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In fiscal 2023, we conducted a technology validation for the appropriate use of generative AI in Digital Agency and administration.

Based on the Priority plan (decided by the Cabinet on June 7, 2022) for the realization of the digital society, Digital Agency is investigating the appropriate use of AI in the public and private sectors after understanding the actual situation and trends of AI and identifying risks and necessary measures.

Recent technological innovations such as generative AI have made it possible to obtain various advantages. While monitoring the trend of such technologies, the government has repeatedly discussed the business use of generative AI by related ministries and agencies, such as the 10th Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Secretariat .

Based on the history of the discussions so far, Digital Agency has conducted a technology validation for the appropriate utilization of generative AI since December 2023. We will disclose the overall content of the validation results in fiscal 2023, a sample of specific input sentences to generative AI obtained in validation, and a testing case used for some validation.

Purpose of Technical validation

We conducted a technical generative AI to obtain the following specific knowledge for future use of validation in government information systems.

  • Acquisition of knowledge on how generative AI should be used for administrative work
  • Identification of services that can be improved through the use of generative AI
  • Estimation of likely business improvement effects

Overview of Technical validation

Period and Eligible Persons

  • Period: From December 2023 to March 2024
  • Subject: Some employees of central government agencies including Digital Agency and some local government

Validation Content

We utilized a text-based generative AI and conducted the following two main validation.

  1. Business improvement validation by an administrative official himself
    A chat interface-type web application that can select multiple large-scale language models was provided to administrative officials (some officials of central government agencies including Digital Agency and some local government), and validation was made to see if it could contribute to the business improvement of administrative officials themselves.
  2. Use cases for each specific validation
    We have made a validation on how to use generative AI for each specific use cases.

Data, etc.

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