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Public Relations Logo for My Number

Introduction to Maina-chan

The Maina-chan is a fairy rabbit that has lived in the country for a long time.

When I learned that the My Number system would be introduced, I bought a PR character for the My Number system. I am engaged in PR activities for the My Number system, such as traveling around the country and performing with local characters.

The number "1" in the eyes and ears indicates that the My Number is "one per person." In addition, by holding the number "1" in the hand, we hope that the My Number will be cherished.

Image of Maina-chan

(Reference) Maina-chan Profile

  • Gender: Girl
  • Birthday: May 24 (the same date as the establishment date of the My Number Act)
  • Age: Secret
  • Personality: Cheerful, curious, and optimistic
  • Favorite: Ramen

Application for Use of the Maina-chan Logo

The public relations logo of the My Number is used for public relations of the government's My Number, and for public relations of the My Number by local governments, etc. (business operators using the My Number as prescribed in the My Number Act) that use the My Number.

If general companies and organizations wish to use the My Number for public awareness and public relations, they can use the logo mark by submitting an application for use to Digital Agency and obtaining approval.

*If a person who falls under any of the items of Article 4, Paragraph (1) of the following Regulations (local governments, etc.) uses the My Number for his / her own business for the purpose of spreading and educating people about the My Number, he / she does not need to submit an application form.

Application Method

To apply for use, please check the following Use Regulations and Use Guidelines and send the "Application for Use of My Number System's Public Relations Logo, etc." to the Digital Agency Strategy & Organization Group Public Relations Strategic Team (My Number System Representative). The logo will be sent electronically in about three business days after the application form, etc. is received by the representative.

*In addition to the application form, please create a document (to be actually posted) that shows the location and type of the logo that you want to use and attach it without fail.

*Please fill out all media to be used. Please resubmit the application form if you add media that are not listed in the application form or if the content is significantly different.

Application by "Mail"

Please send it to the following address.

19th Floor, Kioi Tower, Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi-cho, 1-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
Digital Agency Strategy & Organization Group Public Relations Strategic Team (My Number System Representative) Logo Representative

E-mail Application

Please apply as follows.

E-mail Application (PDF / 47 kb)

Regulations / Applications / Guidelines

Illustration Quick Reference

Maina-chan Costume Rental

Digital Agency lends a costume of the My Number PR character "Maina-chan" to local governments.

*For details such as how to apply, please refer to the following and apply through the form .