My Number System and National and Local Digital infrastructure Drastic Improvement Working Group (1st)
- Last Updated:
- Date and time: Friday, October 22, 2021 (2021) from 11:00 to 12:00
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- Follow-up to last year's report
- Matters to be considered concerning the My Number Act
- Main issues related to the consideration of data sharing platform, etc. for the realization of total design
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/52KB)
- Exhibit 1:WG Report Follow-up (PDF / 2,657 kb)
- Material 2: Considerations concerning the My Number Law (PDF / 903 kb)
- Exhibit 3: Study by data sharing platform and others toward the realization of total design (PDF / 2,289 kb)
- Material 4: Materials to be submitted by experts (PDF / 905 kb)
- Proceedings Summary (PDF/834KB)
- Reference Material 1: New Promotion System (First Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Materials) (PDF / 645 kb)
- Reference Material 2: Holding of the Working Group on Drastic Improvement of My Number System and Central and Local Digital infrastructure (decided by Minister for Digital Transformation on October 21, 2021) (PDF / 112 kb)
Summary of proceedings
From 11:00 a.m. to 12:10 p.m., Friday, October 22, 2021 (2021)
Online Meetings
- MAKISHIMA Karen (Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy)
- Kazuto Ataka (Professor, Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University / CSO, Yahoo Japan Corporation)
- Naoki Ota (Representative Director of New Stories Co., Ltd.)
- Yohei Saito (Director and CTO of Future Corporation)
- Masahiko Shoji (Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Musashi University)
- Shigeki Morinobu, Senior Researcher, Institute for Policy Studies, The Tokyo Foundation
- Hiroshi Esaki (Digital Agency, CA)
- Sota MIZUSHIMA (Digital Agency CPO)
- Taiichiro Tomiyasu (Director-General of Digital Agency)
- Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency)
- Hirotami KIKKAWA (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Director-General of Local Administration Bureau)
- Tetsutaro Uehara (Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons.
- Otani Kazuko (Executive Officer, General Manager of Legal Department, The Japan Research Institute
- Shuji Goto (President and Representative Director, area Information Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
- Joji Shishido (Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo) * You may not attend the meeting due to personal reasons
- Akiko Sugawara (Managing Director and Head of Policy Planning, Keizai Doyukai)
Summary of proceedings
At the beginning, Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima gave an address that this working group will consider the use of My Number and the expansion of the scope of information linkages, and that it will set 2025 as the immediate target of local government in the architecture through the country and implementation, and show policies for the improvement of My Number System and Digital infrastructure in the country and the region.
Subsequently, the Secretariat explained that the Special Members will also participate in the discussion on Total Design based on the guidelines for the establishment of the Working Group.
(1) Follow-up to last year's report
Based on Document 1, the secretariat explained the follow-up to last year's report, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- A system of specific public benefits has been realized as a measure against COVID-19, but if a push type benefit is provided in the future, the range of information linkages may be expanded. In that case, we would like you to proceed while organizing the necessary information in consideration of the relationship with confidentiality under the tax law.
- Mynaportal is important as a hub that connects the people, the government, and information from private sector. convenience in Mynaportal also leads to the acquisition of cards. Therefore, in cooperation with private sector companies, we should build a system that stores salary information and income information from side businesses in Mynaportal and functions like a household account book. As a digital safety net, we should build a mechanism that allows platformers to store income information from freelancers and gig workers in portals, and use the information for applications for public benefits.
- The law concerning the numbering of bank accounts has been drastically revised. Even so, it is doubtful that it will be extended to all employees. Therefore, it is important to continue discussions on the mandatory numbering of bank accounts.
- The current spread of My Number Card has accelerated considerably, but I am worried that it will spread to the entire population. Older people tend to acquire more than younger people, and women tend to acquire more than men. It is necessary to take another step in devising how to reach those who cannot reach the end.
- The use of health insurance card in My Number Card was delayed from the originally scheduled time, but why was it delayed? It is necessary to consider the impact on other schedules in digital reform.
- The MHLW stated that the main reason for the delay in the use of My Number Card health insurance card was that it took time to correct some errors in data registered by insurers in the online qualification confirmation system and to strengthen the check function of the system, and that the full-scale operation of the use of My Number Card health insurance card was started in October after ensuring the accuracy of the data.
(2) Matters to be considered concerning the My Number Act
Regarding Material 2, the Secretariat explained the matters to be considered concerning the My Number Law, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- Digital Agency should adopt EBPM and conduct a national satisfaction survey to understand the before and after. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government conducts a satisfaction survey on digitalization for Tokyo residents. It also conducts a similar satisfaction survey on Tokyo metropolitan government employees.
- Since the utilization rates of the information provision network system and Mynaportal are low, information linkages and Mynaportal should be overhauled. There are two points to improve Mynaportal specifically. The first is that development should be advanced by small prototyping of the next generation. The second is that when you agree to use your data by opt-in, you should be able to provide a push-type service in principle.
- It is better to deepen the discussion on the utilization of My Number from the viewpoint of personal data protection. It is necessary to have a mechanism that allows you to check when and where your information was referred to in Mynaportal.
- We are somewhat cautious about expanding the scope of use of My Number. Since it includes what can be done in My Number Card, I think that it will lead to trust to show what kind of policy will be used to expand the use of My Number in the future after considering what cannot be done using My Number Card.
- In order to achieve visualization, where everything related to the people is digital society in real time, a perspective that thoroughly evaluates from the user's point of view is required.
- My Number Card and My Number are different things. My Number is an ID, so we need to create a situation where you can log in with your ID and password. It is important to spread My Number Card, but I think it is also important to work on My Number as an ID.
- The current My Number Card is a resident registration type. Isn't it necessary to discuss from the user's point of view in accordance with real life?
- We need to set milestones for twenty twenty-five and manage it firmly so that people can feel that it has changed dramatically.
(3) Main issues related to the consideration of data sharing platform, etc. for the realization of total design
Regarding Material 3, the Secretariat explained the main points of discussion regarding the consideration of data sharing platform and others for the realization of Total Design, and the members mainly made the following remarks (Opinions of Special Members Shishido and Uehara, who were absent, were read on behalf of the Secretariat based on Materials 4-1 and 4-2).
- The question is how to interpret the Supreme Court's decision in the Juki Net case. It is said that if the following are not guaranteed, it will be suspected to be unconstitutional: (I) the freedom not to disclose or publicize personal information without reason; (ii) the use of personal information is limited to the extent necessary within the scope of legitimate administrative purposes; and (iii) sufficient security management measures are taken in both hardware and software in the Information NWS. However, due to the revision of the personal data Protection Law in R3 after the introduction of the Juki Net, a centralized monitoring and supervision system has been established by the Personal Information Protection Commission, which has led to a different premise from that at the time of the introduction of the Juki Net. It is important to build and operate a system that effectively governs the control of privacy risks in accordance with the nature, content, and handling of information in the architecture, rather than the dualism of distributed management and centralized management.
- It is also considered to be a type of "distributed management" to consider that the data is "owned by the person" and that the data is first returned to the "place" dedicated to the person on the Government Cloud, and the responsibility for providing the place is assumed by the national government in an integrated manner, but the authority and responsibility for handling the data is appropriately and flexibly distributed to the national government and the law based on each local governments.
- In the examination of each Issue, it should be strongly positioned that individuals are also in a position to actively participate in the realization of value in the "ecosystem of public-private partnership creation" and to enjoy it.
- In order to ensure smooth "horizontal" cooperation between municipalities for each service, it is useful to proceed while appropriately absorbing the actual situation and opinions on the ground in the public service so that it will become the infrastructure for wide-area cooperation in the local governments.
- In addition to securing data sharing platform, it is also important to realize the principles of personal participation when considering security.
- In formulating a roadmap for a implementation, it is important to pay attention so that it can respond to a variety of cases while taking into account the actual conditions of each local government, on the premise that circumstances such as human resources, budgets, and operational loads differ from local government to region.
- While cooperation with private service is important, it should be based on the clear consent of individuals, including whether to use the front service connected to private sector.
- In order to change the public service experience, it is important to make private service, which has an advantage in UI and UX, able to take charge of this, and to create a rule system design that can expand the options of users. In addition, I think it is important to realize digital completion and digital self-service by information linkages.
- It is necessary to create an environment in which the necessary data connections can be made when necessary. If services can be provided on the same architecture without vertically dividing emergency response, it will save both cost and time.
- It is important to quickly launch services in an emergency. At the same time, it is too late to apply in an emergency, so a push type should be realized for all citizens.
- Shouldn't the integrated reconstruction of the Juki Net, the information provision NWS, and the Public Personal Authentication be implemented once again? In principle, data should be distributed and managed, but shouldn't the system be developed by the central government in a lump?
- Due to the revision of the personal data Protection Law in R3, the concept of distributed management has entered a different stage from before. In this situation, it is important to build a system that can ensure the governance of Personal Information Protection Commission.
- It is important to clarify the ideal way of distributed management and the technical interpretation of the Supreme Court decision on Juki Net cases. We would like this WG to proceed with the discussion based on the discussion on how to hold data when constructing VRS.
- In the conventional procurement method, procurement of a system specialized in individual business is assumed. From the viewpoint that it can be used in other systems, etc., it is also important to review the procurement process to ensure governance while inserting horizontal links into the architecture.
- It is essential for implementation of Total Design to implement business reform (BPR) at the same time. In light of the Issue for consistent digitalization that was highlighted at the time of the implementation of VRS, I would like to see a mechanism to carefully implement the process of IT procurement while preparing the infrastructure of communication on the business side and system side.
- The data sharing platform is important to proceed with loose coupling under data standardization while being connected to individual systems with loose coupling. Functions and redundancies should be firmly secured to ensure smooth and safe implementation of the data connections.
- Decentralized management of information means decentralization of power and authority. The Supreme Court ruling should be taken as a philosophy related to data management authority, not data storage location. It is necessary to continue to protect the fact that no organization or entity will be created to centrally manage personal data linked to the My Number.
- Support for the digital weak is important, but it is important to have a functional design that does not invite abuse of proxy authority.
- While it is important to have an open system, isn't it important to have a third party authentication mechanism so that consumers can identify vulnerable systems so that public services are not provided?
- It is also important to consider the context and order of system construction from the relationship between systems.
- In local government, there is also a response to system standardization toward twenty twenty-five, including deliberations in the National Assembly and local assemblies. It is also important to consider phased implementation in implementation of total design. Shouldn't we consider starting with the national system?
At the closing of the meeting, the Secretariat explained that in order to deepen today's discussion, the local government Task Force for the realization of Total Design will be established, and discussions will be advanced with the participation of local government officials.