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Local government Materials with Open Data Initiatives

Materials such as a list of local government where open data efforts have been made are posted.

Methods for Data Disclosure in the local governments Guidelines for Promoting Open Data

In addition to the method of publishing on the website operated by local governments (establishing an open data site as part of the official site or a separate site independent from the official site), the method of posting on the website operated by the Cabinet Office and Ministries and the website operated by private sector organizations, and the construction of a data catalog site with cross-sectoral search functions are considered.

When publishing on a site other than the official site, it is necessary to present the fact that the external site is used and the URL, etc. of the data disclosure destination to the official site so that the user can easily access the data.


For local government that were added or updated after the date of update on March 11, 2019 (2019), the dates of addition and update are indicated.