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We have officially released a renewed version of the registry catalog.

The registry catalog, which is operated as the data disclosure site of the base registry, officially released a renewed version on January 27, 2023. Accordingly, the service of the old site was terminated. The URL has been changed from the old site. When using the registry catalog, please access the renewed site from the following URL.

Registry Catalog

Of the data specified as the base registry, the following five types of data will be disclosed on the renewed site, and all of them will be made available for bulk download.

  • Corporate Number (National Tax Agency: From the Corporate Number Disclosure Site)
  • Law and law (Digital Agency: e-Gov law Kensaku)
  • Support system for business operators (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency: Mirasapo Plus Support Navi)
  • Address-based registry (Digital Agency)
  • Public Facility-Based Registry, Digital Agency

Future data disclosure schedule

The Registry Catalog will continue to be used as a place to publish data that is applicable to the base registry and can be published as open data. The data disclosure schedule until March 2023 is as follows.

October 2022

  • Corporate Number
  • Law
  • Support System

January 2023

  • Address
  • Public Facilities

March 2023

  • Financial Information
  • Character Information Infrastructure

Schedule for future data release for the Registry Data Catalog, showing the timeline from October 2022 to April 2023

In March 2023, we will release data on financial results based on corporate securities reports and a character information platform that is data on the Japanese character system.
