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Category: Procurement
Responses to opinions on the Visit Japan Web Specifications (draft) for "Operation and Maintenance of procurement (Phase 2) in Fiscal 2024" are posted.
Opinions and answers to the "digital authentication and signature App Operation and Maintenance Operation Service Set" were posted.
Publication of information on the optimization of public procurement (October 2023) was posted.
Market survey (request for information (RFI)): We posted request for information, etc. related to the reconstruction of the back-end function of the information provision, etc. record disclosure system.
Updated materials related to contract business operators (including subcontractors) in Digital Agency
Market survey (request for information (RFI)): We posted a request for information on targeted services and systems in implementation for the purpose of accelerating the horizontal expansion of digital model specification.
Response to inquiries about e-Gov "procurement Specifications (draft) Answers to the results of the request for comments were posted.
Publication of information on the optimization of public procurement (September 2023) was posted.
Responses to the Request for Comments on "Operation and maintenance of the account information registration and cooperation system based on the' Act on Registration, etc. of Deposit Accounts for the Prompt and Secure Payment of Public Benefits, etc.'" were posted.
Responses to the Request for Comments on "Development and Provision of Next-Term Co-location Facilities and Equipment, etc. on the Second Government Common Platform" are posted.