Recommended datasets
- Last Updated:
The purpose of recommended datasets is to promote the disclosure and utilization of open data. It summarizes the data that the government recommends to be disclosed and the rules and formats that should be followed when creating the data. (On March 31, 2023, we made a transition to the "local government Standard Open Data Set" . Please use the following as an archive.)
About recommended datasets (updated March 3, 2021) (PPTX / 172 kb)
Basics (for local governments, which is starting to work on open data)
Among the target data of recommended datasets, we have positioned the data that will be a reference for local governments, which is starting to work on open data, as the basic edition.
Advanced (for local governments and private business)
Among the target data of recommended datasets, data other than the basic data are positioned as the advanced data. The advanced data is not limited to local governments, but also covers data held in private business.
Recommended datasets List
The Basics
1 List of AED Locations
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (16 kb) CSV (1 kb)
2. List of Long-Term Care Service
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (17 kb) CSV (1 kb)
3 medical institutions List
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (19 kb) CSV (1 kb)
4 List of Cultural Properties
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (19 kb) CSV (2 kb)
5 List of Tourist Facilities
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (19 kb) CSV (2 kb)
6 Event List
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (19 kb) CSV (2 kb)
7 List of Public Wireless LAN Access Points
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (15 kb) CSV (1 kb)
8 List of public restrooms
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (18 kb) CSV (2 kb)
9. List of Water Facilities for Fire Defense
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (14 kb) CSV (1 kb)
List of 10 Designated Emergency Evacuation Area
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (17 kb) CSV (1 kb)
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (19 kb) CSV (1 kb)
12 List of Public Facilities
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (17 kb) CSV (1 kb)
13 List of Child Care Facilities
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (21 kb) CSV (1 kb)
14 Open Data List
- Subject: local governments Starts Working on Open Data
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (15 kb) CSV (1 kb)
A-1 List of Business Licenses and Notifications for Food, etc.
- Subject: local governments
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.:
List of all permits and notifications XLSX (26 kb) CSV (1 kb)
List of new permits and notifications XLSX (26 kb) CSV (1 kb)
A-2 School menu for food feeding Information
- Subject: local governments
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (27 kb) CSV (ZIP / 2 kb)
A-3 School Districts for Elementary and Junior High Schools
- Subject: local governments
- Rules to be followed when preparing: Data Item Definition Document (XLSX / 180 kb)
- Format, etc.: XLSX (22 kb) CSV (ZIP / 2 kb)
B-1 Boring histogram, etc.
- Subject: private business and local governments
- Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Format
*Note: Refer to "Part 2 Boring histogram Part 5 Boring Replacement" and "Part 6 Soil Test and Ground Investigation Part 6 Soil Test Result List" of "Guidelines for Electronic Delivery of Geological and Soil Survey Results" (established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
B-2 City Planning Basic Survey Information
- Subject: local governments
- Rules and formats to be followed for creation:
Standard Format (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, "Efforts for Opening of Basic Survey Information on City Planning")
B-3 procurement Information
- Subject: local governments
- Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Forms ("Standard Guidelines")
*Note: Refer to "public service / data connections Model data connections" for the procurement model.
B-4 Standard Bus Information Format
- Subject: private business and local governments
- Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Format (MLIT "Enhancement of route search and utilization of bus location data - Expansion of standard bus information format -")
B-5 Support System Information
- Subject: local governments and private business
- Rules and formats to be followed for creation: Standard Form (XLSX / 229 kb) (Code for Japan "Information on support systems provided by public authorities")