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Examples that can be used as a reference when local governments utilizes open data

You can see detailed materials for each case. Please use them to promote the use of open data in local governments.

*About Case Categories
We have classified open data initiatives from the following four perspectives.

A) Example of reducing the workload of local governments employees by using open data
B) Examples of policy formulation, etc. by local governments employees using open data
C) Other examples that are very useful for promoting the use of open data in local governments
D) Tools to support open data

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Open Data 100 Examples from local governments, etc. (PDF / 3,380 kb)

1. Case name: BODIK Open Data Center

  • Documentation (PPTX/12,625 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Aiming for Smart Kyushu
  • Operator: Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT)
  • Classification: D) Open Data Support Tools

2. Case name: Open Data Platform (odp)

  • Documentation (PPTX/3,854 kb)
  • Overview & Theme: Easily publish top-notch 5-star open data
  • Company name: B Inc.
  • Classification: D) Open Data Support Tools

3. Support for the utilization of public and private open data

  • Documentation (PPTX/4,102 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: From Open Data Disclosure to Utilization
  • Business name: General Incorporated Association Data Cradle
  • Classification: D) Open Data Support Tools

  • Documentation (PPTX/2,197 kb)
  • Outline and Theme: Open Data Utilization Support Platform to Promote Co-Creation between Government and Citizens
  • Operator name: Info Lounge Co., Ltd.
  • Classification: D) Open Data Support Tools


  • Documentation (PPTX/2,019 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Promoting Kyushu's Companies and local government's digital transformation (DX) with Open Data
  • Operator: Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT)
  • Classification: D) Open Data Support Tools


  • Documentation (PPTX/5,502 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Open Data Initiatives in Kyoto City
  • Operator: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
  • Category: A) Information disclosure requests have decreased due to open data disclosure. B) area promotion and area Issue resolution using open data have been promoted in cooperation with citizens, etc.

7. Open Data of Counter Congestion Information and Event Information

  • Documentation (PPTX/1,198 kb)
  • Overview and theme: Open data of real-time information using WebAPI
  • Operator: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Category: B) Congestion information and event information at the public office counter of the ward are provided as open data through WebAPI, and are linked with the homepage and application of private sector in real time.

8. Nagano City Open Data Initiative

  • Documentation (PPTX/1,109 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Business efficiency with Open Data
  • Operator: Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture
  • Category: A) Open data on food business licenses has reduced information disclosure requests. B) Open data has triggered the formation of a network with employees in the surrounding local government.

9. Kurume Wide Area Cooperation Central Urban Area Open Data Promotion Project

  • Documentation (PPTX/1,620 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Data Will Save area. Make It More Convenient with Joint Publication!
  • Operator: Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Category: C) As an urban area, it shared open data with other local government and played a central part in that.

10. Promotion of open data in Kitakyushu City

  • Documentation (PPTX/3,480 kb)
  • Overview and theme: Reducing workload through open data disclosure
  • Operator: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Category: A) Open data disclosure reduces window and phone support. C) As an urban area, we disclose open data together with other local government.

11. Promotion of open data in the Fukuoka urban area

  • Documentation (PPTX/3,143 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Improving the Value of Open Data through Globalization and Commonality
  • Operator: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Category: B) Improve the value of open data by publishing open data in a common format for metropolitan areas. C) As the Fukuoka metropolitan area, it publishes open data together with other local government and plays a central role in it.

12. Collaboration and co-creation through open data and efficiency

  • Documentation (PPTX/1,266 kb)
  • Overview and Theme: Achieving Sustainable area and Administration
  • Name of operator: Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture
  • Classification: A) By utilizing the API of open data, the workload of employees is significantly reduced. B) Public-private cooperation, citizen participation and co-creation, etc. are promoted through open data.