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Video explanation for local government staff "Utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Digital Garden City" was posted.

Regarding the utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Digital Garden City, we have posted two explanatory videos, the first and second parts, on Youtube (an official channel of For the public Group Revitalization [Cabinet Secretariat and Cabinet Office]) by Keisuke Murakami Digital Agency and Mr. Takehiko Nagumo, Managing Director of smart cities Institute.
Not only local government employees, but also those who are interested in using the Well-Being Indicator, please take a look.

Explanatory video for local government Employees, etc.

This video is available on YouTube (an official channel of Local Revitalization [Cabinet Secretariat and Cabinet Office]).

Part 1


Video Content
Part 1 Utilization of Well-Being Indicators in Digital Garden City (Digital Agency For the public Group Supervisor, Keisuke Murakami)
Part II Indicators for Community Development to Enhance Citizens' Sense of Happiness (Mr. Takehiko Nagumo, Managing Director of smart cities Institute)
