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Law API Hackathon Introduction

The law API Hackathon was held from November 10 (Fri) to November 17 (Fri), 2023, and 56 people from 14 teams participated. Here are the teams and works that participated.

About the work

  • Neither Digital Agency nor the judges make any guarantees regarding the capabilities, qualities, etc. of the winning ideas.
  • The services completed through this project will not be authorized, disclosed, or distributed by Digital Agency as an official service.
  • The introduction of the work was prepared by the secretariat with reference to the materials explaining the work submitted by the participating teams. The figure of the work is an extract from the materials explaining the work.

List of works

Award-winning works

Law Dissemination and Research Promotion Award

  • Introduction of works

    • Works to answer questions by chat from general users who consult about law and law experts who conduct advanced searches.
    • The law API prototype is used to search and obtain law, and generative AI is used to determine law and keywords to be searched based on user questions and create answers.
    • English questions and voice reading are supported. Links to law texts and case law are also provided.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Given that it is difficult to search for law, we have made a development for both general users who are not familiar with laws and who need the first place to consult and experts who conduct advanced searches. We believe that we can bring about the effect of being a contact point for legal consultation with knowledge close to that of legal experts.
    • Development screen image of the work
      Themis development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)
  • Auditor Comments
    It was a work oriented toward communication through chat using generative AI, and I strongly felt the power to move people. I was also overwhelmed by the design of the UI, and the voices of the reading function echoed. From the perspective of telling people and moving them, I think it showed the direction to further pursue development and implementation in the future. In the answer output to the question input, important keywords were listed at the beginning, links to the e-Gov law search and the case law search were also provided, and the composition to encourage consultation with experts was also well balanced. (Auditor Yoneda)

  • Award Team Comments
    I participated as a team of engineers who usually work at startups. From a position where I am not a legal expert, I thought that laws are important but difficult to understand. I would be happy if I could contribute to lowering the hurdles related to laws for many people.

Py 3.0:LegalLink Insight
  • Introduction of works

    • For law practitioners who frequently view referenced articles in law, this work adds a pop-up feature for referenced articles to the e-Gov law Search screen.
    • Development as a browser extension rather than building a standalone site to take advantage of existing UI and search functionality.
    • Utilize the law API prototype to obtain the law text from information such as the law name being referenced.
  • Description of Works by development

    • In the law itself and legal documents, many words defined in other law and other locations are used, and it is required to interpret the law and documents by referring to them appropriately. It has become possible to easily check the e-Gov and the like, but if you want to check the law referenced on the page, you need to search or move to the page. Based on this current situation, we have made a development assuming that a person in charge of legal affairs in a company who is working on a law reference or legal document that requires a of this work. We believe that it is possible to smoothly refer to and display the relevant legal content on the same screen, and to reduce the efficiency and errors of work by reducing the amount of work. law efficiency
    • Development screen image of the work
      LegalLink Insight development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)
  • Auditor Comments
    In short, it is very convenient. I felt that I understood the needs of professionals with the idea of eliminating the hassle of searching and scrolling in the work of browsing law, which is always performed by legal experts. implementation as a browser extension that adds functions to e-Gov law Search is correct, and there are many lawyers who use e-Gov law Search, so it is also attractive that they can use the service while using the same UI. If you are told that you can use it immediately after inserting this, I think you can definitely insert it. (Auditor Masashima)

  • Award Team Comments
    All of the team were undergraduate students at the university and participated in between classes. I am very happy to hear that professionals want to use it. Although there are some parts that are incomplete, we hope to release the service in conjunction with the general release of the API in the future.

Technology Utilization Award

bSJ: Automated application for building confirmation VetTing System Using law API
  • Introduction of works

    • In order to automate the examination of whether the design of a building conforms to the Building Standards Act from the stage of the text of the law, an examination program is generated from the text of the generative AI using the law, and used for automatic examination.
    • The AI that generates the examination program from the text of the law has been fine-tuned to improve its performance against building-related laws and regulations.
    • Created by combining BIM models that represent the 3D structure and materials of buildings and UIs for visualization.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Standardization of building information is required for DX in the construction industry. Based on the fact that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is currently considering BIM * 1 (BIM Data Examination) of application for building confirmation, which is mandatory for construction, we conducted development on the assumption of an automatic examination system for application for building confirmation using law API. This service uses law API to create an examination flow program that can be checked by human eyes using generative AI from building-related laws and regulations, and has the feature of collating legal information on buildings extracted from IFC * 2 with a viewer on a web browser. We believe that this service can bring about not only BIM Data Examination but also the utilization of Construction DX and Plateau * 3, real estate evaluation, real estate value improvement, and global environmental measures.
      * 1 BIM = Building Information Modeling: To build a building information model that includes mainly three dimensional shape information created on a computer, as well as attribute information of the building such as the name and area of rooms, etc., the specification and performance of materials and members, and finishing.
      * 2 IFC = Industry Foundation Classes International Standard for Data Structure Definition and Data Format in BIM (ISO 16739)
      * 3 Plateau = A project led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to develop, utilize, and open data from 3D city models across Japan

    • Development screen image of the work
      Law screen of the automatic examination system for application for building confirmation using the development API
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

  • Auditor Comments
    In the construction industry, it was highlighted that there was a limit to automatic validation due to low machine readability on the side of law, despite the existence of digital data. By overcoming this gap in generative AI, I think it is an excellent initiative that showed that automatic screening is possible by combining digital data. I thought it was a work that could also raise issues with the rule maker. (Yagita Examiner) Issue

  • Award Team Comments
    Members of the construction industry participated. In order to realize automatic inspection (BIM data inspection) at the application for building confirmation, there was a problem awareness that it is necessary to improve machine readability on the law side, and this Hackathon was an opportunity to realize that idea. We believe that this is the start of the initiative, and we would like to continue to expand it.

Other works (in order of presentation)

Tanuma: law life quiz video game
  • Introduction of works

    • This work enables a wide range of age groups to enjoy learning about law by posing quizzes on law related to life events.
    • The text is obtained using the keyword search API of the law API prototype for quiz generation, and generative AI is obtained by combining development, Web search API, etc.
  • Description of Works by development

    • At present, it is difficult to say that law is highly recognized by all people from children to the elderly. Along with this, law is something that should be protected, and there are problems such as unintentionally committing crimes. Therefore, this time, we focused on the perspective of law from an early stage in order to improve the recognition of education. It provides a place where anyone can easily learn about law, and it also provides an opportunity to learn about law without violating the law, which is relatively close to us, by focusing on life events. We made a development based on the assumption of a wide range of ages from children to the elderly. We believe that it has characteristics that can be enjoyed by learning using games, and can improve the recognition of various kinds of Hamamatsu in many ages.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Law life quiz video game development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Legal Data Engineers: Shikobi-chan
  • Introduction of works

    • For those in charge of legal affairs and samurai who need to grasp the revision schedule of law, which is revised every day, this work visualization the status of the enforcement date of law with a calendar.
    • Law API Prototype law list API (API to obtain law list), etc. Equipped with a filter function by law type and a link function to display the text of law in the e-Gov law search.
  • Description of Works by development

    • In light of the current situation in which a large number of law are being revised at once, such as the abolition of seals and the abolition of regulations on paper and in-person processes, we made a development for corporate legal officers and family business professionals who want to accurately understand the revision and abolition status of law related to their business and prepare for it by the time the revised Act comes into effect. We believe that it will be possible to view the information on the enforcement date of law on the e-Gov in a calendar and to grasp the information on the enforcement date of law in a list.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Shikobi-chan's development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Automatic Public Transmission Server: legalhost
  • Introduction of works

    • A work that enables students of the bar examination to add notes, comments, and study notes to the text of the law on their terminals.
    • Created as a platform that can promote mutual learning and communication by sharing notes, etc. with other learners. It also includes a law fuzzy search function using vector search.
  • Description of Works by development

    • In light of the fact that the paper examination will be entered on the keyboard due to the digitization of the 2026 National Bar Examination, we have made a development of legalhost for about 20000 examinees who want to complete the six laws and examination study notes on the terminals along with the answer sheet practice on the keyboard. We believe that we can provide a new experience of the six laws by bringing about communication between examinees by using the memo function and the share function based on the six laws, not merely the DX of the six laws.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Legalhost development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Archi-Law: Architectural Karte
  • Introduction of works

    • In order to realize the retrieval function of related law according to a specific building project, this work constructs a graph-structured database of building-related law.
    • Law text acquisition API, a prototype of law API, is used to acquire law text for database construction. GNN is used to recommend text for search keywords.
  • Description of Works by development

    • The specific history and reasons for the interpretation of the law discussed at the examination agency, fire department, public office, etc. are almost never left in an organized manner. Therefore, it will be a lot of work if third parties want to explore the interpretation of the law at that time after the construction is completed. In addition, confirmation applications and prior consultations are often analog-based, making it difficult to link them with archives and BIM. Therefore, it is considered that it can be improved by developing environments and flows to summarize them. In addition, in order to efficiency this linkage and legal confirmation, if the laws and regulations are stored in a database and the legal text of the project can be automatically extracted, it is considered that the work of all parties concerned can be efficiency. Therefore, this time, we will create a part where legal texts corresponding to a specific building project can be searched by API. Based on the needs for efficiency and history of legal confirmation, we have created a development targeting design persons and examination agencies who want to identify the relevant legal texts, and real estate and investors who want to quickly confirm the legality of the real estate to be traded. By having machine learning interpret the relationship between legal texts and extracting legal texts linked to specific parameters, we will efficiency the legal text search effect and enable data-based exchange and recording. It will be easy to understand how the law was applied, etc., and it will be easy for third parties other than design parties to access it, leading to secure real estate transactions.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Development screen of the architectural chart
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

The Law Wizard: Magical Law Books
  • Introduction of works

    • It is a work that creates story picture books based on the text of law so that children in the lower grades of elementary school can enjoy understanding law.
    • In addition to using the law Text API, a prototype of the law API, to obtain law text, we also use the generative AI of text and images to generate story text and picture book illustrations.
  • Description of Works by development

    • While the law is important in our lives, we have few opportunities to experience childhood because the text is difficult and difficult.
      The goal of the development was for children in the lower grades of elementary school to understand the law in an easy-to-understand and enjoyable manner.
      Esoteric and difficult laws are converted into exciting and easy-to-read stories using generative AI, and are provided as picture books with images also generated in generative AI.
      We believe that if we change the way we make picture books while having children enjoy touching the law, it will be an opportunity to connect a wide range of generations with interest in law.

    • Development screen image of the work
      The development screen of a magical law book
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Team law - Interpretation: law Revised Survey
  • Introduction of works

    • Assuming the use of lawyers, etc. who investigate the history and arguments concerning the revision of law, this work enables the retrieval of relevant parliamentary minutes and precedents based on the revision information of law.
    • Use the law history retrieval API and text retrieval API of the law API prototype to retrieve the revision history and text of the law. Use the law to output the outline of the generative AI revision and realize the retrieval function.
  • Description of Works by development

    • In light of the fact that the law is operated based on the reason why it was established (interpretation of the purpose), we have conducted a development for graduate students and lawyers who need to investigate the purpose of the law Amendment. We believe that it will be possible to easily investigate the discussions and precedents in the Diet that are affected by the law Amendment.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Law Revision Survey development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

DX Division: Legal Lens
  • Introduction of works

    • In order to confirm whether documents such as contracts and rules conform to law, AI is used to analyze the documents and evaluate and visualization the degree of observance of the relevant provisions.
    • In order to display the text of law, the law Text Acquisition API, a prototype of law API, is used, and generative AI is used to evaluate the degree of law observance based on the content of the document and the text of law.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Our development service is for searching for relevant law and checking for law violations when creating and checking terms of use and contracts. Usually, such checking is performed by experts, but there is a Issue that it takes time and effort to find the relevant law and text.
      To solve this problem, we have made a development of a service that can search for relevant law (text) and score the degree of observance by AI document analysis. This allows us to grasp the relevant law and identify important sentences, which is expected to reduce time costs.

    • Development screen image of the work
      Legal Lens development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Professional Tech Lab: law Revision Information Automatic Periodic Notice BOT (Law Revision Automatic Information)
  • Introduction of works

    • A work that allows users such as legal professionals who need to respond to the law revision to receive notifications of the law revision using their usual communication tool instead of a dedicated tool.
    • To obtain a list of law, the prototype law API for obtaining a list of law is used. Versatility is considered so that notifications of law revision can be sent to various SNS and e-mails.
  • Description of Works by development

    • In light of the fact that it is necessary to actively and periodically monitor legal amendments in order to be aware of them, we conducted a development assuming that Legal Department members and other persons in charge of the management departments of Issue companies need to respond to the promulgation and enforcement of legal amendments. It is characterized by being able to check legal amendment information on a communication tool, and we believe that it can have the effect of being able to passively and periodically touch legal amendment information on a communication tool that is used on a daily basis without opening a dedicated tool. private sector

    • Development screen image of the work
      Law Revision Information Automatic Periodic Notice BOT (Law Revision Automatic Information) development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Law: The Bamboo Time Machine
  • Introduction of works

    • It is a work that compares and visualization the law text before and after the revision.
    • To obtain the revision history and text of law, the law API prototype law history acquisition API and text acquisition API are used. On the comparison screen, it is possible to highlight differences and collapse the parts without revision.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Based on the fact that it is impossible to check the text of the past fusion text by e-Gov law search, etc., and it is impossible to compare and contrast between versions, we conducted a development assuming legal professionals and national public employees engaged in legal work who need law research that was effective at a specific point in time in the past. We believe that it has an easy-to-understand UI like the revision management function of the blog tool, and can improve the effectiveness of law research and legal work.

    • Development screen image of the work
      BAMBOO: law Screen on the development Time Machine
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

Bossa Nova: The law History
  • Introduction of works

    • By displaying the revision history of law and social events side by side, this work allows you to understand the transition of law with the background of the times.
    • The law history retrieval API of the law API prototype is used to retrieve the revision history of law. It is possible to narrow down the display by keywords and genres.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Based on the background of the times and the flow of the world, we conducted development for the purpose of summarizing the history of law in a way that is more interesting and accessible to the general public. We have a UI that allows you to see the main events of each year and the law Revision at once, and we believe that it is possible to get a bird' s-eye view of the flow of the law Revision and to quickly understand various law. law

    • Development screen image of the work
      Law Screen of The development History
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)

NYDK:Revit law Check Dr
  • Introduction of works

    • A work that allows an architect who performs legal checks on buildings to display the relevant provisions as a checklist on the screen of design software.
    • Law API prototype law text retrieval API is used to retrieve law text. To support reading of the retrieved text, text interpretation function using generative AI is also provided.
  • Description of Works by development

    • Based on the spread of BIM, we made a development for architects who need legal check of building models. It has a feature that the text can be checked on the Revit screen, and we believe that it can improve the efficiency and certainty of legal check before confirmation application.
      *BIM: A system to reproduce a three dimensional model of a building on a computer and use it for building construction

    • Development screen image of the work
      Revit law Check Dr. development Screen
      (Excerpt from the explanatory material submitted by the team)