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Bill to Partially Amend the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures

This draft law was submitted to the 211th (ordinary) session of the Diet on March 7, 2023 (2023).


While the need for drastic COVID-19 pandemic measures in society has become apparent due to the experience of the recent digitalization measures, the My Number system, which is the foundation of digital society, and My Number Card will be partially amended from the perspective of the convenience of the people.


1. Expansion of the scope of use of My Number

  • In principle, the use of My Number will be promoted in administrative operation other than social security system, tax system and disaster response.
    *The addition of specific administrative work for use was added by the revision of the law as before.
  • In particular, My Number will be made available to barbers, hairdressers, small boat operators, architects, etc. for their national certification, automobile registrations, permission related to resident status, etc.

Omission, etc. of Attached Documents in Various Administrative Procedures

2. Review of regulations on the use of My Number and information linkages

  • The My Number may also be used for administrative work equivalent to that for which the use of the My Number is permitted by law (limited to administrative work of the same nature).
    *Administrative work based on the provisions of individual laws was added by the revision of the law as before.
  • Information linkages will be made possible by stipulating in the ordinance of the competent ministry for administrative affairs for which the use of My Number is permitted by law.
    *The record of a information linkages being made can be queried on the Mynaportal

Enables faster initiation of new and needed inter-agency information linkages

3. Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card

  • Eliminate the need for facial photographs for Issue My Number Card for infants.
  • The health insurance card will be abolished, and "Eligibility Confirmation Forms" will be provided at the request of individuals who are unable to receive online eligibility confirmation due to the My Number Card so that they can receive necessary health insurance treatment.

Enables smooth insured medical treatment for all insured persons

4. Promoting the spread and use of My Number Card

  • It will be possible for overseas diplomatic missions to handle administrative work related to the issuance of My Number Card Issue and E-Certificate cards for those who have moved out of Japan.
  • Post offices designated by municipalities will be allowed to accept applications for My Number Card Issue.
  • Regulations shall be developed for methods for verifying users without electronic user authentication that requires the entry of a personal identification number (e.g., use in libraries, etc.).

Expansion of options for applying for and acquiring My Number Card and promotion of their use

5. Addition of "Furigana (furigana) of name" to the description of family registry, etc.

  • Family registry has added "furigana (furigana) of the name" to the matters to be entered in the resident record, etc.
  • "Furigana (furigana) of name" was added to the description of My Number Card.

Notarized furigana can be used for identity verification in various procedures

6. Registration of public money receiving account Promotion (Establishment of a Special Case for Registration via public authorities, etc.)

  • In the case where consent has been obtained after notifying the existing people who already benefit, etc. (assumed to be the pensions beneficiary) of certain matters by registered mail, etc., or in the case where there is no response within a certain period of time and it is treated as having been agreed, the Prime Minister may register the said account as a public fund receiving account.
    (* 1) public fund receiving account is used only for benefits.
    (* 2) In addition to prior and subsequent notification of the person himself / herself, we will make sure that the system is thoroughly known through public relations.

Easy registration for people who are unfamiliar with digital technology and acceleration of benefits

Effective Date

The date shall be a date specified by Cabinet Order within one year and three months from the day of promulgation (excluding some dates).


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