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Thorough compliance with the Registration of public money receiving account Support Manual and full investigation of registered deposit accounts

As part of the procedural support for Individual Number Card Point projects in local government, we are also cooperating with Registration of public money receiving account, but there have been several cases (*) in which Registration of public money receiving account, at this support window, has registered its own deposit account in another person's account due to a human error.

*Case Study
Because you did not log out from the Mynaportal by the terminal operation of the support counter, the person who made the Registration of public money receiving account with the same terminal next time mistakenly registered his / her deposit account in the account of the person who made the procedure before.
In these cases, the registered account has already been corrected with the consent of the Principal, and no damage such as erroneous payment has been confirmed.

In order to ensure that such misregistration does not occur again in local government, Digital Agency has issued a notification to local government regarding the thorough observance of the manual related to Registration of public money receiving account support, including thorough logout.

In addition, from the perspective of providing peace of mind to the people of Japan, we have decided to conduct a full investigation of public fund receiving account, which has been registered in Digital Agency. In addition, after the full investigation, we will continue to conduct inspections to ensure continued peace of mind.

In the future, thorough implementation of digitalization will eliminate the room for such human errors, and we will continue to work to secure trust so that the people of Japan can conduct Registration of public money receiving account with peace of mind and realize prompt and reliable payment.
