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Press Room
The results of a public consultation on the partial revision of the Ministerial Ordinance on the Provision of Individual Numbers, Individual Number Cards, and Specified personal data Prescribed in the Number Use Act were announced.
The results of a public opinion request for a public notice that partially revises the technical standards for the method of transmission through telecommunication lines or transmission of electromagnetic media and the method of transmission using the information provision network system were announced.
The results of a public opinion call on the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Registration, etc. of Deposit and Savings Accounts for the Prompt and Certain Implementation of the Payment, etc. of Public Benefits were announced.
"Priority plan for the Realization of digital society" was approved by the Cabinet.
ISMAP Cloud Services List Published
The competent minister approved the use of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) for private business.
Press Conference by Minister Makishima (November 26, 2021)
Press Conference by Minister Makishima (November 30, 2021)
Press Conference by Minister Makishima (December 3, 2021)
Press Conference by Minister Makishima (December 7, 2021)
Press Kit
- Brand Guidelines
- Photos, etc. * Scheduled to be posted in the future
Press Contact
Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
Reference Information
The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.