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Faculty and Staff / education Committee

I would like to know an example of improvement in network environment.

Network environments differ in terms of connection methods and other factors depending on the area and school. Therefore, it is important to first obtain a thorough assessment by experts and then try to solve the problem according to the Issue revealed in the assessment. Here, we will provide a typology of some Issue and solutions.

I would like to know examples of effective use of ICT.

If you want to make more use of ICT in your own subjects, but do not know how to do it effectively, I will introduce examples of use that will be helpful. I would be grateful if you could start from what you can do by referring to this.

I want to know what content I can use immediately.

We introduce learning videos and links to materials that can be used during school classes and temporary holidays. We would appreciate it if you could use them.

I'd like to do some training on ICT.

I would like to introduce a video that can be used as a reference when you want to do ICT utilization training at school. I would be grateful if you could use it.

I want to do Reform of Working Practices using ICT.

I will introduce examples that will be helpful when you want to make use of ICT to do school affairs efficiency. I would be grateful if you could start from what you can do by referring to this.

I would like to know the points to be noted that have been issued by the country so far.

The following are the main points of attention regarding GIGA School Concept that have been notified in notifications and office communications.