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Utilization in the entertainment area of My Number Card

We would like to report on the utilization of My Number Card in the entertainment area.


  1. We will work in cooperation with My Number Card and related organizations on the utilization of Digital Agency for live performances and entertainment.
  2. We are exchanging information with music organizations such as the Japan Music Producers' Association (Onseiren), the Japan Music Business Association (Onjikyo), and the Concert Promoters Association (ACPC) for the convenience of visiting fans and the business efficiency of performance business operators by using My Number Card for live and entertainment performances.
  3. For example, cards can be used to confirm the age of people who sell alcohol at music event venues, participate in metaverse events, and operate special areas for parents and children. In the future, in cooperation with music organizations and by listening to the opinions of business operators, we hope to conduct a demonstration experiments next fiscal year after considering the burden of expenses and effectiveness of the introduction and operation together with specific utilization scenes.
  4. In addition, the number of applications for Issue in My Number Card reached 95 million, making it the identification document with a face photo held by the largest number of people, surpassing the number of holders in driver's license card. We have heard voices that they want to introduce My Number Card into their service, including the use of age verification. We would like to invite ideas and hear the needs of demonstration experiments.
  5. Since it is very important to expand the use of My Number Card, which has been acquired by many people, we would like to continue to promote the use of private sector using the function of the card, not only in the entertainment area.


Call for Ideas (Application Guidelines)

We are soliciting ideas on the use of the functions of My Number Card (including Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI)) for private service. Please apply according to the following application guidelines.
This call for ideas is for the purpose of understanding the utilization needs of My Number Card in private service and supplementing the needs of My Number Card in private business with the aim of expanding the use of demonstration experiments.

1. Application Period

From March 24, 2023 (Friday) to April 7, 2023 (Friday)
The above deadline is set due to the nature of the compilation, but ideas are solicited at any time. Please apply in accordance with these guidelines even after the deadline has expired.

2. Application Documents

An electronic document explaining the idea of using My Number Card (including Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI)) for private service.
The ideas that you have applied for may be compiled in Digital Agency and published after being processed so that the name of the corporation is not identified.
The requirements for electronic documents to be sent to our office are as follows.

  • Use slides of A4 size, 4:3 or 16:9. Use 2 pages as a guide.

  • Please specify which of the following five functions in My Number Card will be used and which functions will be used in combination.

    • Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) (E-Certificate for user identification, E-Certificate for signature)
    • Certificate Entry Auxiliary AP
    • Face AP
    • My Number Card Empty area in the IC chip
    • APIs for Mynaportal
  • The file format must be a format that can be referenced and edited in "Microsoft Word 2019", "Microsoft Excel 2019", "Microsoft Power Point 2019", etc.

  • Perform quarantines based on the latest virus definition pattern in advance.

  • Please provide the original data such as charts and tables so that we can make changes.

  • It should be possible for the Agency to post some or all of them on its website, etc.

3. Application method

  • Please send an email with the following requirements and the above application documents attached to the email address below.

  • We may contact you to inquire about the content of the materials or to ask for time to exchange opinions on the ideas you have received.

  • Destination Email Address
    E-mail: mynumber _ team _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
    *To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

  • Email Subject
    [Application] Ideas for using private service in My Number Card

    • Matters to be included in the main text of the email (contact information)
      Corporate Name:
      Department Name:
      Contact Title:
      Contact Name:
      Email address:
      Company Website URL:

4. Reference Materials

We have posted materials on the My Number Card website to help you understand the functions of Digital Agency. We encourage you to take a good look at these reference materials and consider your ideas.

private business Useful Information
This is a website where Reference 2 and Reference 3 described below are posted. Please take a look at the useful information for considering utilization ideas.

My Number Card Reference Material for private sector (PDF / 10,614 kb)
This document explains the functions and technical specifications of the My Number Card together with the use cases. It is useful for understanding the functions of the My Number Card.

Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) (JPKI) Introduction Business Operators and Case Examples
These are examples of use provided by people in private business who have already introduced Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI). In addition to explaining the uses of each company's services, some of them also introduce customer opinions, cost reduction effects, and system configurations.

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