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FAQs: About Your Company Number

  • Q & amp; A's are added from time to time. For other questions about your corporate number, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on the Internal Revenue Service's Corporate Number Disclosure Site.
  • At the end of each response, (Response in X, 20 xx) is indicated. Some responses were made before August 2021, but these responses were made on the Digital Agency website before the establishment of the Cabinet Office.

Q8-1 How many digits is the corporate number?


The corporate number is a 13-digit number consisting of only numbers. In the case of a corporation that has been registered for establishment pursuant to the provisions of the City of law, such as the Companies Act, the number is obtained by adding a 1-digit inspection number to the corporate registration number (12 digits) under the Commercial Registration Act. (Updated in July 2014)

Q8-2 Is the scope of use of the corporate number the same as that of the My Number (individual number)?


Unlike the My Number (personal number), the corporate number does not have any restrictions on the scope of use, so anyone can use it freely. (Updated in December 2021)

Q8-3 What kind of organization is the corporate number assigned to?


The corporate number is designated as (1) a national institution, (2) a local governments, (3) a registered corporation for establishment, (4) a corporation other than those listed in (1) to (3), or an association or the like without juridical personality, which is required to submit a notification of establishment of a salary payment office, etc.

In addition, even if the above does not apply, if certain requirements are met, a corporation number can be designated by notifying the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency.

Since one corporate number is assigned to one corporation, no corporate number is assigned to a branch office, business office, etc. of the corporation (response in December 2021).

Q8-4 Do you plan to assign a corporate number to sole proprietorships?


There is no plan to assign a corporate number to sole proprietorships (response in September 2015).

Q8-5 What are the benefits of introducing a corporate number?


The advantages of introducing a corporate number are expected to be the efficiency of administration, improvement of fairness and equity, reduction of the administrative burden on companies, and creation of new value. For details, please refer to "What is Corporate Number? (National Tax Agency Corporate Number Disclosure Site) ." (Updated in December 2021)