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Online digitalisation of National Qualifications, etc.

The government will promote digitalisation such as online application procedures for national qualifications and coordination of information on qualifications.

What's New



About Maintaining the Digital Certificate Confirmation Page

Due to system maintenance, the digital certificate verification page will not be available for the following time periods:
For more information on the Digital Certificate Verification Page, please refer to the Examples of Use of the Digital Qualification Certificate is shown in .

  • Suspension period: From 10:00 on Saturday, March 29, 2025 to 9:00 on Monday, March 31, 2025

Events for which the current Registered Domicile cannot be confirmed

When examining the procedures applied for by the Mynaportal, there have been some cases in which the current registered domicile cannot be identified * from the results of the family register information inquiry that was obtained, and the examination cannot be continued. It is difficult to confirm in advance whether you fall under this case, and if the family register information cannot be correctly confirmed after the application, the eligibility management organization will contact you. In order to continue the examination, it is necessary to attach a family register extract (Certification of items for an individual of family register) at the Mynaportal and reapply, etc.
For inquiries about this initiative, please contact , My Number System.

*In the inquiry results, there are cases where the time series of the history information cannot be grasped and cases where the history information before the computerization of family registers cannot be confirmed.


Currently, most procedures related to national qualifications, etc. are operated on the assumption that they are printed. However, due to the revision of the My Number Act, etc., 84 national qualifications, etc. are now subject to online digitalisation.
Based on this, from August 6, 2024, it will be possible to apply online at Mynaportal for procedures for national qualifications, etc., which are under the jurisdiction of each ministry and agency. Paper procedures will also continue to be possible. Holders of qualifications can choose the procedure method.
In addition, through cooperation with the Basic Resident Register Network System and the Information Provision Network System, etc., it will be possible for qualified persons, etc. to omit attached documents in various application procedures and to certify their qualifications using Mynaportal, and for administrative agencies, etc., it will be possible to realize the efficiency of qualifications management affairs and the accuracy of qualifications information.


We will introduce the benefits of online digitalisation for national qualifications, etc.

  • Various applications
    • Various application forms can be submitted online
    • Online payment available
    • By using the My Number system, it is possible to omit the submission of copies of residence certificates, etc.
    • Application status can be checked
    • You can check the information from Mynaportal.
  • Maintenance of qualification
    • It is possible to simplify the procedures required when a person's name, address, etc. are changed due to marriage, moving, etc., or when a person dies
      *Handling differs depending on the qualification.
  • Utilization of qualification
    • Your credentials can be viewed in Mynaportal
    • Ability to output and display credential information in an electronic format with functions to ensure authenticity and prevent false testimony
    • Mynaportal APIs can be used to link credentials to external systems

An example of the use of the Digital Qualification Certificate is shown in .

Eligibility of the subject

Following the revision of the My Number Law, 84 national qualifications became eligible for online digitalisation. The number of eligible qualifications is scheduled to increase in the future.
Reference: The online digitalisation for national qualifications started on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 (PDF / 510 kb) (updated on February 25, 2025)

Currently available qualifications

The system has been available online since August 6, 2024. The following qualifications are currently available. For details, please refer to the website of each qualifying organization.
The operation of the Mynaportal is described in the usage .

  • Certified care worker (* 1)
  • Social welfare worker (* 1)
  • Psychiatric social worker (* 1)
  • Certified Psychologist (* 2)
  • Certified Social Insurance and Labor Consultant (* 3)
  • Health insurance doctor (* 4)
  • Insurance pharmacist (* 4)

* 1 Online notification of changes in registered matters has been started. Procedures for online notification will be added in the fall of 2025.
* 2 We have started online procedures for notification of changes in registered matters, application for issue of registration certificate renewal, and application for issue of registration certificate renewal. Procedures for online procedures will be added sequentially from the fall of 2025.
* 3 We have started to put online applications for changes, deletion, issue, issuance of Various Certificates, change of home address, and supplementary note application for Dispute Resolution Procedures Agency Business. We plan to add procedures to be put online sequentially from the summer of 2025.
* 4 We have started to make new registration applications online. Procedures for online registration will be added sequentially from 2026.

Eligibility for Further Procedures

The scheduled date when the procedures will be available is indicated in parentheses. Please note that it may be changed in the future.
As of February 25, 2025.

Tax, social security, etc.

  • Doctor (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Persons who have completed the Clinical Training Course for Physicians (since autumn 2025)
  • Dentists (since autumn 2025)
  • Persons who have completed clinical training for dentists (since autumn 2025)
  • Pharmacists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Nurses (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Assistant nurses (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Public health nurses (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Midwives (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Physical therapists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Occupational therapists (since autumn 2025)
  • Orthoptist (since autumn 2025)
  • Prosthetists (since autumn 2025)
  • Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Clinical laboratory technologists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Clinical engineer (since autumn 2025)
  • Radiological technologist (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Dental hygienists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Dental technicians (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Anma Massage Shiatsu Shi (successively after the autumn of 2025)
  • Hari-shi (starting in autumn 2025)
  • Moxibustion practitioner (since autumn 2025)
  • Judo therapists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Emergency Life-Saving Technician (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Registered dietitian nutritionists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Dietitians (since autumn 2025)
  • Nursery teachers (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Long-Term Care Support Specialists (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Certified public tax accountant (registered) (since summer 2025)
  • Certified Public Tax Accountant (examination) (scheduled for April 2026 or later)

Other than tax and social security

  • Nursery teachers limited to National Strategic Special Zones (since autumn 2025)
  • Practical guidance officer for birth control (since autumn 2025)
Administration, Justice, Education, etc.
  • Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist (since summer 2025)
  • Bar examination (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Preliminary Bar Examination (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Faculty (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Information Processing Safety Assurance Specialist (in order since autumn 2025)
Housing and construction
  • First class Registered Architect (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Second class Authorized Architect (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Wooden structures architect (since autumn 2025)
  • Building investigator (since autumn 2025)
  • Building Equipment Inspector (since autumn 2025)
  • Qualified persons for building standard conformity assessment (sequentially from autumn 2025)
  • Qualified structural calculation fitters (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Qualified condominium managers (since autumn 2025)
Motor vehicle
  • Automobile mechanic (since autumn 2025)
Maritime affairs
  • Licensed seaman (since summer 2025)
  • Small craft operators (in order since summer 2025)
  • Maritime agent (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Health managers (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Lifeboatmen (in order since autumn 2025)
  • National Licensed Guide Interpreters (since autumn 2025)
  • Regional interpreter / guide (since autumn 2025)
Health and medical care
  • Designated doctor for mental health (since autumn 2025)
  • Autopsies of dead bodies (since autumn 2025)
  • Cooks (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Hairdressers (since autumn 2025)
  • Hairdressers (since autumn 2025)
  • Chief Water Supply Equipment Construction Engineer (since autumn 2025)
  • Confectionary hygienist (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Cleaners (since autumn 2025)
  • Professional cooks (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Registered sellers (since autumn 2025)
  • Medical technologist (since autumn 2025)
  • Building Sanitary Environment Control Engineer (since autumn 2025)
  • Doctor: Doctor with experience in a small number of areas (sequentially from autumn 2025)
  • Designated Physicians for Intractable Diseases (Cooperative Designated Physicians for Intractable Diseases) (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Doctors designated for specific chronic pediatric diseases (in order since autumn 2025)
Employment and labor
  • Vocational training instructors (since autumn 2025)
  • Certified technicians (class 132) (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Career counselor (since autumn 2025)
  • Occupational Safety Consultant (since autumn 2025)
  • Occupational health consultant (since autumn 2025)
  • Working Environment Measurement Expert (since autumn 2025)
  • Certified Social Insurance and Labor Consultant (Dispute Resolution Procedures Agency Service Examination) (in order since autumn 2025)
  • Licenses under the Industrial Safety and Health Law (20 types) (sequentially from autumn 2025)
    • First class Health Officer
    • Second class health officer
    • Health Engineer
    • Operations chief of work in compressed air
    • Operations chief of gas welding
    • Operations chief of forestry cableway
    • Special class boiler engineer
    • First class boiler engineer
    • Second class boiler engineer
    • X-ray operations chief
    • Operations chief of gamma-ray radiography
    • Operations Chief of Specific Class-1 Pressure Vessel Handling
    • Blasting engineer
    • Cargo lifting appliance operator
    • Special boiler welder
    • Ordinary boiler welder
    • Boiler mechanic
    • Crane / derrick operator
    • Mobile crane operator
    • Diver
  • Skill Training Course Completion Certificate (Class 69) (Sequentially from autumn 2025)
  • Pension actuary (since autumn 2025)


The procedure will be done from Mynaportal.
The online digitalisation for National Qualifications, etc. can be used by the following persons:

  • If you have a My Number Card with a valid electronic certification
  • A person who has a national qualification for starting online

Flow of Mynaportal use

By making settings (initial settings) at the Mynaportal to link your My Number Card and information on national qualifications, you can apply for various types of national qualifications and obtain a digital certificate.
The initial configuration steps are as follows:

  1. Log in to Mynaportal
  2. Press "#National qualification" or "Certificate" from "Search".
  3. From "Registration and various applications for national qualifications", press "Add qualification", select the national qualification to be registered, and follow the instructions on the screen for the rest of the procedures.

After the initial setting is completed, you can apply for various types of national qualifications you have on Mynaportal and obtain a digital qualification certificate.
For details of each operation, please refer to National Qualifications Online Service Introduction (PDF / 1,687 kb) .

Digital Qualification Certificate is shown in

The following is an example of the use of the Digital Certificate of Eligibility obtained from Mynaportal.
The two dimensional code attached to the digital qualification certificate presented and submitted by the qualification holder can be read by the verifier on the digital qualification certificate verification site to verify the validity and authenticity of the qualification (that it has not been falsified).

Qualified person

  1. Presentation and Submission of Digital Certificate
    The main methods are listed below.
    • Face-to-face presentation of digital credentials
    • Send by e-mail with certificate data attached
    • Face-to-face submission of a printed certificate
    • Submit a printed certificate by mail

Recipient (Verifier)

  1. Read the two dimensional code of the submitted digital qualification certificate and press "Verify" on the digital qualification certificate verification site (* 1).
  2. Based on the verification results displayed on the screen, the validity and authenticity of the qualification are confirmed as well as the consistency with the information on the presented digital qualification certificate.
* 1 Digital Certificate Verification Website
The digital certificate verification site is operated by Digital Agency to verify the validity of digital certificates. In order to prevent damage from counterfeit sites, please make sure that the domain name included in the URL is "dqcvs. nqs. go. jp".
*Need for identity verification
The digital qualification certificate verifies the validity and authenticity of the presented qualification certificate, and does not guarantee that the said qualification certificate is the one of the person who presented it. If a identity verification is required, please confirm it separately by a My Number Card, etc.

Reference: How to use the Digital Qualification Certificate (PDF / 1,455 kb) (updated on September 20, 2024)



For inquiries about this initiative, please contact for inquiries about the My Number System.
In addition, please contact the same My Number System (No. 4: Mynaportal and electronic certification for smartphones) for questions related to re-application in cases where the family register inquiry result cannot be correctly confirmed.
For details of the procedures for each qualification other than the above, please contact the qualification management organization.

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