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Mr. Kono, Minister for Digital Transformation, attended the General Assembly of the Trilateral Commission in

On June 22 and 23, 2024, Mr. Kono, Minister for Digital Transformation, attended the Brussels Conference of the Tripartite Commission, and participated in the "Technology" session held on June 22. During the time before and after the session, he exchanged views with the participants from each country on the state of efforts in the digital field, leading examples, and challenges.

A total of approximately 400 government officials and industry representatives from Japan and other countries around the world participated in the meeting.

Tripartite Commission , established in 1973, is a private non-profit policy discussion group formed as the Japan-U. S. - Europe Commission. The name has been changed to the Tripartite Commission as the number of participating countries has expanded since the 1990s. The Tripartite Commission holds annual general meetings in three regions (Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe) in rotation, and regional meetings are also held once a year.

A photo of Mr. Kono, Minister for Digital Transformation, having a conversation with a microphone.


International Strategy, Digital Agency
In charge: Nakamichi Director
Phone: 03 6771 8160
