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First Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board


  • Date and Time: Friday, September 10, 2021 (2021) from 11:00 to 11:40
  • Location: Online Meeting
  • Agenda:
    1. Opening
    2. Proceedings
      1. New Promotion System
        1. Conference Management
        2. Holding of the Deputy Secretary Meeting
      2. About New prioritization in planning
        1. How to proceed with digital reform in the future
        2. Requests for New prioritization in planning
      3. Formulation of basic policies for the development and management of information systems
      4. Revision of the Standard Guidelines for the Promotion of Digital Government
      5. Revision of Basic Policies on the Use of cloud service
      6. Revision of the Second Phase Development Plan for the Common Government Platform
    3. Other
    4. Adjournment

