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We will announce the results of the adoption of model projects related to the realization of ①My Number Card utilization plan using the MYKEY platform.

We will announce the results of the adoption of the model project for the realization of ①My Number Card utilization plan using the MYKEY Platform as follows.


As part of "My Number Card," which aims to create a society in which a single public service can be used to receive a variety of ①My Number Card utilization plan, we will use the My Key Platform to promote this concept for public service, which is connected to the Internet. The aim is to introduce it in advance and link it to nationwide development.

Target Business

  1. Services that enable the use of a public service as an alternative to a My Number Card card at the counter (e.g., library cards)
    *For the public service form into a card of My Number Card, it is assumed that the application will be made through the terminals provided at the window.

  2. A project to use only the validity confirmation function of the My Number Card for user verification of the E-Certificate to Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) owned by MyKey Platform

List of Businesses

List of organizations selected for the Model Project (PDF / 81 kb)
It is as follows.

Contact Information for Mykey Platform

For the public Group, Digital Agency
In charge of Mykey Platform Related Systems

E-mail: mykeypf _ atmark _ digital. go. jp

*To prevent unwanted e-mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When sending e-mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).
