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We released a video introducing My Number Card.

On July 20, 2021, we released a video introducing My Number System on the "My Number Card [Cabinet Office] Official YouTube Video Channel" in . This video introduces My Number Card for children before entering elementary school and parents of elementary school and junior high school students.

1. My Number Card Introduction Video for Parents of Pre-Elementary School Children

For parents of children before entering elementary school, we introduce the advantages of My Number Card and how to make it in an easy-to-understand manner.

"Benefits of My Number Card for Pre-Elementary School Children and How to Make It"

Video URL:

2. My Number Card Introduction Video for Parents of Elementary School and Junior High School Students

For parents of elementary and junior high school students, we introduce the advantages of My Number Card and how to make it in an easy-to-understand manner.

"Benefits of My Number Card for elementary and junior high school students and how to make it"

Video URL:

* "Easy to make, convenient to use! My Number Card!" is no longer available. (October 19, 2021)
