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(Notice of Application Completion) Con testing "area Datacon Issue" for students working on e-Gov testing using national open data

We have selected a area that we want to appeal its attractiveness, and asked for works that propose solutions based on cause analysis using open data from the e-Gov Data Portal area for the Issue that the testing has. However, we closed the application on November 6.

Thank you for your many applications. The winners of each award and the award ceremony will be announced on the Digital Agency website at a later date.

1. Examination

Examination Committee

*In order of the Japanese syllabary, honorific titles omitted

  • Nanako Ishito (Keio University / Professor, B Lab / Director)
  • OBAYASHI Hisashi (Nikkei Inc. / Editorial Board Member, Musashino University / Visiting Professor)
  • Ryutaro Okada (Japan Deep Learning Association / Managing Director)
  • Kazuo Hiegata (Professor, Department of Human and Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
  • Maruta Yukihito (Emergency Economic Measures Office, public office Economic Affairs Department, Muroran City / Director Digital Agency / Open Data Evangelist)
  • Michiko Watanabe (Professor, Faculty of Data Science, Rissho University)
  • Keisuke MURAKAMI (Digital Agency / Director-General (in charge of For the public Group))

For more information, please check the profile of the Examiner (PDF / 1,000 kb) .

Examination Perspective

In this testing, the examination will be conducted from the following viewpoints.

  • Influence of Individual Themes
  • Creativity to be the way you want to be
  • Expressiveness of Data Analysis Results
  • Logic and Novelty of Data Analysis and Discussion
  • Feasibility, novelty of the solution

2. Commendation

Each award

  • Grand Prize: The work with the highest overall score
  • Best Data Analysis: Best Work in Data Analysis
  • Action Plan Idea Award: Works with Outstanding Solutions to Issue

One point will be selected for the Grand Prize, and two points each will be selected for the Data Analysis Prize and the Action Plan Idea Prize.
As a prize, we have prepared tools and the like that are useful for life and academic digitalization.


We will contact the winners individually (scheduled for November 2023).

Commendation ceremony

We plan to have a presentation by the winners and a review by the judges.
(Scheduled to be held on December 10, 2023)
e-Gov Datacon testing Supporting Organization and Company Registration Form

3. Inquiries

If you have any comments or questions about this testing, please contact us using the form below.
e-Gov Datacon testing Contact Form
