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8th digital society Concept Conference


  • Date and time: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 (2023), from 16:30 to 18:00
  • Location: Online * Private
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. Revision (draft) of Priority plan toward the realization of digital society
    3. Adjournment


*Regarding the Cabinet Decision Document, please check it from digital society for the realization of Priority plan .


Secretariat: Mr. Murai Now that it's on time, we will be holding the digital society Concept Conference.

First of all, the office will let you know.

First of all, as I said, the meeting will be held online, and the Priority plan text will be discussed based on what you have discussed so far. Based on the operating guidelines, as Mr. Murai confirmed, we would like to hold the meeting behind closed doors.

Thank you for coming, everyone who will be attending today.

I heard that four people, Mr. Ikeda, Mr. Joi Ito, Mr. Koshizuka and Mr. Mikitani, are absent.

Also, Governor Muraoka is scheduled to leave the office in the middle of the meeting.

From Digital Agency, Senior Vice-Minister Okushi and Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ozaki are attending the meeting.

Minister Kono is scheduled to participate later.

So, Mr. Murai, nice to meet you.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Thank you very much for taking the time to attend the digital society Concept Conference today.

Today, the "Priority plan Revision (Draft)" has been revised to today's version by taking several opportunities to incorporate your opinions, and further advancing coordination within Digital Agency or the necessary government.

As for the Council, most of the discussions at the Concept Conference will be held today, and I believe I will be able to contact you a little later, but our position is that the Government of Japan will decide on the Priority plan.

Therefore, as an input, I would like you to discuss it as much as possible today. I think it is a large document and we are working hard to revise it. The members of the Secretariat, the people of Digital Agency, and I are also participating in some of the discussions, but I would like to ask for your opinions on the agenda today.

Then, regarding agenda 1, I would like to ask the secretariat to explain the materials.

Secretariat: Mr. Murai I'm sorry. From the Secretariat.

Now that the Minister Kono has joined, I would like to ask you to make a speech first.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of Is that so?

So, Minister Kono, please say hello.

Minister for Digital Transformation Kohno: Thank you, .

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in the digital society Concept Conference. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Chairman Murai and all the other members.

In response to last year's Priority plan, Digital Agency has been promoting various measures as the control tower of digital society formation. Thanks to this, My Number Card has spread to nearly 97 million cards, and we are now in a phase where we will steadily promote the use of this card.
In addition, deliberations on the review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee have begun.

In addition, as the most recent services, we are advancing various measures shown to Priority plan, including an online service for moving procedures in February, a service equipped with a E-Certificate for smartphones on May 11, and the provision of four information services on May 16.

I think one of the major environmental changes since last year is the progress and spread of generative AI.
At the recent G7 Digital and Technology Ministers' Meeting and during my visit to the U.S. during Golden Week, I once again felt that this is an area that is truly drawing attention. I believe that generative AI will be thoroughly discussed at the Hiroshima Summit. I would like to steadily update Priority plan while taking advantage of these new environmental changes.

I would like to ask you to discuss the Priority plan proposal. I would like to hear your frank opinions. The Priority plan proposal shows the overall picture of the efforts toward the realization of digital society, and at the same time, it is important to pin down the efforts of each ministry and agency so that they will not be delayed any further. I would like to firmly pin down the efforts so that they will not be delayed, although it does not matter how much you advance the schedule.

Also, I am not sure if this is widely viewed by the people, but in order to make the lives of the people and the activities of business operators more convenient, in particular, I would like to clearly indicate what we need to focus on. Therefore, although the format may be slightly different from last year, I would like to make it clear what we will pin down and what we will focus on.

In order to realize digital society in Japan, I would like to hear your frank opinions from all of you who participated today.


Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Then, I would like to ask the secretariat to explain about agenda 1.

Secretariat: Mr. Murai . Nice to meet you.

First of all, before entering the materials, Chairman Murai also spoke at the beginning. Today, we are delivering a large part of the 100 pages of materials. Today, I would like to receive various opinions. I would like to hear the opinions that I could not give today. Finally, I would like to hear the opinions from the secretariat. I would like to hear them again even if it is not today, so I hope you will understand that it is not only here.

One more thing, this is also like an apology, but we are very sorry that our work has been delayed in some parts.

With regard to the materials presented today, coordination with the relevant ministries has not yet been completed, and I believe that there may be places where some changes will be made in coordination with the ministries after receiving your opinions today. I would like to report on that again, so I hope that you will understand it.

Best regards

In the "Outline" of the materials, in the previous edition, on the left side, we discussed various matters related to the composition of the materials from "Part 1: What we aim to achieve in Priority plan."

When the Secretariat was thinking of writing a more organized version of "What we aim to achieve in Priority plan this time," you pointed out the perspective.

There was a talk about carefully considering the perspectives of the people, business operators, and other recipients, and I introduced each of them in eight boxes, but there were overlaps in each box, so as I heard from the Minister, I made the first one more substantial by listing the items below in the form of "focusing on future efforts to make the lives of the people and the activities of business operators convenient."

In addition, regarding the second and third components, the direction of the content is the same, but the second component is "Priority plan's Basic Concept," and as you have indicated before, I am writing about the ideal society, philosophy, and principles aimed at digital.

Third, in terms of specific ministries, as you mentioned, there are policy groups in the sense of pinning down, such as Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee and Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision, and policy groups in each field for the people, business operators, and other parties, and in 3-1 and 3-2, there are policy groups in the sense of pinning down, and I have written in some detail.

Also, I would like to go to the main text and explain it.

First, in the introduction of the text.

Before getting into the first part, I would like to say that the "Introduction" is that Priority plan is being created with this aim, and that Priority plan will be revised due to various changes in the situation.

In addition, as pointed out by each committee member, for example, transformation, in other words, Priority plan will of course be implemented this time, but in order to achieve the results of digitalization, it is necessary to proceed with reforms of systems and business operations themselves, albeit with difficulties, rather than using mere means. Next, it is necessary to show the process and the image of the society that the government aims to create, as it is clearly predictable, in order to specifically encourage the people and business operators to take action. As I mentioned earlier, I would like to show that the first priority will be to make the lives of the people and the activities of business operators more convenient. At the same time, as you have been suggesting, the future image will be shown in the image of the society that we aim to create through digital technology, so that the people and business operators will be able to understand what it is like when they see it. This is what I want to do. implementation will of course be implemented this time. Next, it is necessary to show the process and the image of the society that the government aims to create through digital technology, so that the people and business operators will be able to understand what it is like when they see it.

In addition, as I wrote in the "Nao" column, in order to grasp the progress of digitalization in a broad sense, it is necessary to make efforts to measure based on results and indicators, which was also discussed, so I would like to write this column as well and work on it sequentially.
Next, first, next page.

"First, I would like to focus on making the lives of the people and the activities of business operators more convenient in the future." When I pin down at the back, I write a little more in detail, but here I am writing what I want to do.

In the case of the loss of "My Number Card / online administrative services," we will develop a system for applying for a limited express train, which has been a topic of conversation. Since more than 75% of applications have been made for My Number Card, we will increase the number of situations in which My Number Card is used in the future, and make it more convenient for the people and business operators, so we will list out what services we will expand.

In addition, with regard to public money accounts, we are currently discussing a special law, but on the premise that the law has been passed, we will steadily advance the account in order to promptly provide payments in the form of a push.

In addition, we would like to expand the use of Mynaportal's API and have private business use it in various ways, and we will gradually expand the services that can be used, starting with smartphone's Android.

We will also thoroughly consider the issue of next version of the My Number Card.
In addition, in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, we are conducting review of digital legislation, and I would like to present Technology Map and the Technology Catalog, and I would like to clearly organize which companies should invest from a digital perspective.

In addition, we are working to digitize the official gazettes, and what we are newly working on in Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee is the digital completion of procedures. We are moving forward with the online application, but we have not yet made progress on the digitalization of the notification of disposition, so we would like to indicate our intention to digital completion.

Next, I would like to continue to increase the number of Digital Promotion Committee members and the number of aspects to be used for DX through national and local governments.

Also, in relation to Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, I would like to firmly support the elimination of the regulations on paper and in-person processes in local governments.

Then there's data sharing platform.

We would like to renew the method of information linkages so that information exchange and information linkages can be conducted promptly.

In addition, since it is a one stop counter that does not write, it will be convenient for people who are not good at digital to use digital at the back of public office, so we are thinking of making people who are not good at digital feel the benefit.

In addition, cashless payment of local government fees, etc. has been realized in Miyakonojo City. We would like to increase the number of eligible local government, and we would like to expand the scope of procedures by increasing the number of eligible prefectures.

In addition, I would like to firmly implement the mechanisms we are working on, such as the unification and standardization of the local governments system and the transition to Buckler.

In addition, "data connections Infrastructure" will be the key to creating new services by linking data from now on, so I would like to make steady efforts in this area. As we are doing in Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision, we will also develop excellent services horizontally.

In addition, with regard to semi-public sector, the medical and long-term care area is being worked on separately, as are the education area and the disaster risk management area, and with regard to the disaster risk management area, we would like to respond by building a digital platform, creating a disaster risk management Apps, and building a foundation for data connections.

We will also consider the appropriate use of AI, which was created for the "dependents Field" and the "mobility Field," and which you mentioned.

As for the "Base Registry," in order to expand the convenience of various applications and notifications by business operators in Digital Agency, it is necessary for Digital Agency to work on the Base Registry, so various matters to be considered are described, including the numbering system of each business operator, especially sole proprietorship, and it is taken up as a Issue to be considered.

As for the "Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) of International data connections and Cross-Border Data Transfer," the direction was indicated at the G7 Digital and Technology Ministers' Meeting. We will establish an international public-private partnership framework and steadily advance it. We will also consider a simple mechanism for mutual use of eID and international remittances.

In addition, with regard to the "expansion of public service for business operators," the government will steadily use the power of people with new technologies such as start-ups to expand e-Gov and spread gBizID by introducing digital marketplaces on a trial basis.

Also, in terms of responding to disinformation, we will firmly advance measures against disinformation on the Internet.

This is what we call "New First."

In terms of the "Vision of Society through Digital" in the "Second Priority plan Basic Concept," I have been writing about six fields.

There were three pages, some of which were somewhat long, so I summarized and organized the core of each.

From (1), the structure is that I present Issue first, write the image of the society I want to become at the end, and write the results and targets I want to achieve as a link between them. Then, from growth strategies to digitalization in semi-public sector for goal, or from the revitalization of area to goal, I write these as they were instructed by each committee member one year ago.

Next, regarding the principles and philosophy of digital, the basic principles are the 10 principles of Digital Agency, which were first created by Chairman Murai before creating Digital Agency, and the principles of BPR and regulatory reform, which are building a system.

In addition, Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee has newly formulated the Five Digital Principles for Structural Reforms, which are described here.

Next, I would like to explain in the overview paper the topics that will be pinned down by each ministry and the Basic Strategies in the middle right that I mentioned earlier, which are expanded, are the initiatives of Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, the initiatives of Conference on the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Vision, Cyber security and AI, data strategies, and Web3.0.

Next is "Basic Measures for the Realization of digital society," "public service's digitalization for the People," in short, for the people and life.

Go to the middle, "accessibility."

In the middle is the "digitalization of industry."

The other day, you pointed out that "creating a digital industry" is strange, so of course I am writing about a new industry.

On the right side are "Systems and Technologies that Support digital society" and "Future Promotion System." In particular, I would like to strengthen cooperation with related organizations this time.

As of today, coordination with related organizations has not been completed, and the draft still says P, but I would like to write it clearly.

The overall configuration is as follows.

We would appreciate it if you could give us your opinions.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

First of all, I heard that you will leave the room in the middle of the session. May I ask Mr. Muraoka to make a statement?

Muraoka Member: Chairman Murai , thank you very much.

I am Muraoka, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Thank you for choosing me in advance because I will leave the office in the middle of the day.

First of all, Mr. Minister Kono and everyone in Digital Agency, thank you very much for your hard work in compiling the Priority plan proposal.

At the previous meeting, I stated the opinions on the revision of Priority plan in the submitted materials. The utilization of AI is reflected in the draft plan this time. First of all, I would like to agree with the direction of the draft plan.

In addition, I believe that it is important to make the efforts based on this plan highly effective, and from that perspective, I would like to state three points once again.

The first point is related to the promotion of AI utilization.

Regarding this, on page 31, a new item "Responses based on the rapid progress and spread of AI" has been added, and it includes the promotion of studies and initiatives for the effective and appropriate use of AI in the public and private sectors.

Here in Okinawa Prefecture, first of all, we would like to make active use of the system as our basic stance.

In April, we began a trial use of generative AI for our employees. In addition, we have established an AI Utilization Study Team within the Agency, and we will collect various information on utilization, while firmly suppressing risks as the prefecture, and explore how we can effectively utilize AI.

There are various opinions in local government. Regarding the utilization of AI, some local government are demonstrating the utilization of generative AI for the creation of administrative documents in the agency in order to achieve business efficiency. On the other hand, some local government are saying that careful responses are necessary due to Issue such as the handling of data to be read by AI, the protection of personal data, the accuracy of generated data, and the infringement of intellectual property rights.

I believe that these are all important perspectives, but despite the fact that there are various regions, I believe that it is extremely important to aim in such a direction by utilizing such technologies in various fields in the Issue.

I greatly appreciate that you clearly indicated that you would consider the desirable use of AI and promote AI in implementation, and that you also indicated the creation of a unified implementation Guideline in accordance with procurement. I would like to ask Digital Agency to swiftly implement such initiatives under appropriate rules.

My second question is about the expansion of the use of My Number Card. With regard to My Number Card, there have recently been incidents involving the reliability of Issue, such as erroneous health insurance card issuance at convenience stores and the linking of information on different people in the integration with My Number System.

First of all, I would like to ask the Government of Japan to continue to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and reliability of the system.

In addition, on page 45, it is indicated that in the promotion of the spread and use of My Number Card, subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation will support the creation of excellent utilization cases in local local government.

In each local government, various efforts are being made using the Issue Card, including the use of the card as a library cards and the implementation of various resident contact center service such as non-writing and non-visiting contact points. I would like to ask for further consideration regarding the expansion of the budget amount of subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation and the strengthening of support measures for local government so that these efforts will be implemented nationwide and the scene of using the card will rapidly expand.

In addition, as of the end of April this year, 79% of people in Japan had applied for the card, and about 82% of people in this prefecture had applied for the card. As Minister Kono stated at the beginning, quite a few people have applied for the card, and Issue is making progress.

On the 11th of this month, Android smartphones will be equipped with card functions, making it possible to use various procedures and services with just one smartphone. I think an environment is being created to expand the use of such cards.

In the future, childcare support using Mynaportal, services such as moving procedures, and other private sector services such as applications for opening bank and securities accounts will be launched sequentially. I would like to ask you to further expand available services so that many people will actually use these services and the convenience will spread, and to make more active efforts to make them known to the people.

Finally, the third point is related to the promotion of local government DX. Regarding transition to standard compliance system using Government Cloud in a local local government, it is necessary to make efforts to ensure that all local government will be transition by twenty twenty-five.

However, on the other hand, regarding the transition schedule and transition expenses for each local government, there are various concerns raised by the cities and towns in the prefecture, such as that the transition expenses are expected to significantly exceed the standard amount of the national government's subsidy, that a considerable amount of expenses is expected to be required for the reorganization of the existing system, and that if the transition is made into a system subject to standardization, the national government's target of a 30% reduction in operating expenses can be achieved.

The time to achieve the target of twenty twenty-five is approaching.

We would like to ask the Government of Japan to promptly provide information on future policies based on the investigation of transition expenses, etc., as well as the results of Government Cloud in the validation Priority Project. In addition, we would like to ask for reliable support for transition through the Digital infrastructure Reform Support Subsidy so that there will be no financial burden on each local government.

Lastly, I understand that the National Governors' Association and other local organizations will be asked for their opinions on the draft plan. The National Governors' Association will summarize the opinions from each prefecture and respond to them.

I believe that it is very important for the central and local governments to work together as one to develop measures based on this new plan toward the realization of digital society in Japan, and the local governments will work hard with this in mind. I would like to ask you to actively incorporate the voices of the local governments, including what I talked about today. The local governments will work together to make steady efforts.


That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of Muraoka.

In addition, I have heard that Mr. Ikeda and Mr. Mikitani, who are absent today, have submitted materials and expressed their opinions. I would appreciate it if you could briefly introduce them. May I ask the secretariat to do so?

Secretariat: Mr. Murai Office.

I think you have received it, so I would like to introduce it briefly.

First of all, I'm Mr. Ikeda of Miyakonojo City.

There are four points. One is strengthening the command center system in Digital Agency.
We are on the verge of business volume.

The second is efforts to unify and standardize core business systems.

We received comments such as "Listen carefully to the opinions of local government."

The third is to work on the unification and standardization of core business systems so that there will be no burden on local government by confirming the status of vendors.

Finally, I would like to talk about development, an application for personal identification.

This is a comment on a solution that has already been serviced using an existing application for private sector personal identification.

These 4 items are listed.

I would appreciate if you could confirm the details.

In addition, Mr. Mikitani introduced next version of the My Number Card, including an example from Estonia, as it is necessary to significantly change the way of thinking that relies on physical media such as cards.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Thank you for waiting.

We would like to hear the opinions of the members.

First, Member Natsuno, please.

Natsuno Member: Thank you, .

Thank you for your great work in a limited time.

The main text covers all of them, but I don't think that more than 100 pages can be read by all of them. In the main text, of course, there are many stories about digital reform, such as the fact that regulatory reform and regulatory reform are two sides of the same coin. However, there is no word regulatory reform in the outline, so I think it would be better to put it somewhere.

In Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee, there are some expressions that sound like regulatory reform, but it is actually necessary to promote regulatory reform in a more concrete manner. The regulatory reform Promotion Council is also working hard, so I thought it would be better to include regulation in the outline because it will be an obstacle to the implementation of digital reform and cooperation on administrative reform is essential.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Then, Member of the National Territory, please.

Country Member: .

First of all, when I saw this material, I thought it was very philosophical, comprehensive and wonderful.
In particular, on the first two pages, you write, "In the future, we will focus on making the lives of the people and the activities of business operators more convenient." On page 40, we think that the idea of doing total design, which considers an architecture through the public and private sectors, is very wonderful. However, what I would like to have as a basic point of view is that public service is almost a part of the business process of private sector. In other words, most of the stories that are close to the lives of the people are stories provided by the people, and public service is among them.

For example, when I want to open a ramen restaurant, I get a certificate of registered matters from the Legal Affairs Bureau and submit it to the public office of the city. There are various attached materials. Even if I think about this situation, what I really want to do is to open a ramen restaurant and have people eat delicious foods. It is not that public service will let us eat ramen.

Until now, there have been many cases in which the public service part has been a bottleneck for DX in private sector, so it is inevitable that the digitization of public service will be the main part. I think it is better to recognize the modesty of public service as a part of the whole.

If I were to mention one place specifically, it would be (1) of (1) of (4), which is currently shown on the screen.

I said at the meeting before last that I should write "Make it possible to be a front-end of public service," so I think it is very wonderful, but I don't want to promote administrative DX by co-creation of private sector, but I want to promote DX of the entire people's lives by co-creation of the public and private sectors. In this article, the idea that public service is the center of the world appears, so I think about it this way, and when I go back to page 2, it is only about public service. So I think I would like to do something about that philosophy a little bit more.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

I think it is a very valuable opinion.

Thank you very much.

Then, Mr. Ohta, please.

Member: . This overlaps with Mr. Kokuryo, and I would like to be more specific. When almost 90% or more of people want to have a My Number Card, there are more than 400 public service using a My Number Card, but semi-public sector and private service are only 10 or 50.

Mynaportal has also become easier to use, so I would like to be a little more ambitious. For example, in semi-public sector or private sector, if you look at an easy-to-understand place, a one stop service for moving will not be a one stop service without cooperation with private sector, and I think a one stop service for inheritance will be the same. So, while using administrative data, I would like to set a goal for improving services in private sector. For example, in Estonia and Singapore, services using a national ID are on the order of 3,000 if private sector is included, but I believe that Japan is now at a point where it can aim for that.

Moreover, in a country with such a large population, there is no other country where a national ID can do that much, so I think it would be good to show a vision a little more boldly. And people and money from private sector will be invested in it, and results will be achieved for the first time, so I think it would be good to show it a little.

Two or three years ago, cards were not widely used, and to be honest, Mynaportal was very difficult to use, so I don't think anyone noticed it very much, but now I think it will be a great unifying force.

Another point is a different kind of story. There is another big unifying force. Digital and green are now being talked about as a set overseas, but I think it is regrettable that only digital is available in Priority plan. If there is more talk about how green will proceed, I think there will be a unifying force, including investment in private sector.

If I were to say one thing specifically, even at that time, services themselves will be created in private sector in the form of energy or zero base. Of course, business operator data and lot numbers are important in the base registry and other data. However, data on biodiversity and green are very weak in Japan compared to Europe, so this data may be value data rather than base registry. However, as a policy, Japan will also create such data. Therefore, I think that if you could announce that you would like to do more business related to green or sustainability while using such data, I would think that digital and green will expand further.

These are the two points.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

As you said, I believe that the SDGs also have reality only when there is evidence of data, so I believe that it is a data strategy that can contribute to that.

Mr. Noda, please.

Mr. Noda: Since you have a .

Dear members of the Secretariat, Thank you for your hard work in organizing.

I would also like to comment on two points.

My first question is about the statement of the first item, "What we will focus on in the future." It has an adjective, "so that the lives of the people and the activities of business operators will be convenient." Of course, it is important to work on improving convenience, but I think that in the first place, when we think about what kind of society digital society is planning, there was a big direction and a big cause to aim at, which is to use digital technology to realize a society in which each person can live with diverse happiness.

Therefore, I think that it is not just about making it convenient. Of course, I think that it is aimed at creating new industries, creating new businesses, enriching people's lives, enhancing sustainability, and enhancing Well-Being. First of all, I have an impression that it is too narrow down to convenience.

In any case, we are not going to proceed with generative AI just because it is convenient. As you just mentioned, I think we are going to proceed with generative AI by taking into account the situation from the perspective of humanity and various risks. We are going to proceed with Priority plan by taking into account a balance. We are not necessarily going to proceed with all of what you have written in Kyoto just for the sake of convenience, so I would like you to consider how to write it.

The second point is about the industry digitalization you added. I think you wrote it as a new industry through digital, with the implication that digital will create new industries as enablers, rather than just fostering digital industries. However, if you read the text carefully, I think it is centered on the development of digital industries such as cloud service and IT startups, and that the positioning of digital as a lever for creating new industries is still weak.

In order to create new industries, especially green industries and circular industries, it is necessary to change the entire value chain and the entire supply chain. It is important to ensure traceability in the entire chain. Without digital, a green or circular society and economy cannot be realized. I think it would be good to include the point of utilizing digital to create new industries, that is, sustainable, green, and circular industries.

Just yesterday, the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) announced a proposal called "Toward New Value Creation through Data Utilization and Cooperation - Restart of Japan-style Co-Creation DX."

In this proposal, it is pointed out that when it comes to how to solve social Issue and create a sustainable society, data connections in the supply chain is not advancing, such as insufficient data connections between companies. In order to create a new green industry and a new healthcare industry in the age of a 100-year life, data connections of companies and data connections with the government will be necessary. I think it would be good if you could add the perspective of creating new industries by developing a digital foundation and promoting data connections, beyond creating digitalization of existing businesses and digital industries.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

I think you pointed out a very important point.

I think that the fact that the first people become convenient will lead to the creation of a good country, so I think that you pointed out that it is better to consider several expressions of the future of this country that digitalization is advancing.

Then, Wakamiya member, please.

Wakamiya Member: This is Wakamiya.

I am from the perspective of digital reform, which is people-friendly and does not leave anyone behind, but I heard Mr. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's story this morning, and I think it is very happy that the number of people who use the introductory course we are giving now, the one we are asking carriers to use, and the one we are doing in area, is increasing rapidly.

However, one problem was that when they answered the questionnaire, they said they could understand what they were told, but they could understand it, but they forgot it.

For the elderly, there are things like usability, but even after taking the course, digital life has not become routine. For the young, digital life has become routine, but instead, it seems that they are forced to have something different from their daily life. So, things other than phones.

So, do you have a smartphone? Do you have one? Do you use one? I think I use a telephone, but I don't think I know how I use it on a daily basis in addition to a telephone.

The reason why it is difficult to make such a daily life is that the Internet exists because people communicate with each other, and it is boring to use the Internet alone.

Therefore, I think there are various ways to create a truly online community in area. For example, even if you take a picture, it is not interesting if you are looking at it alone. You can show the picture you took and communicate with everyone about it. There is a course like this at the Lifelong Learning Center in the public office of the city. There is a Bon Dance Festival and they are recruiting dancers. They will provide information that seniors are interested in to such places. In any case, I think the future of Issue is to make the digital life of those who have taken the introductory course more and more routine.

However, one thing is that financial institutions are raising their fees so much these days, and it is said that they are bullying the elderly. As financial institutions become cashless and online, it is impossible to keep track of transaction trends and balances on a daily basis, so ATMs are decreasing. If this happens, I think it will be of great help in making it a daily practice. From now on, I think it is necessary for Mr. Digital Agency and Mr. local government to think about ways to make the digital lives of people who have studied so much into daily lives.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

I think it is a very valuable opinion.

Then, Mr. Kawabe, please go ahead.

Kawabe Member: First of all, as Mr. Natsuno said, the proposal can be said to be a truly monumental work. Hello, everyone in Digital Agency. Thank you for your hard work.

This front has really expanded considerably, and since Mr. Kono became Minister, there have been quite a few concrete examples.

The company that I belong to will be LINE Yahoo Corporation, and it has about 10,000 engineers. It is true that we have a wide range of defense, but I think it is still as large as this. Therefore, Digital Agency probably does not have that many engineers, so I think the point from now on is how to realize this while using external people well.

If I were to say a few things, I think it was very good that the word "convenience" came out and that the word "clarify the importance" came out.

In particular, regarding the word "convenience," I said the opposite of what Mr. Noda said earlier, and the members say various words, so everyone may be bothered. However, from the perspective of being an Internet company, providing software services on the Internet is a competency in terms of convenience. private sector came to Japan because it was convenient. I think it is easy to understand and good that it becomes one of the values.

However, what I thought after listening to Noda-san's story is that it should be talked about more firmly in connection with the superordinate concept. Why it is convenient is that it is convenient because you can receive one to-one public service online, and it will eventually lead to the diverse happiness of each person. I think it would be good to present the philosophy that it is convenient because it leads to the diverse happiness of Japanese people.

The above is the conceptual part. I would like to talk about more specific content. First of all, I think it would be good to devote more time to the utilization of private sector.

This is consistent with what Mr. Kokuryo said, but in my case, I think it is necessary to open various APIs, to realize what private sector is trying to do through Digital Agency's services, and to make it more convenient for the people who are usually close to private sector's services to use them. As I said at the beginning, even if there are 10,000 engineers on a scale, it may be difficult for Digital Agency to do all of this while the services we can provide are limited. Therefore, I think it would be good to make more efforts to use private sector. I think that is the key point of the priority.

One more thing, I have looked at all of them, and I can understand that the development of digital human resources is scattered in various places, and this is a high priority. In reality, as I said earlier, there is a shortage of engineers, so I recognize that is true.

On the other hand, I am also participating in the government's Conference on the Realization of New Capitalism, and there are talks about investing in people, including reskilling.

So, of course, we are cooperating here, but we are deepening our cooperation, and how to strategically and thoroughly develop human resources here, including DX, or GX in today's conversation, is one of the priorities, and I think it would be good if we could work on it more in the future.

Finally, in terms of the future direction of Priority plan as a material, I would like to talk about Digital Agency, including the number of engineers, while understanding that it is a very large Internet company. In that context, it is extremely strange for an Internet company that there is no one system configuration diagram or one screen transition diagram in the material of the blockbuster.

Therefore, each item says "I will do this kind of thing." This may be good for the government, but I don't think engineers or people who come from private sector to create actual software services or set up the environments for them will understand at all just by reading this.

In order for everyone to have a common awareness of a specific system diagram or convenience, it would be good if everyone could look at the screen transition diagram of the service and make it more concrete from the perspective that it is certainly convenient. In particular, if the results report that such a thing is available in private sector's service and the screen transition diagram of private service are scattered more here, I think it will become apparent that what was mentioned as Priority plan is becoming concrete. So, I apologize for asking you too much, but I will tell you that it is desirable for such an Internet company to be able to have a conversation with a screen transition diagram.

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Minister for Digital Transformation Kohno: Thank you, Digital Agency, so I would like to consult with you again in terms of resources.

Kawabe Member: That's right.

Of course, we will promote resource exchange between Digital Agency and private sector, but I thought it would be good to think that external companies are Digital Agency's resources, and if we let them work together with APIs to create services, or do such things more and more, the resources will become inexhaustible.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .
Then, I don't have any more hands to raise, but I have just asked you about your opinions, including those who are absent, and I would like to ask you if there are any members who can listen to them and speak again. Is it okay?

Then, it was Minister Kono who was the first to speak, and who was most enthusiastic about Mr. Kawabe's opinion. If it is confirmed that Minister Kono did not speak, first of all, as I said at the beginning, Digital Agency and I will cooperate on the future course of action, but it is the content that the Government will make a decision at the end. So, what I heard today will be reflected as much as possible.

In addition, as the Secretariat explained at the beginning, there are still various adjustments to be made by various ministries and agencies and others, but I believe that as much as possible, we are asking each ministry and agency to make a decision based on the opinions of the members. I believe that is how they are made, and we will continue to make a decision in Priority plan through such a process.

As Mr. Kawabe has just mentioned, various Issue will come up again in the future. Since Digital Agency is still a startup, I have heard from all of you that we are now in a situation where we are looking forward to working on various Issue in the future. I would like to summarize based on that.

Is that all for the Priority plan?

If you still have opinions, I think you can tell me the schedule later, but I think I can tell you later that I would like to receive your opinions by noon on the 19th. Because of that timing, I would like to ask you to do what you failed to say today and what you noticed later.

Kawabe Member: Are you ready?

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of , please.

Kawabe Member: , I would like to talk about one thing in particular. I believe that there is a method of renewing the My Number Card once every five years or something else. Was that method a simple method? Or was it a feeling that people who have it now have no way to do it?

Because from the perspective of Internet companies in private sector, it is quite difficult to update in such a way that was originally prepared, or it will lead to user withdrawal, so I have a sense that I will never do it. How was that area?

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of , could you please give us your answer?

Director Murakami: The story of the next I will answer if you don't mind.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Director Murakami: The story of the next card will begin soon. I also wrote it on the Priority plan.
In doing so, I would like to include whether it is possible to consider not having to go to the public office of the city to renew the card.

However, logically speaking, if the Principal's key is applied for online during the 10-year validity period, the state in which the Principal meets the Principal first and it is confirmed that the key is owned by the Principal should be taken over logically, but there are still persistent voices that are worried if the Principal is not seen by the Principal at least once every 10 years. In order to make it possible to renew the key online a little more easily by development some means of certification that is slightly stronger than the conventional ordinary certification, it would be impossible to obtain a sense of satisfaction without further technological ingenuity. Therefore, I will only consider it this time, but Digital Agency would like to consider simplifying the renewal procedure.

It was a report on the current situation.

That's all.

Kawabe Member: I think it would be good if various things were really considered.

I think it would be very time-consuming and confusing to update it if it had been issued this much, so I think it would be good to devise a way to do it.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of I think this is a valuable opinion.


Mr. Noda, please.

Mr. Noda: Since you have a time, I would like to point out one thing in detail.

The index is written at the end of the "Introduction" on page 1 of the text.

Until last time, I believe that the creation of indicators was positioned as one of the priority measures, but this time, it has been changed to a form in which there is a slight mention only at the end of the "Introduction." I would like to ask you the background of whether it was included in the "Introduction" in this way because it is difficult to create indicators.

In addition, the expression "a society that should aim for measures and projects, the results to be achieved from the perspective of focusing on users, and measures and projects related thereto" in the second line below "By the way," gives me an impression that the meaning is difficult to understand. I said that it would be good if I could convey to the people in as easy-to-understand a manner as possible to the extent to which progress has been made with regard to the six ideals to be sought. However, as far as I read the article, I could not understand well whether it was written with such an intention, so I would like to ask you to tell me.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Secretariat: Mr. Murai . I have an answer.

First of all, the "Introduction" will also be decided by the Cabinet, so we will do this properly. First, we have decided to list the projects, so the location is the first "Introduction," but we would like to clearly state that we will work on it here.

What I am writing here is a big example of what kind of society I want to aim for through measures and projects, and I don't know if it will be directly connected to that, but the results that the measures I want to achieve toward that. It is good if the results are connected to society, but there is an ideal society, and there are measures related to it. What kind of results do I aim for when I approach that society with those measures?

Of course, there are measures that are connected to it, and we will clarify the results and indicators for each of them and measure them. It may be difficult to understand, so we will consider writing about them.

First of all, I believe that the spread of My Number Card will be followed by the use of My Number Card in the future. I have written an image of the use of My Number Card with an emphasis on users. From the perspective of the use of My Number Card, I would like to work on this project, and I would like to gradually expand it to other fields.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Mr. Noda: Since you have a .

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of are indicators of those outcomes, I think it is necessary to clarify the outcomes and indicators in the first sentence. If there are any parts that the members point out, I think you have time, but I think it would be good if you could point out them.

This one, please.

Do you have any other comments? Is that all right?

Then, I would like to ask Digital Agency to make a comment after listening to the current discussion. First of all, I would like to ask Chief Officer of the Digital Agency.

Asanuma Chief Officer of the Digital Agency: This is Asanuma.

Thank you all for your time today.

I would also like to thank you very much for reading so many materials and for this part as well.

I would like to consider reflecting the content I received today in the text. In particular, we are strongly aware of public-private partnerships, so I would like to publish it in a way that is easy to understand.
With regard to Mr. Kawabe's words, I would like to summarize them in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Last year, I made a separate document at the same time as the public release, so I will do it together with that.

The actual transition screen, configuration diagram, and system diagram will be agreed upon with various parties concerned, so I think it will be difficult at this timing, but I would like to separately disclose the fact that the Government will definitely create such a service and that it will be based on this architecture.

With regard to the targets and indicators that Mr. Yoshihiko Noda mentioned, I would like to fully disclose them together. Although it is difficult to fully disclose all of them at the timing of the announcement by Priority plan, I would like to promise that the content of the discussions will be fully disclosed by the end of this year, and that this will be clearly presented to the people of Japan at a fixed point.

Thank you very much for your time today.

Thank you for your continued support.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Then, Parliamentary Vice-Minister, may I ask you a question?

Ozaki, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Digital: Thank you very much for your deliberations today, despite your busy schedule.

Digital Agency will soon be in its second year since its establishment.

Amidst this, I believe that it has come to a point where it is extremely important to present the concrete results of digitalization to the people of Japan.

This time, in accordance with the instructions of Minister Kono, we are moving toward a new review of the composition of the Priority plan, with an emphasis on what will become of these points in concrete terms. I believe that is true, and we will make various efforts to realize this, so please give us your guidance.

At the same time, as instructed by the Minister, I believe that preparation for the future is also extremely important. For example, as AI and other technologies rapidly develop in the future, I believe that it will be extremely important for us to consider a comprehensive data strategy.

Perhaps I should not go so far as to say medium - to long-term, but we will continue to hold thorough discussions on how we should respond strategically with a view to the future, and I believe that I have written about this in Priority plan this time. I believe that we will run various projects on this point, and I would also like to ask for your guidance on the execution of these projects.

Thank you very much for today.

I look forward to working with you in the future.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Then, Senior Vice-Minister, thank you very much.

Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Okushi: Thank you, Mr. , for your valuable opinions today.

I am also working on various aspects, such as the use of private sector in My Number Card, but there are still few concrete results. I feel that if I could write more about how it is used in private sector, it would be a little more friendly to various people, so I will continue to work on it firmly with reflection.

In addition, I believe that Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee will be able to communicate the content of this in a more easy-to-understand manner to all of you in various forms, including the content of the reform of Chief Officer of the Digital Agency. However, it is also important to make it easy for the people of Japan to understand it, and to make it lead to the next step. Since various troubles are occurring now, we need to further strengthen the mechanism to make it easy for people to understand and use it with peace of mind, including from the perspective of security. I will continue to make steady efforts while reflecting on this.

Also, in that regard, I believe there is a lot of guidance and various opinions, especially various wisdom and ingenuity of private sector, so I would appreciate if you could give me various instructions and various opinions.

We will continue to make efforts to create various systems and mechanisms that will increase convenience in private sector so that people will be truly convinced and trusted to use digital society. Thank you very much.

Thank you for your time today.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

So, Minister Kono, please.

Minister for Digital Transformation Kohno: Thank you, .

I don't know how many pages there are in this Priority plan, but even though it is called Priority plan, it is like an encyclopedia that contains all of them evenly, and to be honest, I want to cut it completely.

What are the priorities? The other purpose is to pin down the efforts of each public office by making a Cabinet decision, so I believe we must be able to issue a real priority and schedule.

As I said earlier, there are currently 800 people in Digital Agency doing various things. To be honest, when I went to the Davos Conference this year, ChatGPT came out of the sense that everyone was talking about AI, and G7 is like AI. I have the impression that the digital world is moving very fast.

Another thing is that you are worried about My Number Card, but bugs in the local government system are causing you trouble.

Each local government creates its own system, each local government creates its own format, and more than 1,000 formats can be created. In the digital age, it is necessary to review the balance between local autonomy and local government's own decisions, and to unify what can be unified nationwide. To be honest, I believe that this is not an obstacle to local autonomy.
There were talks between the government and the private sector.

In the private sector, there is fierce competition in the area of IT services, so while good services are coming out one after another, the government system is difficult to use no matter what.

Visit Japan Web, online applications for passports, and the like, are all requested by people, but when I actually try them, I find that they are not very user-friendly. I would like to make them as convenient as the services provided by the private sector. I believe that improving the services provided by the national and local governments will directly lead to increased convenience for the people of Japan and increased efficiency for companies.

Of course, digital society is not just about the government, but in any case, I wonder if it is necessary to raise the level of the government in order to make the world more convenient. I also think that the people must quickly close the gap that everyone is doing their best in the competition.

We have a little time until the 19th, so if you have any comments, please feel free to let us know.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule today.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

Then, that's all for the part I will be in charge of, so I would like to ask the secretariat to explain the future.

Secretariat: Mr. Murai , thank you very much.

There are three office communications.

This is the same as what Mr. Murai said earlier, but the first point is, as you just said, if there are any comments from the members of the Council or any additions to the comments we received today, please let us know by email.

I'm sorry to bother you when you don't have time, but I would appreciate it very much if you could submit it by noon or twelve o'clock on the 19th.

Second, although this meeting will be closed to the public this time, the materials related to Priority plan will be released on the Digital Agency website after the Cabinet decision. They will be released on the Digital Agency website.

In the meantime, this is just the text, so please be aware of the handling of the materials.

As for the minutes, the Secretariat will contact you after tomorrow to confirm the content. After confirmation, we will also disclose the minutes after making a decision.

My third question is that the next meeting has not been decided at this point, so when the next meeting is held, the Secretariat will contact and consult with you.

Best regards

That's all.

Chairman Murai: Since the outcomes and indicators of .

With that being said, I would like to close today's 8th digital society Concept Conference.

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to have a lively discussion.
That's all.