specific use cases.

  • It is recognized that the schedule for the implementation of the twenty twenty-five and the review of the Issue have not yet been advanced. On the other hand, some of the issues pointed out can be addressed by operational improvement and system revision under the current mechanism. Specific proposals should be presented for each issue and examined based on practical operations. In addition, it may be possible to examine what kind of review is necessary, including reconstruction, for each specific system.

  • Regarding problems related to services for residents who have not been registered as residents, responses are being implemented in situations where the definition and target persons differ depending on the local government and vendor, without legal grounds. Isn't it necessary to discuss solutions?

  • In addition to the task force, this study should invite opinions from municipalities and hold consultations with related organizations at a certain time.

  • We appreciate the fact that the entire system is coordinated from the user's point of view.

  • The people have high expectations for Digital Agency. Instead of aiming for a perfect figure in 2030, implementation should be promoted from services that are easy to understand and convenient for the people toward twenty twenty-five. In that case, it is also important to have a system public service that can be used as a front desk for private sector with an app or portal. In addition, in preparation for emergencies including disasters, implementation of push-type services from the government, such as benefits, should be targeted at several easy-to-understand services. design

  • With regard to the "100,000 yen per child benefit" of the current economic measures, there was debate over whether to impose an income limit and whether to make it a household combined income. In the future, it is necessary to avoid a situation in which "even if we want to create an effective system, we cannot respond because we do not have a system." Isn't it Digital Agency's top priority Issue to quickly build a system that links income information with household information and benefits? South Korea and Western countries have created a system that connects income and benefit data in real time, and there are examples of social policies such as various benefits being provided based on this.

  • "Smartphone: Complete the procedure in 60 seconds" is very meaningful from the user's point of view in terms of reducing the burden, and from the administrative point of view in terms of preventing information inconsistency and eliminating the need for re-input and correction.

  • In addition to the intentions of individuals, it is necessary to clarify the necessary premises for the linkage with data held private sector, such as that the purpose of use is clear, that it is possible to stop data connections when an individual wishes, and that data portability is secured to a certain extent.

  • It is important to be able to use portals and apps that we are accustomed to using on a daily basis, but we should clarify the expected services and proceed with the discussion. Rather than throwing the front part to the private sector app, it is necessary to sort out what and to what extent the Mynaportal side will implement it.

  • The basic dataset is also expensive to set up all the time. Specific discussion based on use cases is necessary.

  • For the local government side, the burden is technically high and the schedule is extremely strict, so it is necessary to set detailed targets for how much to realize by the twenty twenty-five.

  • With regard to the modality of national and local networks, it is necessary to cooperate with ongoing discussions, such as the review of the Juki Net.

  • Information leakage and privacy should be carefully separated and discussed. Information leakage can be covered by technology, but privacy is related to the system design, so it should be carefully examined. In the past discussion on Juki Net, it was essential that the government does not centrally manage data, that the data owner is a local governments, and that it has been confirmed that the reference and transfer of data are the will of the person. It is also important to verify the identity of the person, such as applying by an agent for the use of a Public Personal Authentication.

  • What is important is how to make the people feel convenient in what time frame.

  • A mechanism for extracting data held by local government, such as VRS, may occur in the future, and it is necessary to design a local government plan in detail based on the standardization and use cases of the transition system.

  • In order to promote My Number as a national ID, it is necessary to link it with account numbers, etc.

  • It is also essential to assume responses to emergencies, such as the COVID-19 response this time. It is necessary to consider a case in which major infrastructure is suspended in a few hours in a large-scale disaster as a clear use cases.

  • In order to steadily implement total design, the number and specifications of the current human resources are insufficient. It is necessary to make a considerable education of the existing human resources, and it is necessary to clearly include them as viewpoints.

(2) Matters to be considered concerning the My Number Act

Regarding Material 2, the Secretariat explained the matters to be considered concerning the My Number Law, and the members mainly made the following remarks.

  • Regarding the expansion of the three fields of My Number, it should not be done hastily, but should be done while carefully studying overseas cases. Some countries are discussing whether to use it for the education field and the scholarship field, so it is necessary for Japan to carefully advance the discussion.

  • In order to promote the use of My Number Card, convenience in Mynaportal is necessary. Isn't it necessary to make Mynaportal available to the public on a daily basis, not only at the time of tax filing?

  • As the number of gig workers working via intermediary platforms increases, it is important to understand their incomes and income information so that they can build safety nets. It is necessary to consider systems and Mynaportal that connect such information to the design of individuals via platformers.

  • It is urgent to take measures based on the disaster.

  • Gig work and gig life are increasing, and it is extremely important to minimize the unit of ID. Instead of managing people by household or address, all people should be connected as individuals. Isn't it time to review family registry?

  • It is also important to make a design in the smallest unit for the ID of a corporation so that a business office can be handled as the smallest unit instead of a company as one unit.

  • From the perspective of digital disaster risk management, Digital Agency should consider creating a world in which digital does not fail in the event of disasters.

  • In administrative procedures, it is necessary to separate corporations from individuals. The Data Strategy Promotion Working Group discusses corporations, etc., but since the timing at which results can be obtained differs between corporations and individuals, it may be better to separate them from individuals and visualize them.

  • Individuals need to make an opt-in decision on the use of the Principal's information, but it may be difficult for the design of services to be provided on the premise that the consent of the Principal is obtained from each resident. private sector has established a mechanism that considers privacy after the confirmation of the intention of the Principal, but it is realistic to proceed with practical examination of the extent that the administration can implement, and to consider revising the law if necessary based on that.

  • It is better not to call My Number Card because it is confusing. My Number Card is a card for a Public Personal Authentication that certifies one's digital identity, but some people are reluctant to obtain or carry it. The distinction between My Number and My Number Card should be clearly stated.

  • It may be advisable to consider whether it is necessary to include the My Number in the My Number Card.

  • The need to include the My Number on the My Number Card has been discussed as a main agenda item at the J-LIS's Study Group on the Next-Generation Basic Resident Registration Card. It is also necessary to consider the necessity of developing an environment in which IC chips can be read if the My Number or address is lost, and the effectiveness of the My Number Card as an identification card from the viewpoint that there is a Issue.

  • The expansion of the use of My Number should be considered under the broad direction of digital completion based on the digital principles discussed in the Digital Policy Consultation.

  • As for My Number Card, I would like to see rapid progress in the use of romanization and other methods that can be used overseas.

  • It is necessary to explicitly set a timeline for what will be done by when, so that private sector, which wants to assume it, will not be troubled.

Chief Officer for Digital Policy Akaishi, the Chief Examiner, stated that regarding the expansion of the use of My Number, he would like to carefully consider the convenience of the people based on the opinions received and the digital principles.

At the closing of the meeting, the Secretariat explained that it would contact you again regarding the next schedule.
