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We held an online briefing for local government employees on the use of Well-Being Indicators in Digital Garden City.

Regarding the utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Digital Garden City, we held an online briefing for local government employees and others who adopted the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation Promotion Issue Gold (Digital implementation Type Type2/3). We released a video of the event.
Not only local government employees, but also those who are interested in using the Well-Being Indicator, please take a look.

Video of Online Explanatory Meeting for local government Employees, etc.

This video is available on YouTube (smart cities Institute's official YouTube channel).

Video Content

This video is an archive of the "Online Briefing Session on the Utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation" (Sponsor: Digital Agency, Cooperation: smart cities Institute) held on July 15 for Issue personnel who were selected as implementation Promotion Fund (Digital local government Type Type2/3). Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

Play Time and Headline

0:00:00 Opening and Lecturer Introduction
Digital Agency Secretariat
0:01:20 Explanation of utilization of the Well-Being Indicator
Takehiko Nagumo, Executive Director of SCI-Japan
0:34:14 Utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation
Digital Agency Supervisor Keisuke Murakami
0:54:26 Supplementary Explanation on Well-Being Indicators
Ryotaro Inoue, Specially Appointed Lecturer, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
0:56:25 Supplementary Explanation on Well-Being Indicators
Designated Assistant Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University Makoto Yamasaki Kojin
1:00:43 END
Takehiko Nagumo, Executive Director of SCI-Japan
1:01:51 END
Digital Agency Supervisor Keisuke Murakami
