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My Number System and National and Local Digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Group (5th)


  • Date and Time: Thursday, August 25, 2022 (2022) from 15:00 to 16:30
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Consideration of Total Design and Revision of the My Number Law to Realize a User-oriented public service
      2. Study on the dissemination and utilization of APIs for Mynaportal and My Number Card
    3. Adjournment





Thursday, August 25, 2022 (2022), from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Online Meetings


  • KONO Taro (Minister for Digital Transformation)
  • Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy)
  • Kazuto Ataka (Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies, Keio University / CSO, Yahoo Japan Corporation) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons.
  • Naoki Ota (Representative Director of New Stories Co., Ltd.)
  • Yohei Saito (Director and CTO of Future Corporation) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons.
  • Masahiko Shoji (Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Musashi University)
  • Shigeki Morinobu, Senior Researcher, Institute for Policy Studies, The Tokyo Foundation
  • Takashi Asanuma (Chief Officer of the Digital Agency) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons.
  • Hiroshi Esaki (Digital Agency, CA)
  • Sota MIZUSHIMA (Digital Agency CPO)
  • Taiichiro Tomiyasu (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency)
  • Hirotami KIKKAWA (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Director-General of Local Administration Bureau)
  • UEHARA Tetsutaro (Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
  • Otani Kazuko (Executive Officer, General Manager of Legal Department, The Japan Research Institute
  • Shuji Goto (President and Representative Director, area Information Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
  • Joji Shishido (Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons
  • Akiko Sugawara (Managing Director and Head of Policy Planning, Keizai Doyukai)


Councilor Kimura: Thank you, is on schedule, the 5th "My Number System and National and Local Digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Group" will be held.
Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend.
Mr. Kimura, Counselor of Digital Agency, will be the moderator of this meeting. Nice to meet you.

At the beginning, the Secretariat will let you know. Today's meeting is being held online and open to the public. Media representatives and others are attending the meeting online.
If you are a member or special member of the Working Group, please turn on the screen and turn on the audio only when you speak. If you are a member or special member of the Working Group, please turn off the screen and mute the audio.

Today, we have Minister for Digital Transformation Kono, members of the expert community, and observers from related ministries and agencies. First of all, I would like to ask Minister for Digital Transformation Kono to give us an address. Thank you very much.

Minister Kono: Today, I would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in the My Number System and the National and Local Digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Groups.

So far, in this working group, we have had discussions on the total design of the system across the country, local governments, and private sector, how data exchange platform for xxxx should be in order to complete the procedure in 60 seconds with a smartphone, and the use of My Number and the expansion of the scope of information linkages.

Last time, I heard from you that it is important to provide an environment in which people in need of support can be reached based on accurate information and appropriate support can be received promptly. Based on the discussions so far, today, I would like to specifically show the direction of the development of a system environment for realization or the utilization of My Number.

As Priority plan made a Cabinet decision in June, we would like to have discussions from both the system and legal perspectives so that necessary bills will be submitted to the ordinary Diet session in 2023 or next year.

I would like to present the current status and future efforts regarding the spread and utilization of Mynaportal's API and My Number Card, and I would like to hear your frank opinions.

In order to realize highly convenient services for both residents and public authorities residents, I would like to ask all the experts to have active discussions today. Thank you very much.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, , thank you very much.
Now, I would like to start with agenda item 1. With regard to agenda item 1, first of all, Mr. Kusunoki, Director-General of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Digital Agency, I would like to give an explanation.
First of all, Mr. Kusunoki, would you please explain the materials?

Mr. Kusunoki: In .
I would like to explain based on Material 1, "Total Design for Realization of public service from the Users' Point of View and Examination of the My Number Law."

In Priority plan, we are considering twenty twenty-five as a target for smartphone for the time being, so that procedures can be completed in 60 seconds in public service and a private sector can be launched in seven days at the same cost as in implementation.

In order to realize these, it is necessary to promote the componentization of common functions, loosely couple systems, reduce dependencies, and realize a highly flexible architecture while avoiding duplication of functions.

In addition, on the institutional side, we intend to put in place the necessary legislation, including the amendment of the My Number Law in 2023, and through these efforts, we aim to implement the new scheme no later than twenty twenty-five.

As for the future consideration of specific systems, in the three stages, (I), (ii), and (iii), on the front side, we have been discussing the future consideration of local government, such as the utilization of information on residents in public authorities, the utilization of information from the public and private sectors through individuals, and how to further develop the information linkages between My Number System, which has been done in data sharing platform.

Overseas, for example, in Denmark, various services are provided in one stop on the site Borger. dk, and in Singapore, in addition to linking information from each public authorities, a system has been developed in which users can easily use the information they edit themselves in online application using the service MyInfo. This is also used as a reference for the recent expansion of Mynaportal functions.

Among the matters explained today, first of all, regarding "(I) Utilization of information in local government," we will start technology validation in the form of PoC this fiscal year based on the specifications and other related to the unified standardization of core business systems in local government, and we are conducting consideration so that it can be demonstrated and utilized in advance according to the wishes of local government after fiscal 2023 and 2023. At the same time, we are also conducting consideration on the application management function on Government Cloud.

Regarding "(ii) Utilization of information between the public and private sectors through the person himself / herself," the basic idea is that the backyard cooperation so far can only be done through cooperation within the public authorities that can be connected to the information provision network system, so in order to properly proceed with digitalization in all administrative procedures, we will utilize information between the public and private sectors through the person himself / herself. Not only will we cooperate with the information held by the government in the back office, but we will also use certificates issued by the government for the private sector. This is widely done in the paper world, including the use of resident records. On the contrary, the use of certificates issued by the government for the private sector, such as the Current Status Notice of child allowances, is widely done in the paper world, but in order to properly digitalization, it is important to utilize information between the public and private sectors through the person himself / herself in the digital world. private sector

In addition, it is actually widely practiced to use certificates issued by administrative agencies for administrative purposes, and I believe that there is some discussion that this should be done through backyard cooperation. However, it is not always possible to do everything at the window, including the use of terminals. In fact, there is a great need for the use of information by government agencies even between public authorities. In order to realize these, it is necessary to consider what kind of method is appropriate after comprehensively considering cost, speed, and other factors.

In regard to this, as stated in the red letter, My Number System has stated that it will consider the necessity of revising My Number Card, including specific mechanisms and various laws, based on the respective roles and ways of utilizing the current My Number and law in Priority plan.

I would like to ask you to turn it over. In some cases, the person can already use administrative information or Mynaportal information through private sector. The self-information held by public authorities, etc. is provided through the self-information acquisition API. In addition, the self-information held by private business, including the Benefit-Your-Locality Hometown Tax, is also provided through the private sector Delivery Service.

In addition to the self-information that can be used by the above mechanism, we believe that it is important to further improve the convenience of the people by making it possible to use other various self-information held by public authorities, etc.

In this case, a mechanism for providing the information of the same person managed by each institution to the person himself / herself is necessary, and in that case, the main points raised in the previous fourth Working Group were about the identification of the person and the identifier for uniquely identifying the person.

Based on this current mechanism, we believe that the realistic way to think about the future is to provide self-information information linkages based on the Number Act to the Principal using the Self-Information Acquisition API, and to provide other self-information held by public authorities and private business to the Principal using identity verification using a Public Personal Authentication or the authentication function of an individual service.

With regard to "(iii) information linkages between public authorities," in this regard, to the extent necessary for the implementation of administrative work, how to ensure that accurate and up-to-date information on each citizen can be referred to will be discussed. At this time, the use of Government Cloud will be gradually promoted in the systems of the national government and local government.

In addition, in particular, over the past little more than 10 years, security technology, including encryption technology, has advanced considerably, and based on this, we believe that it is necessary to consider both systems and systems so that information linkages methods can be updated and the information necessary for "service launch in 7 days" and "administrative proceduer completion in 60 seconds" can be quickly used while ensuring privacy.

In this regard, regarding the system aspect, how can we take a consistent information linkages related to the foundation of the design, a information linkages within the organization and a information linkages between the organizations in a consistent mechanism? For this purpose, we will properly utilize the results of technical validation in the prototype construction, etc., and when creating it, we will make it common and eliminate duplication.

In addition, in terms of systems, there are things that can be used within the current systems, such as Disaster Condolence Grants for the Bereaved, but are not used, so it is important to thoroughly investigate what is Issue for these things and eliminate bottlenecks. In addition, I believe that it is necessary to consider how to consider administrative work that can be expanded in the future.

This is the current configuration of the main system related to information linkages in My Number System. It is a cooperation mechanism using codes through the Information Provision Network System managed by Digital Agency, and information between these organizations is coordinated. At that time, information stored in the intermediate server is provided through the interface system. In particular, the 4 basic information is managed by Juki Net managed by J-LIS, and Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) is provided as an authentication mechanism.

Within these systems, with regard to data connections based on the Numbers Act, the fact is that we do not collaborate among institutions without permission, but manage matters that are permitted by law in a way that ensures that logs remain in the core system.

Based on this, in terms of how the My Number will be used in the new administrative work in the future, for example, in the case of automobile registration, it is still necessary to obtain and attach a Resident Register Code of residence when applying at the counter, or to obtain a certificate of residence in order to understand the certificate of residence when applying online, but by using My Number Card, the online application will be completed properly online. By doing so, it will be unnecessary for applicants to obtain a certificate of residence, which will lead to improved convenience, and this is considered by use cases.

In addition, with regard to procedures for foreign nationals residing in Japan, we have so far been able to come to Immigration Bureau to apply for certificates, receive taxation certificates, etc., apply for residence in My Number Card, and receive the results of the examination at the counter. However, by providing My Numbers using public authorities, we may be able to provide a service in which procedures can be taken with a single card, rather than visiting each Immigration Bureau and Tokyo separately. We believe that the burden on applicants can be reduced by omitting such certificates, and that the accuracy of information on mid to long-term residents can be secured, which will lead to the realization of appropriate residence management.

In addition, with regard to the use of the My Number in procedures for foreign nationals, in the past, employers of the so-called Specific Skilled Worker Training Program and the like would have applied to public authorities for certificates, received them, and then handed them over to Immigration Bureau. There has been a lot of paper work, but by providing the My Number to My Number Card and data connections between public authorities and Immigration Bureau, the number of items to be notified can be reduced and the notification itself can be omitted. In addition, the accuracy of the contents of the notification can be secured, which will lead to the realization of appropriate residence management.

Including this, I believe that it is necessary to consider the ideal use of the My Number and the scope of Priority plan from the perspective of the people, including the perspective of enabling people to engage in accurate, fair, and convenient socioeconomic activities by certifying their own information and rights through the proper use of the My Number in public service, and the perspective of enabling people to enjoy information linkages that suits their circumstances.

While obtaining the understanding of the people of Japan, we will reorganize law by submitting necessary bills, including the amendment of the My Number Law, in 2023. We will also aim to develop systems, etc., in 2024 or later and implement the new system by the time of twenty twenty-five.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, Next, I would like to receive a supplementary explanation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on the one stop service related to procedures related to automobile ownership. Then, Mr. Hakube Haba, Director of the Automobile Information Division, Automobile Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, please explain the materials.

Hakube Nami, Manager: Thank you for your introduction. I am Hakube Nami, Director of the Automobile Information Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

In the explanation by Director General Kusunoki, I introduced the utilization of automobile registration procedures as a use cases that will be made possible by the revision of the My Number Law. As a supplement, I would like to explain the automobile registration system and one stop service.

Thank you for your review, this is Handout 3.
First of all, regarding the outline of the automobile registration system, the requirements for registration include securing a place to store automobiles, paying automobile taxes, contracting automobile liability insurance, and conforming to automobile safety standards. Therefore, when applying for registration, we require the minimum necessary documents to confirm that these requirements are met.

I would like you to turn to the next page.
This is a brief description of the registration and inspection procedures throughout the life cycle of an automobile. When you purchase an automobile, you need to go through a new registration procedure, and then you need to go through a regular continuous inspection. In addition, when you move, you need to go through a change registration procedure, and when you sell or buy an automobile, you need to go through a transfer registration procedure, and when you stop using an automobile or scrap an automobile, you need to go through a deletion registration procedure.

Please turn to the next page.
This is an overview of one stop Service (OSS) for automobiles.
As I explained earlier, you need a parking space certificate and payment of automobile taxes to register a car, but we have developed a system that allows you to apply for these procedures online. Since we started operating it for new registrations in 2005, we have gradually expanded the procedures.

Next, please turn over.
This section describes the current online usage rate by procedure and the target usage rate in the future.

In terms of new registrations in the upper right corner and ongoing inspections in the lower left corner of the pie chart, the utilization rate in fiscal 2021 was in the 30% range, but we plan to increase it to 70% by the end of fiscal 2025. In addition, regarding registration of changes when moving, etc., and registration of transfers when selling and buying, which are collectively referred to as interim registration, it is 2% against the target of 20%, and the situation is currently sluggish.

Next, please turn over.
I am sorry that the materials are detailed, but each ministry has set a basic plan for raising the online usage rate, which I mentioned earlier, and this is the effort.
Three Issue are listed on the left.

Regarding the first OSS convenience in Issue, we will make it possible to apply using smartphone in the future, and we will make it possible to automatically input information into application forms using electronic vehicle validation, which will be introduced in January next year.

The second Issue is that the digitization of attached documents is not progressing. In this regard, we will promote cooperation between each ministry and the system in the future, and we will make efforts to omit the attachment itself.

Regarding the fact that understanding of applications using the third My Number has not progressed, we would like to strengthen educational activities such as convenience in the future.
Please take the next page.

This is an example of efforts toward OSS convenience. From January this year, when registering a change when moving, if the person in question applies for OSS, the new vehicle validation will be exchanged by mail. In addition, the replacement of the license plate will be postponed until the next vehicle inspection. As a result, we have newly created a special provision that basically does not require the person to visit the Transport Branch Office, etc. We would like to continue to make improvements from the perspective of users. validation
That's all for my supplementary explanation.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
Next, I would like to turn to agenda item 2. On agenda item 2, I would like to hear an explanation of the materials from Counselor Kamikariya in Digital Agency. Thank you very much, Counselor Kamikariya.

Counsellor Kamikariya: I'm Kamikariya .
Now, please take a look at Material 2. As it is written on the cover page, I would like to give you a brief explanation of the current location and future image of APIs for Mynaportal (information acquisition system) in about 15 minutes.

In Document 1, Director Kusunoki gave an explanation. Of the three categories, this is a more detailed explanation of the initiatives for "information utilization by the public and private sectors through individuals" and the mechanisms that support them. I would like to ask for your guidance and discussions.

On page 1, first of all, as you know, "What is Mynaportal" is written in the square. It is a portal site where each and every citizen can receive various My Number Card. In particular, you can receive various things from the screen. What is involved this time is "My Information", which is enclosed in the square. If you log in at public service, your income, household, vaccinations, and what you have received are sent here from public authorities, and you can check them. Another point is "Notice", which is enclosed in the square on the left. If it is a Current Status Notice of various public authorities and child allowances, the municipal government will send it to Mynaportal, and it will be fine. If it is a Current Status Notice of various and, the municipal government will send it to, and it will be fine. If it is a Final Income Tax Return, which is about to be in season, you will be reminded not to forget it. These are the functions of Mynaportal that can be received when you acquire My Number Card, as I think you have been informed. My Number Card

On page 2, not only can you enjoy it from this screen, but as described in the title, we are working to provide a set of so-called APIs.

As I wrote in the U.S. Seal in the box, an API is a mechanism that allows applications to exchange information and search for it. In this case, Mynaportal is in the middle. Not only can information be received and viewed from various public authorities and private sector companies on the right, but also various types of interfaces such as an application interface for acquiring self-information on the left side can be created and used to safely acquire that information and provide services through various systems such as private sector and government systems and smartphone applications on the lower left.

I would like you to open page 3. A representative example of this is the Self-Information Acquisition API, which was also mentioned in Material 1 earlier. As a premise for this, first of all, as written in the title, it is a mechanism for disclosing (browsing) self-information, and it is based on a mechanism based on My Number System. On the right end, in particular, what I would like you to see is, as the back of the following materials are colored yellow, various places such as public authorities, pensions if it is a country, and municipalities if it is a region, can browse the information here in Mynaportal through the Information Provision Network System. By taking this one step further and creating an API, I would like you to open page 4. As written in one example, after the cooperation on the right, for example, the site of XX Bank will be connected via an interface using the API of Mynaportal. As a user, when you log in to the site of XX Bank on the target site (1) on the right and apply for a housing loan, you will be asked if it is OK to acquire income from Mynaportal. If you say "yes" and agree with My Number Card, Mynaportal will relay the information and retrieve the income information from the public authorities of the municipality through the network below, so that online services and XX Bank services can be provided seamlessly.

So, it was created here, and you are gradually starting to use it. In the case of such a self-information acquisition API that can be relayed, please open page 5. In other words, you can view information on office work that can use the My Number from Mynaportal via the Information Provision Network System, so the information that can be relayed is the information on office work that can use the My Number. So, to be specific, the candidates you are looking at are tax and social security. So, in other words, if the office work that can use the My Number expands, the lineup of this information will expand, so I would like you to use it as a reference for your consideration.

Please show me page 6.
This is an example.
As for the realization of a specific service using the self-information acquisition API, as stated in the title, Mr. private business, Mr. Mirairo, wants to do something about disability card, where disabled people are very thick, bulky, and difficult. So, it was created from the perspective of realizing this smartphone disability card, and the service has already been started. In this case, if you look at the yellow part, the related information of disabled people in local governments is delivered to Mr. Mirairo's server in the form of a relay from Mynaportal, and people can acquire it on their smartphones. When they present it, they can buy expressway tolls or various tickets at a discount for disabled people.

In addition, this is an example, but if you open page 7, as you are at your current location, as you can see in the title, drug information and metabolic health examination information for people aged 40 or older are also available. Although this is not a self-information acquisition API, it is a method in which each Mynaportal is connected individually, but the effect is the same. To explain briefly, there are various types of insurers on the right, and their information on specific health examinations and metabolic health examinations every year, and in the middle, one online qualification confirmation system in Japan, which is operated by the Payment Fund and the National Health Insurance Central Committee, is relayed to the Payment Fund and the National Health Insurance Central Committee. Information on drugs for all people, which is extracted from receipts at the Payment Fund and the National Health Insurance Central Committee, and information on medical care expenses are relayed to the APIs for Mynaportal on the upper left, and various public and private services can be obtained. For example, PHR services can be obtained from the Payment Fund and the National Health Insurance Central Committee, so that the people can confirm the metabolic health examination information graphically by comparing it with the previous year. Some are already beginning to do so.

The most important point is, on page 8, the tax return, year-end adjustment, and automatic input. This is the first and most important purpose. In this case, in the case of public authorities on the right, it is the amount of annual premiums paid by pensions, the amount of medical care expenses paid, and the amount of annual premiums paid by private sector, such as life insurance. In addition, the year-end balance of housing loans is almost connected to Mynaportal through the private sector Delivery Service. If this is the case, when people give their consent to My Number Card at (2) on the upper left of the tax return corner, such information can be automatically input, and accurate information can be easily handed over to the national tax.

If you open page 9, it will be like a process chart for automatic entry of final tax return. The items are simply summarized as necessary information here. However, with the efforts of the people concerned, the blue band has been completed. However, there is still a Issue, and the salary and miscellaneous income surrounded by dotted lines have not yet been completed, so we will have to move on to this next.

I will talk about this in the following pages, but I would like to talk about how to harvest and solve this problem. It is on page 10.

In the upper left of the title, company-bonded OSS is an abbreviation for one stop service for social insurance and tax. If you look at the image below, in the past, if you hired employees in various places in public authorities, such as the sweating person on the left, you had to submit them separately to such places, whether it was national tax, local tax, pensions, or Halloween. Recently, however, it has become possible to apply electronically at once through accounting software. Taking this one step further, with the system of company-bonded OSS, without applying, if you put the application data of employees here in the middle cloud called private sector Cloud on the right, on the contrary, if you need national tax, you can come to see it. Since January 2022, this system has been realized for statutory records, and this system will gradually expand.

In addition, as described in the second circle in the square, from next January, in the form of data portability, when individuals want to submit information stored by companies to other parties, they can pass it through Mynaportal after being certified in My Number Card, as I mentioned earlier, and related ministries and agencies are working on this initiative.

I broke it up a little more and put some in. It's page 11.
As for the data portability plan, from next January, as written in this flow chart, the company on the right will store the statutory records. Then, when the taxpayer who falls under the category on the left wants to use it for final tax return, etc., he or she can take it and automatically input it and submit it in cooperation with Mynaportal. So, first of all, from next January, as written in the third part of the box, it is scheduled to start with tax withholding slips and Specified Account Annual Transaction Report. As a concept, I think it will be more effective if you open page 12 and expand it to the payment record at the bottom of the middle side of the picture.

As written in the third line from the bottom of the square, the payment record will be a reward or a certificate for freelancers, so these people will also benefit.
As for page 13, of course, if we consider further expanding the concept, we will think like this, but it is wasteful to use only national taxes, so the related ministries and agencies are considering whether it is possible to use the concept of data portability to automatically input data into procedures for local taxes and social insurance, statistical surveys, and so on, or to provide and cooperate through individuals.

Please show me page 14.
Also, as an extremely important mechanism for push-type administration, we have included brief materials on Registration of public money receiving account.

In regard to this, as stated, the second round of public fund receiving account Individual Number Card Point began on June 30. administrative operation registration has the effect of granting 7,500 points out of a total of 20000 points, and the number of registered points has been steadily increasing among the people of Japan. Currently, there are more than 12 million registered points, and if they register here, they can transfer their registered points only to this office in the event of an emergency. We would like to expand the number of registered points with the aim of eliminating the burden on the people of Japan and the administration as well.

Pages 15 and 16 are for your reference. They contain the main indicators of the specific number of uses of Mynaportal that I have explained so far.

As I write, in order for the notice to be delivered, individuals need to open a user folder, which is about 18 million now. And to view personal information, you need to log in in My Number Card, which is about 1.4 million per month, and we ask for some kind of service.

Then, on page 16, for Reference 2, there is APIs for Mynaportal (Information Acquisition System). In terms of what kind of services it has actually been used for, the five services described here have already utilized the acquisition system API, and are new services or have added more appeal to the services. I believe that it will expand at an accelerated pace. As stated in the footnote, there are about 20 services that have concrete plans to start using it soon, and I would like to advance efforts to enrich the lives of the people based on this foundation.

From page 17 onward, in the appendix, I mentioned that the services I just explained were provided premised on My Number Card, but when it comes to the spread and utilization of My Number Card, Digital Agency is thinking of advancing initiatives described in 1, 2, and 3 to enrich the lives of the people. However, due to the time limitation, I am very sorry, but I have carefully prepared the materials, so I would appreciate if you could take a look at them later. Or, I would like to ask for your guidance in the discussion to be held later.
That's all.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
Now, I would like to hear the opinions of members and special members, including the contents of the materials for agenda items 1 and 2. I will designate them, so if you have any comments, please let me know by the show of hands function. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Morinobu.

Makoto Mori Member: , I would like to make a comment.
I have been speaking about the establishment of a digital safety net at this meeting. The image is of Universal Credit, a tax credit with benefits in the United Kingdom. In this case, income information reported to the tax authority from companies every month is shared with the social security authorities online in information linkages, and is used to grasp the target population for childcare support, job applicant support, and employment support for low-income people, and to provide benefits. In other words, it is a system in which tax information and income information are immediately linked to the social security authorities. I would like you to open page 10 of today's material 2.

I was very encouraged that the figure on page 10 of Material 2 might be written as a future image. In other words, the figure on page 10 of Material 2 is written as an overview of the corporate bond OSS, and the figure on the right of this page is an important initiative that leads to the digital safety net. As you explained earlier, the private sector Cloud in the middle will start using final tax returns from January next year. In other words, the National Tax Administration Agency, which I believe can be included in the national tax, will receive so-called statutory records and employer income information from companies. The received data can be used by each public authorities A, B, and C from the bottom of this figure.

If we can further develop this system and expand it to not only employers but also sole proprietorships, as you just mentioned, such as miscellaneous income and business income, the national government and local government will be able to effectively select who is eligible for the support, such as who is the poverty household necessary for the benefit, as you just mentioned.

For business operators, you mentioned earlier that you will use the statutory records for freelancers, but for gig workers, I think we should ask intermediary platformers to provide data and information.

In this way, the income data of various people, salaried workers, freelancers, gig workers, and so on, will all be collected in the private sector Cloud, and it will be possible for social security authorities and local government to use it when providing various benefits. If that happens, the digital safety net will be able to grasp who is in trouble and who is the target of support, even on the national side. I think this figure is a very future-oriented figure.

In that sense, as stated in Material 1 earlier, I believe it is particularly important to ensure that there are platformers and information linkages sites that will actually work together and make a private business after establishing such an institutional arrangement.

In addition, I would like to ask for more time. At present, it is often said that when something is provided, it is based on income information from two years ago under the current system. This is inevitable due to the system, but if the mechanism I just mentioned is established, I believe that it will be possible to obtain information from the national tax from one year ago, and to grasp who is in need in real time, like in the United Kingdom. I believe that it will be possible to obtain information from the national tax from one year ago, and to grasp who is in need in real time, like in the United Kingdom. I believe that it will be possible to obtain information from the national tax from one year ago, and to grasp who is in need in real time, like in the United Kingdom. Household Exempt from Resident's Tax

In any case, it is necessary to obtain income information for freelancers and gig workers from the ordering party for freelancers and from the platformer for gig workers. Originally, I think that such flow of funds should be revised and included in the statutory records, but in the meantime, as explained earlier, it is necessary to obtain information from the ordering client for freelancers and from the platformer via Mynaportal for gig workers with the consent of the individual, and to use it for applications for e-Tax and various benefits.

By the way, the consumption tax invoice, which will be introduced next October, is the sales of business operators, so I think it is very important to utilize this.

In any case, there will be no effect unless many private business and platformers actually participate for the sake of information linkages, so I believe that the government's proactive efforts and support of Digital Agency will be necessary.

In addition, for various social security-related applications, the other party is currently separated by service, but I think it is important to unify them so that you can receive various services at a single window, which is the case in other countries.

If such a mechanism can be constructed, it will be easier to determine who is eligible for various social security benefits, who is in trouble, and who is currently eligible, and it will be possible to create an effective and efficient safety net that corresponds to the all-generational social security.

In addition, I believe that this will make it possible to provide benefits based on income, such as support for the COVID-19 benefit and the Higher education. Since all ministries and agencies are involved, I would like to see Digital Agency, which is a cross-cutting entity, move forward.

In closing, I would like to say one more thing. From the perspective of expanding the use of My Number as a My Number System, and in particular, promoting information linkages between public authorities, as shown in Material 1, I would like to see the use of My Number steadily expanded in scenes that are more useful to the people, regardless of the three fields of tax, social security, and disasters to date, such as automobile registration and residence procedures for foreign nationals.

In relation to this, when I went to the Netherlands and Northern Europe and asked about the My Number, the recognition in the Netherlands and Northern Europe was that "My Number (number) is just address (address)" and "not privacy" was often said. As the use of the My Number has spread among the people, the number is really used in the same way as the address. As the convenience increases, I think that the need to be particular about privacy will decrease, so I would like to spread the use value of the My Number in the future.
It's a little long, but that's all.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, , thank you very much.
Next, Mr. Goto, nice to meet you.

GOTO Special Member: Thank you very much, . I'm Goto from area Information Technology Research Institute.
I would like to make some comments in accordance with the order of the materials you explained today.

First, we will consider the total design and the My Number Law to realize a user-oriented public service.

In (1), "Utilization of information in local government" is written, and this is very important. On page 6 of the material, it is written, "To enable smooth data connections and to respond sufficiently to changes in user needs and technical trends." This is very good, but I have been involved in information policy, development and construction of information systems in local government for a long time, so I understand that information utilization in this direction has already been carried out in many local government.

In terms of Issue, for example, in the case of taxable information, it is a legal nuance that the use of information for other businesses is prohibited or restricted. In addition, from the perspective of personal data protection, there are restrictions on the use of information beyond the purpose of collection, and there were scenes in local government where there was confusion about the use of information between businesses. I believe that this has led to a vertical division of procedures.

In your explanation, (3) on page 2 of the document states that the necessary bills, including the revision of the My Number Law, will be submitted in 2023 and 2023. At that time, I would like to request that the Cabinet Office and each Ministry make thorough coordination so that the relevant law is coordinated among the ministries and agencies so that not only the technical aspects but also the use of the My Number between systems will be appropriately carried out.

Third, we will further promote the "information linkages between public authorities."
This is also a very important point, but unfortunately, I believe that the cases listed in the explanatory materials are not necessarily common to all Japanese people, and I feel that it is a little difficult to be heard.

On the other hand, recently in many areas of local government, there have been efforts to provide comprehensive explanations and receive notifications regarding procedures including inheritance due to death. However, with regard to administrative procedures that are beyond the jurisdiction of municipal offices, for example, the registration of pensions and real estate, and the change of bank accounts, we often encounter scenes where people are saying that they are having a hard time because they are required to make extremely complicated notifications or to submit various attached documents at each counter.

For example, I would like to think about how to specifically resolve such cases in the future, how to change the system and work together through the system, and as a result, reduce the burden on the parties concerned and eliminate the omission of procedures.

If the Government of Japan appropriately conducts basic design, I believe that local government will present various use cases and make specific proposals for improvement. I would like you to pay attention to the difficulties faced by many people in this area.

Also, from a technical perspective, with regard to the LGWAN, which has been a network for exchanging information between local government and local government as well as between local government and the Government of Japan, people in local government are interested in how the LGWAN will be changed in the future, and when and where the plan will be formulated, but it is difficult to see where it will be. With regard to recent efforts, I would like the Government of Japan to present the specific content and situation as soon as possible, while taking into consideration the opinions of the Government of Japan.

Next, it is the second of the materials.
Here, on page 31, online city office service is written, and I have just made my intention very strong.

I used to work in public office, Mitaka City, and from 1984 to 1987, when NTT was still a public corporation, a large-scale social experiment in digital communication called the INS Experiment was conducted, and I had the experience of participating in that project. I have heard that Minister Kono was also promoting efforts for satellite offices at that time, and I am very encouraged by your appointment this time, but I was looking at this document while recalling that. I would like to see that area thoroughly advanced, and I would like everyone in local government to do their best.

To give you some details, in the material on page 5, there is information on mentally disabled persons under the welfare Act for Mentally Disabled Persons. I myself am a severely physically disabled person who regularly uses a wheelchair, and I also have a physical disability card. However, the system of the handbook for mentally disabled persons is not a statutory matter even now, but is an office work specified by the outline of the local government of prefectures, etc. based on the notification of the national government. In addition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government started this system before the national government, so the name of the handbook and the method of determining the classification of disability are different. If we do not do something about this first, we must consider smoothing out the unevenness between systems before connecting them via a network.

Next, it is 3 in the document.
Regarding the one stop service for procedures related to automobile ownership, I was impressed to see that you have finally advanced your consideration to this point. I would like you to steadily implement it.

However, I would like to say one thing that concerns me. Cooperation in procedures is explained in detail, but I would like to see the cost of the entire procedure, in short, from the perspective of the people of Japan, they pay a fee to undergo the procedure and receive certification, and I would like to see efforts from the perspective of reducing the burden of fees incorporated into the materials.

I have always been very concerned about the high cost structure of administrative operation in Japan, and it is important to improve this. I hope that the Government of Japan will proceed with the study from the perspective of how to change this in the future.
That's all. Thank you.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
Next, Mr. Uehara, please.

Uehara Special Member: .
I would like to make a few points or comments and ask a question.
First of all, regarding the overall direction, I have no objection to the overall direction, but as I have stated several times in this meeting, the terms "utilization of My Number System" and "utilization of My Number" often sound unclear. I am very concerned that they sound mixed. On page 10 of Handout 1, in the section "Further Promotion of Information Utilization through the Individual," I have stated several times that there is no objection to the use of My Number in the provision of information based on the Number Act, but in the case of other self-information, I believe that it is necessary to clearly discuss the use of API for Public Personal Authentication and My Number Card information.

From that point of view, what I was interested in when I listened to you today is that it is stated on page 14 of Material 1 that in the utilization of the My Number for procedures related to automobile registration, the My Number will be provided in My Number Card. I think it is necessary to explain whether the My Number is really necessary.

Of course, I think there are several ways to think about it. For example, I think it is one way to think about providing My Number in the sense that we would like to have an information Tomohi related to automobile taxes. On the other hand, it is the use of Resident Register Code, which is currently performed online, so it is substantially the same as the submission of resident records, but when we go into the provision of My Number, it is one level higher. How to explain this difference is up to Issue.

I myself think that it is possible to explain that the transparency of the procedure is secured by going through the so-called information provision network. However, I would like to ask for discussion on this. Thank you.

Not limited to this, I think that the story of providing information on the face of the ticket and the story of providing the My Number are slightly different in level. Mr. Mori pointed out earlier that the My Number can be considered to be the Just Address. Of course, there is such a way of thinking, but on the other hand, the understanding among the people is advancing that the My Number can be used as a key to extract information by being provided to some organization and complementing it. So, I think that unless there is a proper explanation about which information will be extracted, the story will not pass. So, I would like to ask for this distinction. This is my first comment.

My other comment is about the utilization of private sector.
For example, the development of APIs and the provision of so-called self-information, which is of course subject to consent, will play an extremely important role in terms of convenience. On the other hand, if the services of private sector companies or private sector are allowed to be used without any discipline, or if there is no examination of applications for use, there is a concern that they may be used for so-called fraud. Therefore, I believe that a certain level of restraint or discipline is necessary. I believe that we should clearly define our views on this at some point.

In relation to this, I would like to ask about Mr. Mirairo's service. I think this is a very good service, but when I was working as a CIO assistant in Ashiya City, Hyogo, and I was asked about this, I found it difficult to understand. The main body of the service and the responsibility for data management are very difficult for users to understand.

In other words, for example, I am from Ashiya City. When I explain that Ashiya City has approved it, users sometimes understand that it is Ashiya City's electronic disability card. In that case, Ashiya City cannot take responsibility for data ownership and data management. I have said that we must explain how to organize this.

The more APIs are spread, the more difficult it will be to understand who owns my information and how it is managed. In response, I believe that a mechanism, discipline, or rules to make it easier to understand will be a Issue for promoting cooperation in private sector. I would like you to consider this again. This is your second point.

I would like to ask one more question in detail.
On page 12 of Handout 1, in the section on further promotion of information linkages in public authorities, Director Kusunoki said that Government Cloud and security technology, including cryptography, will advance. Cryptography is, as Director Kusunoki pointed out, a very advanced field recently. For that purpose, we know that it is possible to introduce new technologies, but on the other hand, as for cryptography by government organizations, there is already a mechanism called the Cryptography Review Committee, which is jointly organized by Digital Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, where they are used in national systems after their security is confirmed. Unfortunately, all new technologies are not listed here.

Therefore, if Digital Agency wants to use such a new technology, we are jointly operating it, so I think it will be necessary in the future to request the Cryptographic Technology Review Committee to confirm the security of this new technology.

To the extent that I can answer now, I would like to ask what kind of technology you are considering, if you have any thoughts.
That's all.

Mr. Kusunoki: In , you have just nominated me, so I would like to discuss your answer. I was supposed to talk about it in detail after the next meeting, so I did not expect to receive such an in-depth question today. However, I had in mind that the algorithm itself does not need to go far beyond the range covered by the CRYPTREC.

In particular, in the context of Government Cloud, for example, we are currently using Mutual TLS to verify the authenticity of each other's interface systems for heterogeneous connections and inter-system connections. For example, if they are in the same cloud, each company has a similar mechanism, such as Nitro for AWS, to ensure the authenticity of each other's nodes in the cloud. In some cases, they may have a mechanism such as Confidential Computing. The mechanism to ensure the authenticity of the entire system encryption, including Remote Attestation, has made great progress. In addition, in the core system of the information provision network system, a mechanism using codes is adopted to ensure that data always flows through this point. Trust

In this regard, for example, if you build a service on Infrastructure as a Code with a template, you can control quite details, including log acquisition, in the system configuration. Therefore, not only in cryptography, but also using the functions of the current infrastructure, we will break down the various requirements that we originally wanted to do in the information provision network system, and we will consider how to realize this at low cost with modern technology.

On the other hand, in terms of technology, I believe there is a possibility that various experimental technologies, such as searchable encryption and other algorithms, will be discussed. At present, I believe that there will be various consultations in the future, including whether CRYPTREC will accept such proposals.
I'm sorry. I wasn't prepared, so it's rather vague.

Uehara Special Member: That's fine.
Since I have not made any preparations, I would like to say a little bit about the last one, so-called searchable encryption. Regarding so-called high-performance encryption, I believe that CRYPTREC is capable of properly discussing it, starting with the Working Group, if you can submit a request.

On the other hand, in terms of the system, there are probably some difficult parts in the current setup, so I think it is possible to think about the direction of utilizing several functions such as IPA's, so if there is a place where we can discuss, I would like to discuss it. Thank you very much.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
We are a little pressed for time, so I would like it to be a little shorter.
Next, Mr. Ota, nice to meet you.

Member: My name is Ohta .
Now, cut it short.
My first comment is that the background of the creation of My Number System, which Mr. Mori mentioned and I have mentioned several times, was the creation of a push-type social security system, which can be called a digital safety net. From the perspective of the Showa, the lifetime marriage rate, savings, divorce rate, and the ideal way of working are changing dramatically, so there are always sales talks about a detailed social security system. In order to truly achieve this, it is necessary to have information on benefits in a form close to real time. I would like you to consider this in depth, and if possible, at the time of the revision of Priority plan at the end of this year, I would like you to decide on what to do and by when, as we have been discussing this for a long time.

Second, the API in Mynaportal is very good, and it is good that I asked you to give me the number this time, and it is also tax. Smartphones have been a topic of conversation in e-Tax, but I can once again tell if 4 million people use them. On the other hand, there is a service called Electronic Maternal and Child Health Handbook that seems to be used by 1 million people, so there are no figures at all, and we want administrative information such as when the vaccinations was made, so I think there must be some Issue.

So, my second proposal is that the Government Digital Service (GDS), which is often benchmarked in the United Kingdom, is good that Digital Agency launched it with a smartphone of 60 seconds this time, but in order to take more specific actions, for major public service, the recognition rate and the number of people who have used it are not 100% complete. As expected, the target value for satisfaction is raised. As expected, I think vaccination was very high, but in Mynaportal, the recognition rate is low, and there are probably people who have not been able to use it even if they have started using it, and there are probably people who are not satisfied with using it. As expected, I would like Digital Agency to create a system that can advance step by step with target values. This is my second request.

The third point is not included in this discussion. I would like to ask you to take up the issue of identity verification when using services that use administrative data in various public service and private sector. This is called KYC (Know Your Customer) in private sector, but I think it will be a problem if this is not the case.

One symbolic example is the conflict of views between Shibuya Ward and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications over the method of identity verification to electronically obtain resident records. This requires a E-Certificate due to the revision of the Ministerial Ordinance of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications last fall, and the method prepared by Shibuya Ward to verify a person's face with an AI and compare it with the certificate is not possible. I do not mean to say which is correct, but there are various methods of identity verification, so if you do not properly sort out the methods that can be used, what I am concerned about as it is now is that the My Number Card Public Personal Authentication mechanism will be installed on smartphones from next year, and that is a Level 3 registered seal. If all registered seals are used, the Level 2 method of identity verification for smartphones using a My Number Card in private sector, which is one level lower than the Level 3 that is currently being considered by the government, is spreading, and various things may not be used. In addition, for example, the Criminal Collection Act and the Mobile Phone Act do not have the same strength of identity verification. I think there is talk about the legal system, so I would like you to carefully look at the various laws that specify how to verify identity, as their control tower, and determine the schedule, including the next revision of the Criminal Collection Act, in a way that achieves both convenience and security and security. I believe that My Number Card is the only one that can do this. I would like you to set one point, set a schedule, and consider the next revision of the Criminal Collection Act.
That's all.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, Thank you very much.
Next, Mr. Ohtani, please.

Special member Ohtani: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak.
There are many suggestions such as "do this" and "do this," but I would like to ask about three points, although they are different vectors.

One is that the API has become quite convenient to use, and I am very pleased that the range of users is actually expanding. As Mr. Uehara pointed out earlier, in terms of pre-screening, violation of the Numbers Act is a reason for disqualification, and various testing are being conducted for specific system connections. However, in the future, as the range of users expands, I believe that more accurate pre-screening will be required. In addition, I believe that it will be necessary to establish rules for monitoring the status of use by business operators and for how to treat them in the event of a merger or business transfer. I would like you to consider these rules.

Second, with regard to the use of information via the Principal, starting from the Principal, in cases where people other than the Principal must be involved in the use, for example, guardians, curators, and legal representatives, how to realize the involvement of such people in the system, of course, must be done conveniently, and I believe that the rules must be gradually clarified while preventing unauthorized use and abuse due to insufficient knowledge.

My third question is not very direct, but we are currently in the process of revising the family registry Act, and it is becoming practically necessary to collect the names of people whose names are read in kana. I believe that various opportunities have been taken to discuss how efficiently the collection can be done by using Mynaportal and other means, and whether it can be achieved by respecting the wishes of the people themselves. Therefore, I would like to ask you to indicate from time to time what kind of thoughts Digital Agency has on these themes across ministries and agencies.
That's all from me. Thank you very much.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
I have received a note from Mr. Shishido who is absent today, so I would like to introduce it here.

I have three points. First, overall, I agree with the direction of protecting the privacy of users and realizing public service from the users' perspective.

As a second point, regarding the utilization of information by the public and private sectors through the Principal, as already mentioned in this conference, it should be taken into consideration that the personal data Protection Law revised in 2021 expanded the monitoring and supervision system of Personal Information Protection Commission through the public and private sectors and the national and local governments to cover personal data in general.

Third, regarding online confirmation of qualifications, it is said that Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will obtain separate consent for surgical information, but as the use of My Number Card by the patient expands, Digital Agency should pay attention so as not to set a precedent of excessive mechanism as the control of the patient.

I have received comments on these three points, so I have introduced them.
Mr. Sugawara and Mr. Shoji, who will be attending today, do you have any comments?
Then, Mr. Shoji, please.

Shoji Member: Thank you, Thank you very much.
I would like to make three brief remarks.
The first is Exhibit 2, which shows the statistics of public fund receiving account in the form of a bar graph. In light of the fact that it is planned that almost all the people of My Number Card will have their passports by the end of this fiscal year, and that if public fund receiving account is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Japan will grant them a Individual Number Card Point, I believe this figure is quite small.

As I believe I stated last time, there are places such as local government that are working hard to ensure that the system will be adopted by almost all Japanese nationals by the end of this fiscal year. Therefore, if we are to implement the measures, I believe we need to do so more seriously. If the target is one hundred percent, but 60% is OK, I believe we need to do so to a certain extent.

I think we have to make sure that those who are serious about their work do not fall off the ladder. I think this number is small, so I think it is necessary not only to give points, but also to convey a message and boost the economy. That is the first point.

Second, I would like to give you a quick comment. I don't think people who have acquired Mynaportal know anything about the functions such as "My Information" and the ability to check the history of references to My Number Card that you introduced today. There are few people who have accessed Mynaportal, so I think it will be one of the points to appeal to people who have acquired My Number Card for the time being but are saying that Mynaportal cannot be used for anything. Let's access Wi-Fi first and check your information.

In particular, those who are reluctant to acquire My Number Card are relatively distrustful of how the Government possesses information, so I think it is good to emphasize the fact that we can see and confirm information here.

As for the third area, Total Design, as I have mentioned before, standardization and other efforts are going on at a tremendous pace until the end of fiscal 2025 and 2025. From the perspective of local government, I think they are already preoccupied with this.

I would like you to be aware of that, but from that talk, in moving to the world of total design, I think it will be necessary to have an outlook on a yearly basis, since local government will be procurement a standardized system, and what kind of rough schedule will be used and what kind of work will be required for twenty twenty-five or beyond. I hope that you will be able to show us a more specific roadmap for what kind of rough schedule will be used and what kind of work will be required.
That's all 3 points. Thank you very much.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
You just mentioned Mynaportal and My Number Card. Is there any comment by Counselor Kamikariya?

Counsellor Kamikariya: I'm Kamikariya .
With regard to this point, first of all, if you project page 14 on public fund receiving account, there are about 12 million registrations, but I believe that your guidance that there are still not enough registrations is exactly correct.

As for Issue in My Number Card, only on the 23rd, the cumulative number of Issue has reached one in two people. However, if it is almost all citizens this fiscal year, it will not be possible to achieve this without increasing the number of Issue applications per day. Therefore, from the top level to the staff, we are making every effort to promote the Issue and spread of the card, and to cooperate with government-related organizations in Registration of public money receiving account, government public relations, and directly with the people and local government in terms of benefits, security, and cooperation on initiatives. We would like to cooperate with local government. We would like to receive guidance from you. We will take your comments seriously and work on them.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, Thank you very much.
Do you have any other comments?
Is that all right?
Then, I would like to pause here for a moment.
Finally, Chief Officer for Digital Policy Akaishi, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Akaishi Chief Officer for Digital Policy: Thank you very much.
What you are saying is absolutely correct. From the information linkages between public authorities to the examination when private sector companies use API, there are certainly some ambiguous standards, so I would like to review them one by one so that they can be used safely and securely.

You are absolutely right about what Dr. Shoji said, that the nationwide expansion of My Number Card will be carried out in earnest, and the Government is also increasing the pitch for this. For example, hospitals will be obliged to install machines that can read cards, and health insurance card will basically be My Number Card, and the next measures for public fund receiving account are also being considered.

However, in any case, there are many discussions on this in relation to the people of Japan. How much can we achieve by the end of the fiscal year, and how much will we go further after that? In relation to local government, we are trying to use this as the basis for calculating the Issue tax and Issue fee, but I think local government will be in trouble depending on how we do it. I would like to step up while consulting with everyone about how far we should go with this, so please continue to provide us with guidance.

Councilor Kimura: Thank you, .
That's all for today's agenda. Finally, the secretariat will make an administrative contact.

The materials and minutes of the Working Group will be published on the Digital Agency website. As for the minutes, we would like to ask the Secretariat to confirm the content of the minutes from tomorrow.

In addition, today, after the meeting, we will report the outline of the meeting to reporters at the Secretariat. We will hold a press briefing.
Finally, the office will contact you again about the next schedule.
With that being said, I would like to close today's meeting of the "Working Group on the Drastic Improvement of Digital infrastructure in My Number System and the Central and Local Governments." Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule.