Study Group on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card (First)
- Last Updated:
- Date and time: December 6, 2022 (2022) (Tue) from 18:45 to 19:00
- Location: Online
- Opening
- Proceedings
- Review Meeting
- Review Meeting
- Expert Working Group
- Matters to be discussed at the Review Meeting
- How to proceed in the future
- Review Meeting
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/20KB)
- Material 1: Holding of a Study Group on the Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card (Draft) (PDF / 33 kb)
- Document 2: Expert Working Group (Draft) (PDF / 44 kb)
- Document 3: Matters to be discussed (draft) by the Review Board (PDF / 57 kb)
- Agenda Summary (PDF/90KB)
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Summary of proceedings
December 6, 2022 (2022) (Tue) from 18:45 to 19:00
Held online
- Taro Kono (Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Takeaki Matsumoto (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications)
- Katsunobu KATO (Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Minister for Digital Transformation Kono: Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications My Number Card and health insurance card, and aim to abolish the insurance card in the fall of 2024. After the abolition of the insurance card, it will be basic to receive insured medical treatment in My Number Card, so we would like to conduct various examinations toward that.
With regard to the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card, the Prime Minister has indicated that it is necessary to develop detailed and detailed environments, and that it is necessary to make careful efforts to obtain the understanding of the people who will receive medical care and the people concerned in medical institutions who will provide medical care. Therefore, I would like to make thorough efforts to ensure that there are no omissions in detail and to obtain the understanding of the people concerned.
Therefore, we have decided to hold a study meeting on the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card with the participation of the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. We would like to review the My Number Card procedures for those who have difficulty in obtaining a Issue, and consider various exceptional cases and measures to improve the response to the details of the method of confirming the insured status.
In addition, the Government of Japan would like to set up an expert working group under the Study Group, and would like to conduct practical discussions by holding hearings with relevant parties, including experts such as medical care officials and insurers, in addition to officials from relevant ministries and agencies.
As matters to be discussed by the Study Group, we would like to discuss the creation of a mechanism for limited express issuance and Issue. Regarding My Number Card proxy Issue and application support, we would like to discuss the creation of a flexible system to enable the wide use of proxy Issue, the securement of people who can provide application support and proxy receipt, and specific promotion methods. Regarding the strengthening of application acceptance and Issue systems by municipalities, we would like to discuss the promotion of efficient implementation methods such as the expansion of business trip application acceptance. It is also necessary to discuss the treatment of My Number Card non-possession due to exceptional circumstances such as loss. In addition, it is also necessary to discuss the response to time lags in the entry of credentials by insurers, the treatment of issued insurance cards, the response to disasters and system failures, and the practical Issue in the confirmation of online credentials after the abolition of insurance cards.
In addition, as a matter that is expected to be revised, it is expected that the Number Act will be revised regarding the posting of photos of infants and toddlers on My Number Card tickets. Regarding the National Health Insurance Act, etc., it is considered that it will be necessary to delete provisions that will become unnecessary with the abolition of the insurance card, and to develop provisions on confirmation of insured status and delinquency.
Regarding the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card, we have received various opinions from the people of Japan. We will firmly respond to these questions and concerns through hearings with relevant parties.
In the future, the Expert Working Group will be held, hearings will be held with relevant parties, and discussions will be advanced. Matters related to law revision will be discussed with rough schedule in anticipation of the bill deliberation in the next ordinary session of the Diet. The next Review Meeting will be held based on the progress of the Expert Working Group's discussions.
The three ministries and agencies will continue to work together on the final work, and we would like to ask for further cooperation.
Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Matsumoto: I have no objections to the holding of the Study Group or the Expert Working Group, so I would like you to proceed with them.
In the hearings with the parties concerned in the Expert Working Group, it is important to listen carefully to the Issue and ingenuity of the field from the My Number Card who is in charge of the application reception and Issue affairs of the local government.
In local government, which has a high Issue ratio, we would like to have more than one organization targeted by scale, mainly in local government, which has a high Issue ratio, in order to obtain meaningful opinions on how Issue has been overcome and what kind of Issue is available for promoting Issue to the remaining people who have not yet acquired it.
Regarding the matters to be examined, the details of the mechanism for the limited express issuance of cards will be examined in cooperation with the J-LIS, such as the creation of a mechanism for the limited express issuance and Issue. We would like to consider and prepare for further improvements in the period required for issuance and Issue, including the acceleration of Issue administration in municipalities.
Regarding the proxy Issue and application support, it is currently stipulated that the card can be received by proxy "when it is recognized that it is difficult to appear due to illness, physical disability, or other unavoidable reasons." However, we would like to consider a flexible response so that people who have a Issue to obtain a card can widely use the proxy Issue.
In order to smoothly conduct application acceptance and proxy Issue within the limited manpower of municipalities, it is essential that municipalities and the parties and facilities that support applications cooperate. Therefore, we would like to organize specific promotion methods to secure persons who support applications and receive applications on behalf of municipalities in cooperation with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Regarding the strengthening of application reception and Issue systems by municipalities, we will consider efficient implementation methods such as business trip application reception in close cooperation with municipalities.
We hope that discussions on these matters will be deepened based on the opinions heard from local government and others through hearings at the Working Group.
Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Kato: Even after the abolition of the Health Insurance Card, it is a major premise that people who pay insurance premiums can receive the necessary insured medical treatment, and it is necessary to carefully improve the environment so that patients, medical institutions and pharmacies will not feel more inconvenient than now due to the abolition of the Health Insurance Card.
Therefore, first of all, we would like the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and My Number Card to actively and positively consider reviewing the card format and Minister for Digital Transformation procedures so that all people, including the elderly, the disabled, and newborns, can have Issue.
In doing so, we believe that it is necessary to take measures such as proxy Issue and application support in accordance with the actual situation at the site, while listening to the voices of those who are expected to have a certain difficulty in acquiring the card, such as the elderly and the disabled, and those who are involved in the support.
On the premise that all people will be able to have a My Number Card, after the abolition of the insurance card, we would like to consider a method for people who do not have a My Number Card at hand for some reason to confirm their eligibility, and other Issue for online confirmation of eligibility.
Since there are various possible exceptional cases, we would like to have the working group conduct a wide and careful examination while hearing the opinions of the actual medical care site.
In addition, when revising the National Health Insurance Act, etc. in accordance with the abolition of the insurance card, the acquisition rate of the My Number Card will be a point.
Minister for Digital Transformation Kono: Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications suggested that it is important to listen carefully to the Issue and ingenuity of the field from local government, who is in charge of application and Issue. Based on your opinions, we would like to thoroughly conduct hearings at the Expert Working Group.
In addition, I would like Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to thoroughly consider the mechanism for the issuance of limited express cards, flexible responses to widely use proxy Issue, specific methods to secure people who can receive applications as assistance or proxy, and efficient methods to receive business trip applications, and I would like Digital Agency to do what it should do.
The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare expressed his opinion on the review of the card format and Issue procedures. While listening to the opinions of those who are expected to have difficulty in obtaining a card, such as the elderly and the disabled, or those who are engaged in supporting them, it is necessary to consider how to make proxy Issue and application assistance work in a manner that suits the actual conditions of the field. We would like the three ministries and agencies to work together to consider this matter.
After abolishing the insurance card, we will carefully consider how to confirm the status of those who do not have a My Number Card with them for some reason, and how to confirm the status of other online Issue, while listening to the actual opinions of medical care staff.
The daily number of applications for My Number Card is also increasing, and at this rate, 81 million applications are in sight by the end of this year. We will do our best to get as many people as possible to acquire My Number Card as soon as possible. We would like to ask for your continued cooperation.