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We gave a quarterly activity report for Digital Agency.

Today, December 19, 2022, Digital Agency held a briefing session on its quarterly (September to December 2022) activities and future priority measures, and started providing the "Mynaportal Demonstration Alpha Version." In addition to various guides on the website that take into account the consistent design, operability, and use by people with disabilities for local government and ministries and agencies, My Number Card reported on major initiatives such as the disclosure of a "Data Dashboard" that shows the number of Issue in Kyoto and the promotion of public-private cooperation.

An illustration shows smartphone held in one hand and held up. The smartphone screen faces forward, displaying the Mynaportal Demonstration Alpha.

See the following page for details.

*The video of the press conference will be released around 8 p.m. today (December 19).

Digital Agency will continue to strive to provide easier and more convenient services for everyone in order to promote a "human-friendly digitalization where no one is left behind."
