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The Digital Agency VRS Team received the 2022 National Personnel Authority President's Award (Workplace Category)

The Digital Agency VRS Team received the 2022 National Personnel Authority President's Award (Workplace Category).
*The National Personnel Authority President's Award recognizes the achievements of employees and the area Group who have been encouraged to perform their duties based on their strong awareness as servants of the entire people and have contributed to enhancing the trust of public service.

A scene where the award ceremony is being held at the Meiji Memorial Hall. The Digital Administrator receives the award certificate from President Yuko Kawamoto (National Personnel Authority).
Presentation ceremony at the Meiji Memorial Hall

From left to right, the Digital Commissioner and President Yuko Kawamoto (National Personnel Authority) stand side by side. The commissioner spreads the certificate of commendation in front of his chest and holds it with both hands.

A group photo shows President Yuko Kawamoto (National Personnel Authority), Chief Officer of the Digital Agency Takashi Asanuma, Digital Commissioner and VRS team members standing in a line outside, with trees in the background.
President Yuko Kawamoto (National Personnel Authority), Takashi Asanuma Chief Officer of the Digital Agency, VRS Team Member

National Personnel Authority Governor Award in the Workplace Category

Digital Agency For the public Group VRS Team

Reasons for Award

The VRS Team has made a significant contribution to smooth vaccination by development and operating the "Vaccination Record System (VRS)" and making it possible to grasp the vaccination record in real time. In addition, the "new corona vaccination Certificate App" has made it possible for anyone to easily online application certificates, etc., making a significant contribution to the convenience of public service.

For details, please refer to the National Personnel Authority website.
