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An event was held to commemorate the establishment of the digitalization Horizontal Expansion Promotion Council

On Monday, March 18, 2024, we held a commemorative event to commemorate the establishment of the digitalization Horizontal Expansion Promotion Council.
Digital Agency is promoting the horizontal deployment of good examples of digital implementation in each procurement by compiling a catalog of services and systems that support good examples of digital model specification and promoting initiatives such as the publication of that contribute to these area. The digitalization Horizontal Deployment Promotion Council was established by private sector companies and organizations, universities, local government, and others who supported the initiatives of Digital Agency with the aim of effectively resolving Issue in area through public and private sectors. implementation
In the future, Digital Agency will promote the horizontal deployment of good practices in digital digitalization together with the implementation Horizontal Deployment Promotion Council.


On the day of the commemorative event, the founders expressed their determination, Digital Agency sent a message with expectations, and a panel discussion was held with experts in addition to the founders. Minister Kono also attended the event and delivered an address.
During the panel discussion, discussions were held mainly on the policy communication process led by private sector and the content related to well-being.

Photograph of Minister for Digital Transformation Kono greeting
(The Minister Kono also attended the commemorative event and delivered a greeting.)

View of the Venue
(View of the venue. On the day, 350 people participated, including online.)

Video of the event will be posted later.

Related Information

Contact information

In charge of Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, For the public Group, Digital Agency
Contact: dd-type2.3 _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
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