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Web3.0 Study Meeting (8th)


  • Date and time: Thursday, November 24, 2022 from 13:30 to 15:00
  • Location: Online
  • Agenda:
  1. Opening
  2. Proceedings
    1. Hearing with experts (Ms. Aya Miyaguchi, Ethereum Foundation)
    2. Commissioned Survey Interim Report on Decentralized Identity
  3. Adjournment


  • Agenda (PDF/58KB)
  • [Material 1] Materials to be submitted by Mr. Miyaguchi * Limited to members
  • [Material 2] Materials to be submitted to Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting * Limited to members
  • Minutes (963 kb)



Thursday, November 24, 2022, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Online Meetings



  • Jiro Kokuryo (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Keio University)

  • ISHII Natsu Shori (Professor, Faculty of International Information Studies, Chuo University)

  • Yuko Kawai (CEO of Japan Digital Design Co., Ltd.; Executive Director of the Strategic Planning Department of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.; Executive Director of the Strategic Planning Department of MUFG Bank, Ltd.)

  • Keiji Tonomura (Attorney, Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office)

  • Taiyō Fujii

  • Shinichiro Matsuo, Research Professor, Georgetown University

Digital Agency (Secretariat)

  • Minister Kono, Senior Vice-Minister Okushi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ozaki, Director General Kusunoki, Councilor Nozaki


Mr. Miyaguchi of the Ethereum Foundation explained the hearing with experts.

  • I was a high school teacher in Japan, but I had doubts about the environment where teachers don't go out and learn, so I went to the United States, and I have been involved in the industry since I joined the team as an early member of a crypto exchange called Kraken in San Francisco.
  • The reason why I was interested in blockchains is that they are technologies that can change the way the world works, such as microfinance. When a member of the Ethereum Foundation asked me to lead the team, I felt a mission and accepted it, thinking about how important the survival of Ethereum, the only reliable and public blockchain in which applications that are solutions for social Issue will be created in the future, is not only for the industry but also for the world to be better.
  • The fundamental part of the technology of Ethereum's smart contract function has already been discussed, so this time I will tell you about its vision and social significance, especially considering the future of Japan.
  • The Ethereum protocol is expressed as "Protocol for human coordination." It is important that human and "human" are included. When innovative technology is available, only technology tends to attract attention, and it tends to be a story in which the world is improved only by technology, but it is a protocol in which technology supplements and coordinates in the current society in which humans are central and intentions and coordination are complicated.
  • He shares his vision of "Infinite Garden" as the answer to what an ecosystem should look like to create protocols, maintain, and create solutions. In a message to the Ethereum Foundation team at the end of the year, his vision for Ethereum began when he said Infinite Garden. Infinite was inspired by the book Finite and Infinite Games. The perpetual player, Infinite player, means to play and play to keep the game going, not to win it. This fits with the goodness of the Ethereum community I see. In addition, he describes it as Garden because it encourages natural growth as much as possible. It is now gaining ground in the community.
  • The role of the Ethereum Foundation in the Infinite Garden ecosystem is to provide opportunities as much as possible to support the ecosystem without control. To increase the number of teams to grow the ecosystem together. It is truly an activity to increase the number of Infinite players.
  • It provides grants, rather than investments, to teams that can contribute about 5 billion to 10 billion yen a year to the infrastructure, which is a public good, or to the health of the ecosystem. In addition, it coordinates community activities behind the scenes and supports new research development.
  • The basic philosophy of the Ethereum Foundation is three fold.
    The first is long-term thinking: how can the ecosystem survive healthily even after the Ethereum Foundation is gone?
    The second is the aesthetics of subtraction: how the Ethereum Foundation can subtract and distribute power to everyone, not control it.
    The third is community values, communicating and extending important values such as open source.
  • Why Ethereum and why it has grown so much. It's not about winning, it's about what kind of society we want to be in the future, and how we want to make society better. There are various ways of saying it, such as "crypto," "Web3.0," and "blockchain," but it's important to know which part of them can make society better, that is, whether or not the uncompromising part is clear. In Ethereum, the uncompromising part is "distributed."
  • In the first place, it is intended to solve problems through distribution, so it is important to focus on distribution as much as possible. Distribution is not only about technology, but also about the ecosystem.
    There are three basic tenets that we stick to as an ecosystem. The first is "open source." It doesn't just mean that the source code should be open. It only means that it can be validation, copied, and improved by everyone. The second is "permissionless." Anyone can participate and use it without permission, and everyone can participate in the development process. The third is the ability to fork. It has happened.
    For example, if there is a good project, can it be improved and converted into other new projects? It is important that these basic principles are always present in daily activities.
  • A specific example is the website "ethereum. org". It is open source, supports servers and teams, and all content is open source. Some 950 community members are actively involved in figuring out how to explain technologies and concepts. They do not have decision-making power at the Ethereum Foundation because they use content that the community has decided is the best.
  • Ethereum. org is also translated by more than 5,000 volunteers in 48 languages around the world. As it is a chance to learn, people who wish to translate and adopt it. organization supports the system.
  • We will seriously explore "distribution" and how these ecosystems should be. In English, it is called a single point of failure, but when power is concentrated on one person in a system and it can be a defect of the whole, it is a problem of centralization, a problem of centralization, so it prevents it in all kinds of ways, not only in the technology part.
  • Therefore, it is important to duplicate everything. The more nodes, the stronger the security. In addition, if you need only one type of client software to use, for example, Ethereum, there should be no problem with it. Therefore, the number of client software should be large, and an environment where everyone uses various things is desirable. It is difficult because everyone wants to use the best thing, but we are working as proactively as possible so as not to be too biased.
  • In the wallet field, given that metamasks are the most used, we are always thinking about whether metamasks are enough, what to do in case something happens, whether it is better to have as many wallets as possible, and what we should do to achieve this.
  • The funding function should not be centralized. It is better if the Ethereum Foundation is not the only organization that can support public goods, so that other regions can perform similar functions. In terms of serious exploration, my favorite part of Ethereum is called "Intellectual honesty." It is about intellectual honesty, honesty, and professing that you can't do what you can't do. Ethereum has changed and improved from the original plan, with participants with ideas. Many people participate by being open and honest. As a result, the first idea was created by Vitalic, but now most of the ideas are created by people other than Vitalic. organization
  • One final point in terms of exploring diversification, I would like to emphasize that the Ethereum Foundation holds only 0.28% of the total. In addition, this number is decreasing every year because we are subsidizing the ecosystem. As the ecosystem grows, we aim for a model in which the Ethereum Foundation holds less Ether and the ecosystem is less dependent on it. It has already been proven, but it is a part that we are working on.
  • Next, I will talk from a global perspective. Recently, there are special situations such as Ukraine, but in general, there are needs and opportunities in developing countries, so I will introduce examples mainly from developing countries.
  • First of all, the current situation in Latin America. In Argentina, where inflation is terrible and citizens have to live in a wave of inflation, the participation rate of women is high. It is not a new technology that I can enjoy, but I am interested in and learning it as a technology necessary for life.
  • This year, the Ethereum Foundation held Devcon, Ethereum's largest annual event, in Bogota, Colombia. Like the Olympics, the community grew in neighboring Latin American countries such as Brazil, Panama, Mexico, Peru, and Chile, and there was a period of about two months when the community held one event after another. Part of the reason was that the Ethereum Foundation held Devcon, but more important was that the community held it as their own initiative.
  • It is also characterized by the fact that it is more exciting at the level of local government than the national government. For example, Buenos Aires is a visionary, and a representative participated in Devcon, but various projects are being carried out, and it is a stance that wants to improve the whole country of Argentina from Buenos Aires.
  • Community grassroots efforts are also expanding. For example, there is more and more education content in Spanish, with videos on YouTube. With more and more activity both online and physical, the Ethereum Foundation supports such grassroots efforts.
  • As specific examples of projects, I would like to cite two Mexican projects. The first is a system in which communities in area gather to save, accumulate, and advance at the same time, similar to what is called Mujin and Tanomoshi-ko in Japanese. In Mexico, it is called Tanda, in which more than 20% of the population participates. Projects have begun in which smart contracts can be entwined with this to stop fraud and build personal credit histories.
  • The other is an example of decentralized identity that Buenos Aires is also trying to leverage. It is produced by a team of citizens in the Goctech sector who strongly feel that the country will not get better without fixing the flaws in the public good.
  • Next, we will move to Asia. In Vietnam, it is reported that more than 20% of the population owns crypto assets. I will be in Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow for an event, and it is getting exciting.
  • As for the Asian government's story, for example, the Singaporean government is carefully watching the financial regulation, but understands the advantages of promoting research development, and is development the Ethereum product.
  • First of all, I would like you to think about the needs and angles that lead to adoption, such as inflation in Central and South America and games in Issue. Rather than thinking of Web3.0 as something that needs to be done, I would like young people to work hard to discover where they have strengths and interests.
  • Second, modesty is one of the good points of Japanese people, but I hear Japan is "lagging behind in Web3.0" and even "Web3.0 seclusion." I hope I can draw out the power unique to Japan before saying it negatively.
  • For example, long-term thinking is a concept that Japanese people can understand to some extent without explaining it, but Americans and others cannot understand it even if I explain it. In addition, Japanese teamwork is by far the best in the world. Even without a boss, a team can be established. I think it is natural because I grew up in Japan, but it is not natural overseas.
  • Originally, Japan has a DAO culture, so I would like to convey positively that if you add this technology while utilizing that part, you will be able to do interesting things.
    Web3.0 is better off somewhere less Silicon Valley, especially for young people.
  • In addition, seeking perfection is one of the good things about Japan, but as Ethereum has developed, it is possible to expand the possibility of developing without seeking perfection from the beginning, and the openness of how to create technologies and communities can be learned from Ethereum and used in Japanese manufacturing.
  • On the other hand, as a decisive Issue, the formation of a community is still in the future. It is important not only to gather people with the same interests, but also how to increase the number of communities that have the ability to create themselves. We will carefully support and monitoring them.
  • I am invited to a hackathon held by the Web3.0 team at the University of Tokyo on December 3. After talking with them in the summer, I heard that they decided to hold it themselves, and I want to support them. I think it would be fun if such an activity would occur, and I feel the possibility from young people.
  • Until now, there has been strong interest in trading and speculating, but I would like you to focus on the technology development. For example, in regulation, while regulation is necessary, I believe that a shift in thinking toward the technology regulation is necessary for the entire country in terms of how to grow technology. development
  • The Ethereum Foundation wants to support core people and teams in the grassroots community, but it will not hold the position of Ethereum Country Manager, for example. Ethereum is a public good, not a product of some company, and the strength of the community does not grow because there are people like Country Managers. Because it is a community, I want it to be built by itself. However, it can support core leaders. We are looking for carefully selected support partners while looking at the balance.
  • Next year, a team that operates a global hackathon with high standards in the community wants to hold a large-scale hackathon called ETH Tokyo. If it is held, please help us.
  • In conclusion, I would like to talk again about how the aesthetics of subtraction, which is our important philosophy, has been utilized in the development of the Ethereum community in terms of how to realize the expectations of the Japanese and promote the Issue solution.
  • When I joined the Ethereum Foundation, it was a group of researchers from development, not a solid organization. However, there was a certain amount of money, and there was a strong opinion and pressure that the Ethereum Foundation should hire the CTO of Ethereum, the CSO, and other top talents around the world to create the best protocol. While this idea of addition is natural for growing startups and companies that own other blockchains, I thought I would have to take the opposite path to leverage the real power of the Ethereum community. Since I am Japanese, I adopted the method of passing on the culture of subtraction and bringing out what was originally there. I think this is not just an aesthetic, but a decisive strategy to keep Ethereum distributed. Therefore, without the aesthetics of subtraction, Ethereum would not have grown as it is today.
  • One example is Ethereum, org, which I mentioned earlier. There is another application called "ENS," where you can give your Ethereum address a simple name, such as ayamiya. eth, and use it as your identity. ENS was originally a team belonging to the Ethereum Foundation, but since it is only one application, it graduated when the project started, became independent, and now it has created a DAO and can survive on its own without the support of the Ethereum Foundation. It is an example of subtraction.
  • Another example is "Merge," the biggest event of the year, which involved the transition of a network consensus methodology from proof of work to proof of stake. While significant in terms of eliminating power consumption, improving a protocol that runs the largest number of applications, similar to improving an airplane engine in flight, is a feat. And it was done in a distributed fashion, with everyone involved, not just members of the Ethereum Foundation, but members of the community.
  • The people involved are scattered around the country, so they don't work together in the office and don't get excited in one place, but all of them are Infinite players, and they think this is necessary, not for them to win, and they think the best part is that they all worked together in a distributed way.
  • Ultimately, the potential of Ethereum, the potential of technology, and the potential of Web3.0 is too big for any one entity to own. You're right that you can't imagine how big the potential is. It's unimaginable, so don't you need more subtraction?
  • There are unfortunate incidents in the world, but problems occur when you try to add only your power. The problems that appear in the world are completely unrelated to this technology, and are also the result of someone trying to control it. I am always aware that I have to tell people who know the importance of subtraction what kind of person I should give the power to after subtraction. I try to prevent those who do not have the power as much as possible, but I think this point is particularly important because the industry is chaotic now.

The following remarks were mainly made in the questions and answers from the members and the answers from Mr. Miyaguchi.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating subtraction is an important keyword, but I don't know the definition of subtraction. On top of that, when I look at the technology, I think that, for example, the existence of a language called Solidity and writing smart contracts are characteristics of Ethereum, but on the other hand, I don't see subtraction in the language of Solidity itself or in the smart contracts that are extended using an oracle.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating In the same way that the ideal of eliminating single point of failure, which blockchain aims to achieve, cannot be solved if there is an oracle problem, I think there is a difference between the point of subtraction of the ideal that blockchain aims to achieve and the point that it can be realized by actual engineering. I would like to ask where you are actually aiming.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating As a specific question, Japanese people say regulation in relation to technical development, but I myself am writing a computer program and have never been aware of regulation. I would like to ask you what kind of regulation you have been told specifically.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating I am also interested in the types of Web3.0 human resources that are education in Central and South America. I think human resources will remain when the call of Web3.0 is lowered this time, but after that, what kind of human resources will move the world or remain? If you have any opinions on that point, I would like to ask you.

    • Speaker: In relation to At this stage, for example, if Solidity's language is perfect, I think it is completely different. It has been researched and development in the community, and I don't know how much it looks outside, but it has been a long time since Solidity first came out, so there may be problems with Solidity and the compiler.
    • Speaker: In relation to development users to use it and whether it will be a single point of failure. The only thing that has been improved is the team of Solidity, the Ethereum Foundation, but since it does not fit the philosophy of the Ethereum Foundation, other teams have been formed in the community, such as improving the developer experience and improving the compiler.
    • Speaker: In relation to Oracle, we are discussing it because Oracle must be a technology, but it is not controlled by the Ethereum Foundation, and various teams are actually taking on the challenge.
    • Speaker: In relation to Ethereum Foundation can only spread subtraction as much as possible. I don't think that's the case, especially with teams that are coming out strongly.
    • Speaker: In relation to For the technical part, I would like to have a conversation with Core Dev and others. Various problems have been discussed, but it will take time to improve.
    • Speaker: In relation to researchers, there is no part that has been clearly decided. For example, tax system is said to be a problem in Japan-related matters, but one point is that it is not necessary to have a token for transactions, but to make an app, so it is a burden on the people in charge of creating the app. development
      In addition, there are concerns around the world that if there is a problem with a decentralized application, the development who does not control the application will be responsible. There are various layers in Ethereum in terms of future talent, but the protocol part, the public goods part, that is, the infrastructure part, for example, is not made only by the Ethereum Foundation. Therefore, players who improve the infrastructure part are active in the community.
      There are also members working on the application part, for example, creating solutions for GovTech. There are also ways to work in startups and other forms that the government outsources to consulting companies. Web3.0 is already available as an application that users can use immediately, and such things have already appeared.
    • Speaker: In relation to You can play an active role in the way you have been doing it, but it is important to understand how to play an active role in a different way. For example, it does not mean that you cannot work unless you work for a large company. Since there is such a culture in Latin America, there are more and more places where you can play an active role on an individual level.
    • Speaker: In relation to Public Goods layer, the target audience is clear because the Ethereum Foundation takes the lead and supports it with grants. When Ethereum was poor, we did it quietly without receiving money, but now we are trying to be as fair as possible. The Ethereum Foundation does not decide which team will implementation the proposed improvements in the form of EIP and Ethereum Improvement Proposal, but the community is discussing which team can do it. It is a long process, but people from Latin America and the Caribbean are also in it, and some Japanese are in it.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating language, for example, dispersion has a positive impact on society, which comes up as a narrative when talking about blockchains, but dispersion in Japanese is ambiguous, and various people use the same word in different ways. The word dispersion is taken by various people in different words, as a story like area Creation comes out from the Japanese words of distributed network in computer science, distributed dispersion in distributed computing, decentralized dispersion such as decentralization, or dispersion. I would like to ask what dispersion means when Ethereum says that it will make things better.

    • Speaker: In relation to technology, it is led by what computer science refers to as "distributed". The important part of Ethereum is, for example, the big difference from Bitcoin, which is to divide power as much as possible by subtracting parts other than technology, and to make it by everyone, and that part is important.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating As an example, Vitalic is currently one of the researchers at the Ethereum Foundation and is the lead of the research team. Regarding the problem of language, for example, it appears as a narrative when talking about blockchains that dispersion has a positive impact on society, but the Japanese word dispersion is ambiguous, and various people use the same word in different ways. The word dispersion is taken by various people in different words, as a story like area Creation comes out from the Japanese word of distributed network in computer science, distributed dispersion in distributed computing, decentralized dispersion such as decentralization, or dispersion. I would like to ask what dispersion means when Ethereum says that it will make things better.

    • Speaker: In relation to is currently one of the researchers at the Ethereum Foundation, with a separate lead on the research team. We value such distribution of power. In fact, as evidence of the pervasiveness of distribution, the Ethereum Foundation's proposals are not always accepted by the community.
      But where the ecosystem is getting too strong, we try to balance it out by using subtraction as much as we can. As a specific example, if we decide that MetaMask has gone too far, we can think of ways to better support it when other wallets come along.
    • Speaker: In relation to dispersion are used in English, and there are parts that are not understood.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating In short, I understand that the ultimate may be full direct democracy, and as there is no king in the Internet originally, it should have such a governance model as much as possible.

The first half ends here. Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting explains the interim report of the commissioned survey on decentralized identity.
In the question-and-answer session and opinion exchange, the members mainly made the following remarks.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating terminology. Originally, the DID when standardized by the W3C was DID in Identifier. Even if I did not add "S", I only said Identifier. It and the identified identity are completely different, but the DID of Identity here is actually the same thing as SSI.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating There is a confusion between the same three letters DID in the discussion of identifiers and the discussion of identity mechanisms. If a marketing word is included in the discussion of this type of technology, operation, and system, it will break down as if blockchain has become a marketing word. In the discussion of DID and Identifier, the decentralized identity here is similar to SSI, so it is desirable to arrange the terms.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating On that basis, what is the "decentralized system of data sovereignty" described in the distributed identity, is a word that I can understand but I don't understand. What is data sovereignty, what is the decentralized system of data sovereignty, and if it is defined and the mechanism for realizing data sovereignty can be decentralized, what is the relationship between it and the identity mechanism? This seems to be inaccurate or difficult to say, so I would like to know what it means. If it is not connected, I think it is necessary to dig deeper.

    • Speaker: In relation to Data is a conventional ID, if various services are used with account information such as GAFA, which is often said, it seems that the information to which it belongs is actually held by the business operator. I mentioned that it is not decentralized in the sense that the authority to manage such information resides in the individual.
    • Speaker: In relation to Regarding the other point, I took it as a comment on the future direction, but I would like to take into consideration the arrangement of terms such as distributed identity and how marketing words can be received in published materials, which are important viewpoints, when compiling the report compiled with the secretariat.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating The reason why SSI has emerged with Federated ID is that it has become possible to manage Federated IDs such as Google and Apple, which has historical significance. Since there is a risk of leakage when each business operator stores ID passwords on-premise, there is a historical necessity that SSI has been managed in a place where security management is more solid and authentication has been done once.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating In that case, it will be a single point of failure, so it is to reduce the number of single points of failure again. Based on this idea, the architecture used in the current DID in SSI has emerged. It is not so much decentralization as fault tolerance and removal of single points of failure.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating The word "non-centralization" seems to be understood, but I don't understand it. I wonder if anyone can define it. It is important to clarify what technology and operation can and cannot do, and what cannot be done is blurred in this sentence, so I would like you to focus on it.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating The My Number Card we have includes the key pair of E-Certificate. There are few countries where at least 20-30% of the people have a public key pair.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating DID, the use of the key pair of My Number Card, that is, the My Number itself, cannot be used, but the key of the part of My Number Card included in E-Certificate may be in the area that private sector companies can use.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating In the future, I think there will probably be DID operators who want to access the key of the E-Certificate, but it is desirable to be a place where the mechanism of the E-Certificate can be explained repeatedly in a careful manner. Since it often ends up where the My Number can't be done, I would like you to point out the possibility of the E-Certificate we have and the story that it is too difficult to do it.

    • Speaker: In relation to Basically, legal personal identification in My Number Card itself is widely available, including in private sector. It is desirable to promote cooperation with DIDs and other new mechanisms, but there is one point to be noted. The serial number of the certificate can be stored only by a business operator certified by the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications so that it will not be misused in the form of a duplicate number of the My Number.
    • Speaker: In relation to It would be desirable if it could be widely distributed, such as by keeping documents with electronic signatures at hand. However, by signing, the serial number of the certificate will be included in the signed document, and handling is subject to legal regulation. Therefore, some ingenuity is necessary. Or, when writing to a blockchain, it is necessary to consider devising ways to prevent the certificate serial number from being written on the blockchain. Therefore, we would like to show you how to work together without problems in the future.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating Regardless of whether it is a blockchain or not, should it be recognized as a problem of how to handle serial numbers?

    • Speaker: In relation to You are correct. Regardless of whether it is a distributed ledger or not, in the case of a distributed ledger, in general, anyone can access it freely in a public chain, so it is necessary to take careful measures in this regard.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications can handle it?

    • Speaker: In relation to is the large privacy impact of identifiers. At present, we do not plan to ease the regulation, but on the other hand, it will be important in terms of the spread of validation and the utilization of people who have My Number Card by increasing the number of people who have signed validation and providing services using regulation widely in private sector. Therefore, various studies are underway on how to make the environment of user-friendly at a low cost. There is no idea to relax immediately, but we recognize that it is an important Issue to increase the cost and usability. My Number Card
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating Can your service be put on top of the blockchain?

    • Speaker: In relation to It depends on how you do it, but there are signed validation operators who are considering having some kind of relationship with the distributed ledger, for example, using My Number Card for KYC of crypto asset wallets. I think there will be many more in the future. Signed validation operators are considering having some kind of relationship with the distributed ledger.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating business operators will come out. We are holding in-depth classes such as information classes at high schools, and with the increase in the use of My Number Card, it is expected that more and more people and citizens will be literate in the composition of information, which is the foundation of Web3.0, although it is public key authentication and encryption. It is desirable that more active discussions will be held, and business operators who implementation will appear, and dialogue can be held based on accidents.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating I have two questions.
    The first point is what kind of difference there is for the person who should be the original owner of the ID by centrally managing the ID data itself or what is linked to the ID in the first place and by managing it in a distributed manner. Or if it is desirable to manage it in a distributed manner in order to have data sovereignty, to what extent and how is it technically possible? For example, it is desirable to explain from the people's perspective whether or not it is possible to use a public blockchain if you want to start it right away.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating Second, there have already been several examples of individual projects in each country, and I think that it is Web2.0 that the system of Identifier has been established in various projects in each country. Can we talk to each other? If it was ideal that I should have data sovereignty, and if possible, I should have an identity of what kind of person I am across organization and across countries, I would like to ask whether various things are happening in the country today on the premise of talking to each other.

    • Speaker: In relation to IDs, for example, the question of whether it can be done by public chains, IDs managed by a centralized organization have developed in the context that they are safer than those managed by individuals because the operator becomes a single point of failure. For example, there have been cases recently in which information has been leaked due to a technical weakness, or information has been leaked due to some artificial action such as human error by a person belonging to the operator. One point is that such cases are disappearing.
    • Speaker: In relation to There are several approaches to realizing such IDs on blockchains. This time, we are going ahead with decentralized identifiers, but in terms of how DIDs are implementation, VCs are an area where blockchains are irrelevant. When a decentralized identifier is written to a blockchain, the blockchain has the identifier, and the public key of the identifier becomes a set, it is possible to prove that the person or company has the identifier recorded in the blockchain.
    • Speaker: In relation to After that, since identifiers and public keys are required for the certification of VCs themselves, it has already been possible to create a distributed mechanism that can be authenticated by combining VCs and DIDs in a blockchain by creating a mechanism that cannot be confirmed without such identifiers and public keys.
    • Speaker: In relation to On the other hand, for places that are not immediately practical or widely spread, there is also a debate that identifiers themselves are important information, and in some cases, they are related to personal data and privacy. Therefore, the debate has not yet been settled on whether or not a mechanism to write identifiers on the public chain should be assumed.
    • Speaker: In relation to Federated IDs may be a good way to have a decentralized mechanism. With the use of blockchains in mind, discussions on decentralized identities have been developing. On the other hand, there are some difficulties in using blockchains, such as advantages and disadvantages. One of them is that identifiers look good or bad, and it is difficult to balance them with practical problems such as personal data and privacy. How to reconcile such constraints is one of the points being discussed.
    • Speaker: In relation to Regarding the second point, individual efforts include efforts by businesses in private sector. For example, since the NHS is an organization related to the UK government, government entities may take the lead in promoting it. In this context, there are efforts to cooperate across organization and national boundaries, such as the definition of distributed identifiers and decentralized identifiers itself being defined by the W3C. Therefore, I believe that it will be the easiest to spread the initiative by combining what kind of discussions will be held in information linkages.
    • Speaker: In relation to It is recognized that the definition of DID was originally made with the use of blockchain in mind at the W3C, because the use of blockchain is good in terms of ensuring interoperability.
  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating First of all, I feel that there is a gap between the story of DID expected when it is brought back to the present from the direction of future Web3.0, and the explanation in the latter half of putting it on My Number Card and getting it closer to a distributed identity. Even if I extend it as it is, I don't feel like going to Web3.0. In particular, I don't think I can go forward with the legal system and privacy on top of the Japanese My Number system, and is it correct to understand that there is a gap between the time when it was brought back from the future and the present? If it is correct, there is a risk that clarifying this point will highlight Issue, such as the limitations of the My Number system, but it is true that it needs to be sorted out.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating Second, examples from each country are introduced, but aren't the circumstances of what is equivalent to Japan's My Number different in each country? Because the circumstances and privacy rules around it are different, aren't the things that are made and those that are not made better to be sorted out? If it is a story that is determined only by technology, technology can be used anywhere, and if it is something that is done in the country, I think it will develop into a story that Japan should use such technology, but I feel that it is made in each country and is largely surrounded by the current legal system and rules. I think that by hearing about this, I can understand to what extent the stories of each country can be brought to Japan, and I would like to hear any additional comments at this stage.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating identifiers falls under personal data is an issue that has been discussed in the field of personal data protection other than this study group. Listening to the story, I have the impression that identifiers and public keys are highly likely to fall under personal data, and it seems that putting them on the public chain may be difficult to tolerate in terms of personal data protection.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating validation business operator, the issuing business operator, and the key management business operator are deemed to be personal data handling business operators, all of the personal data under the regulation Protection Act will be charged, and I feel that we will never proceed to the discussion of putting it on the public chain.

  • Member: There is also a description that the key is centrally managed in the wallet, such as communicating personal data individually without storing it in the blockchain. Whether it is good to put it on the public chain needs to be carefully discussed, and it is desirable to produce the output of the study group while paying attention to overseas movements. It is my impression from listening to the discussion that personal data will be a hurdle.

    • Speaker: In relation to vaccine passport, but due to concerns and Issue, it was not used in various countries. Japan also collected information but did not use it. This is a part that has already been taken care of in existing projects, so it is necessary to consider it while watching international movements.
    • Speaker: In relation to On the other hand, while the chain itself is being disclosed, there are various ways to selectively disclose only the information that one wants to disclose, such as using various Identifiers by one person and linking them according to the context at the will of the person, rather than linking all of them to one Identifier. R & amp; D is a research development, so I would like to confirm it firmly.
    • Speaker: In relation to , what is the current development with My Number System? In general, the current legal personal identification mechanism is based on the technology utilized in each country from the end of the 1990s to the first half of the 2000s, and is a necessary foundation. Looking at the movement in Europe and other countries on how to integrate the various innovations that have occurred over the past five or ten years with EID and national identity, there is active discussion in each country and movement in international standardization. Rather than giving up on the idea that it is not easy, I would like to think about how to utilize it and the flow for Japan to make it more advanced while understanding the points at issue in each country.

The secretariat explained that the next workshop is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, November 30.
The secretariat explained that the minutes of the meeting will be published after the members confirm the content.
