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Developing and securing digital human resources

We will develop environments in which all citizens can acquire ICT skills that are necessary for their respective life stages. At the same time, we will secure and develop human resources who are required by society from their respective standpoints. Through these efforts, we will steadily realize the digital society that we should aspire to.


1. Improving digital literacy

In cooperation with each ministries and agencies, we aim to realize an where people can continuously learn the education skills they need according to their life stages by enhancing programming education in school education and recurrent ICT for adults so that all people can improve their digital literacy.

2. Developing and securing digital experts

(I) Development and securing of specialized human resources required by society as a whole, such as the establishment of a digital human resources development platform

In cooperation with each ministries and agencies, we are considering the image of digital human resources required by society as a whole, and aim to build a digital human resources development platform that will be a place for learning necessary for that purpose. At the same time, we are promoting the enhancement of education, training, etc. necessary for each image of human resources.

(ii) Securing and developing digital human resources in government agencies

In cooperation with each ministries and agencies, we are systematically securing and developing digital human resources through public relations and awareness-raising for employment from the "digital" category of the national public employee recruitment examination, and by accumulating knowledge and experience through employee training and personnel exchange.

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Recent Efforts

Recent initiatives will be posted in due course.