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The Minister for Digital Transformation Retirement Ceremony and Inauguration Ceremony were held.

Two shots of former Minister for Digital Transformation HIRAI Takuya and new Minister for Digital Transformation MAKISHIMA Karen, both holding the Digital Agency logo.

On October 5, 2021, Minister for Digital Transformation's retirement and inauguration ceremonies were held.
The retirement and inauguration ceremonies were attended by Digital Agency executives from Old and New Minister for Digital Transformation, Chief Officer of the Digital Agency, and CxO, and many employees participated remotely.

HIRAI Takuya Greetings from Former Minister for Digital Transformation Summary

Everyone, thank you very much for everything you've done for me over the past year.
When I was appointed as Minister on September 16, 2020, I started with nothing such as organization and laws, and now I have the present. At the training camp when I became the Director of the Preparatory Office, I said the words "Government as a Startup" and "Government as a Service." I am very happy that what I felt at the beginning was raised as the vision of Digital Agency.
For the people of Digital Agency, I think there were many first time jobs in the creation of Digital Agency. In public office, which emphasizes continuity, we have not had much experience in creating a new thing from nothing. I think they did a very good job of it through trial and error. I think that changing our mindset and working on it led to the current shape of Digital Agency.
In addition, Mr. Murai, Mr. Ishikura and the people of specialization-based recuruitment took what was lacking in their sense of private sector and made up for it. There was no precedent like this until now.

This workplace should be fun if you work hard. You can create the next era while enjoying yourself. Digital Agency is such a public office, so I hope you will continue to do positive things in the future.

I have always talked about costs, but cost reduction is not the purpose. To reduce costs means to change the content of costs. This country needs to invest in digital in the future. And to create new values, create new experiences, and impress the people. I would like everyone in Digital Agency to do their best. For that purpose, many people in specialization-based recuruitment have come, and if they can make the most of their power, it can be realized, and I think that will gain the support of the people.

Minister MAKISHIMA Karen, who succeeded me, was the Secretary General when I served as Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Special Committee on digital society Promotion. His predecessor, the Special Committee on IT Strategies, has also served as Secretary General. Within the Liberal Democratic Party, we have been developing human resources who are familiar with digital technology, and Minister Makishima is a woman who is particularly familiar with digital technology (Digi-onna). I would like Minister Makishima to do his best, and your strength is essential.
Digital Agency is not a simple organization where one minister is responsible for making progress, so I think the most important thing is for each and every one of you to have a sense of the problem, always think about how we can solve it, and design it.
Although it is time for me to retire, I would like to ask you to lend your full strength to Mr. Makishima and Mr. Digital Agency. Thank you very much for your support.

MAKISHIMA Karen's New Minister for Digital Transformation Greeting Summary

Thank you for creating such an opportunity.
First of all, former Minister Hirai, thank you very much for your hard work.
I am MAKISHIMA Karen, a member of the House of Representatives, who has been appointed to the position of Minister for Digital Transformation following the footsteps of former Foreign Minister Hirai, whom I respect. I look forward to working with you.
I believe that former Foreign Minister Hirai is the father of Digital Agency, which is a page that has never changed in history. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for his achievements and express my heartfelt gratitude for the background.
And I think I was brought up under former Minister Hirai. The father of Digital Agency was also the father of my MAKISHIMA Karen. I never thought that the back of my great senior, whom I truly respect, would be so close to me, but I feel I am strengthened by feeling the weight of that responsibility. I have served as the Executive Director of the department in charge of digital policy within the Liberal Democratic Party, and I recall the days when I ran around with Diet legislation, in which former Minister Hirai has always been close to me, and as the chairman and sometimes as a minister, I have been guided by him while running side by side with the government. I have spent many years and years making efforts with the desire to create digital society. I share the feeling that I was unable to reach the position as Executive Director, that I failed in this fiscal year, and that I was frustrated, but I also share the feeling that Digital Agency is a organization, and former Minister Hirai has led me to this point.

I feel for the first time that Digital Agency is really a new organization.
The people of specialization-based recuruitment are there, and we are a organization that can use the revolving door. There are people with many ideas, wisdom and experience. I am very encouraged, and I feel that this team will be able to realize the image that we are aiming for. We will aim for Digital Agency's big vision of "Government as a Service" and "Government as a Startup", and our mission of "A people-friendly digitalization where no one is left behind."

In the past, I had an online conversation with Minister Audrey Tang, the Minister in charge of digital affairs of Taiwan. At that time, Minister Audrey Tang said, "IT connects machines, but digital connects people." I was deeply impressed by that phrase. Minister Audrey Tang also talked about the three Fs, "Fast," "Fair," and "Fun." I believe that this Fun is also important.

Our values are "For each and every person living in this country, we will always ask the purpose, cross all positions, and continue to challenge results." We will always return to this and carry out our work together with you. And each of us will carry out our duties with a high sense of compliance.
As one of the people who introduced me to the digital world advocated by Mr. Murai, I will continue to work together with you, while looking at the great back of former Minister Hirai, so that I can master this path. I believe that a highly creative society in which Japanese on-site abilities can be utilized will be built up in the future. I believe that it will also lead to a society in which the people can be moved and reassured. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you by pledging to greatly nurture Digital Agency and digital society.
