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GBizID is a common identification system for business operators. If you obtain gBizID, you can log in to multiple government services with one ID and password.
In the past, many online administrative services for businesses required the creation of IDs and passwords for each procedural system, making the management of user accounts cumbersome.
A gBizID can log in with one ID and password for the corresponding procedures, such as grant application, social insurance procedure, and various approval applications. If the identity of the representative is confirmed only once at the time of issuance of the ID, it is not necessary to submit identity verification documents for each subsequent procedure.
Multi-factor authentication utilizing app authentication is used to prevent spoofing, and security is also taken into consideration.
The available procedures are gradually being expanded to various procedures of ministries and local governments.
GBizID, which can not only benefit users but also reduce the cost of constructing a procedure system, will continue to evolve with the aim of expanding the convenience of online administrative procedures by business operators.