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(End of Solicitation) Appended Table Solicitation of opinions concerning a draft order to amend a part of the ordinance of the competent ministry and a draft order to amend a part of the ordinance of the competent ministry for information provision

1. Purpose, Purpose, and Background of the Public Comment

In accordance with the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures (Act No. 27 of 2013), Digital Agency is considering establishing necessary regulations for the purpose of determining the scope of use of Personal Identification Numbers and providing specific personal data for use by using the Information Provision Network System. Therefore, we would like to invite opinions from a wide range of people, and we will invite opinions as follows.

2. Subject of opinion solicitation

  • Draft Order to Partially Amend the Order Providing for the Affairs Specified by Ordinance of the Competent Ministry in the Appended Table of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures
  • Draft Order Partially Amending the Order Concerning the Provision of Used Specified personal data Pursuant to Article 19, Item (viii) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures

3. How to obtain materials

General contact point for e-government e-Gov Public Comment Regarding the "Draft Order for Partial Revision of the Order Providing for the Administrative Affairs Specified by the Ordinance of the Competent Ministry in the Appended Table of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures and the Draft Order for Partial Revision of the Order Concerning the Provision of Used Specified personal data Pursuant to Article 19, Item (viii) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures", please submit the opinion form of .

4. Method and destination for submission of opinions

Regarding the "Draft Order for Partial Revision of the Order Providing for the Administrative Affairs Specified by the Ordinance of the Competent Ministry in the Appended Table of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures and the Draft Order for Partial Revision of the Order Concerning the Provision of Used Specified personal data Pursuant to Article 19, Item (viii) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures", please submit the opinion form of with the postal code, name, address (in the case of a corporation or organization, its name, the name of its representative, and the location of its principal office), and contact information (telephone numbers or e-mail addresses) no later than the deadline for submission of opinions.
* 1 Please be sure to write your opinions in Japanese.
* 2. Due to the possibility of problems such as temporary connection failures due to concentration of access, please submit the application form well before the deadline. As a general rule, submission of opinions after the acceptance period is not allowed for any reason (excluding cases where there are obvious factors at the e-Gov side such as a large-scale system failure).

5. Period for submission of comments

From Monday, June 17, 2024 (2024) to Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (2024)

6. Points to be noted

  • The submitted opinions will be posted on the general contact point for e-government (e-Gov), and will be distributed or made available for viewing by the Digital Agency Social Common Function Group.
  • The name (in the case of a corporation or organization, its name and the names of its representative and contact person), address (location), telephone number, and e-mail address entered will be used for communication and confirmation in the event that there are any unclear points in the content of the submitted opinion.
  • In addition, the name of the person who submitted the opinion (in the case of a corporation or organization, limited to its name and the name of its representative, and not including the name of the person who submitted the opinion as an individual) may be announced together with the submitted opinion. In the case of a corporation or organization, if you wish to remain anonymous with regard to its name and the name of its representative, please enter such fact (the name of the person in charge of contact will not be announced).
  • Please note that we will not be able to respond to individual opinions.
  • Opinions submitted after the end of the opinion submission period and opinions other than draft orders, etc. subject to opinion solicitation will not be treated as submitted opinions.
  • The submitted opinions may be organized and summarized as necessary at the time of public notice of the results. In that case, the submitted opinions will be provided at the contact point and made available for viewing.
  • If there is a risk of harming the interests of a third party by publicly announcing or publicizing the submitted opinion, or if there are other justifiable grounds, we may publicly announce or publicize the submitted opinion except for all or part of the submitted opinion.
