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This section introduces Digital Agency's policies and recent initiatives.
The fourth public offering of the Government Cloud Early transition Organization validation Project has started. [For local governments Employees]
We will invite applications for the Government Cloud Early transition Group validation Project for local governments from August 21 to September 25, 2023.
Summary of the Second Meeting of the full investigation Branch of My Number Information
This article outlines the proceedings of the My Number Information full investigation Office (the second meeting) held on August 8, 2023.
Materials from the first meeting of the Committee on the Enforcement of the Electronic Power of Attorney Act were posted.
We have posted the meeting materials, etc. of the Electronic Power of Attorney Act Enforcement Status Review Meeting (first meeting) to be held on August 16, 2023.
The sixth workshop on the ideal way of "Mobility Roadmap" was held.
We posted the conference materials of the Study Group on the Ideal of "Mobility Roadmap" (the 6th) held on August 9, 2023.
The 2nd My Number Information full investigation Meeting was held.
We have posted the agenda and materials of the My Number Information full investigation Headquarter (2nd) held on August 8, 2023.
The 3rd Study Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card was held.
We have posted the conference materials of the Review Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card (3rd) held on August 8, 2023.
The 7th Expert Working Group Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card was held.
This article contains the agenda and materials of the 7th Expert Working Group Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card held on August 7, 2023.
The fifth meeting of the Inter-Agency Liaison Conference on the Promotion of the Spread and Use of My Number Card was held.
We have posted the conference materials of the Inter-Agency Liaison Conference (5th) on the Promotion of the Spread and Use of My Number Card held on August 4, 2023.
The 6th Expert Working Group Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card was held.
This article contains the proceedings and materials of the Expert Working Group (6th) of the Review Meeting on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card held on August 2, 2023.
Updated the local government Standard Open Dataset (Official Version)
The "Rules to be Followed for Creation" and "Converter Tool" revised by the former recommended datasets and the "Rules to be Followed for Creation" of the new dataset (data model type) have been updated.