First meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Liaison Committee on the Promotion of the Spread and Use of My Number Card
- D ate and Time: Thursd ay, September 29, 2022 (2022) from 10:35 to 10:50
- Loc ation: Online
- Order of business
- Opening
- Greetings from Minister for Digit al Tr ansform ation Kono
- Rel ated ministries and agencies Agreement
M ateri als
- Document 1: Holding of the Inter-Ministeri al Li aison Conference on the Promotion of the Dissemin ation and Use of My Number C ard (PDF / 95 kb) a> a
- Proceedings Summ ary (PDF/350KB) a>
Relev ant policies
- My Number (Individu al Number) System ・ My Number C ard a>