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Digital Agency Compliance Committee (4th)

Digital Agency will be the control tower for the formation of digital society, which aims to realize the sustainable and sound development of the Japanese economy and the happy lives of the people. The expectations of the people toward Digital Agency are extremely high, and Digital Agency bears an extremely heavy responsibility.

In order for Digital Agency to fulfill its responsibilities and meet the expectations of the people, all persons working at Digital Agency are required to act creatively and autonomously while fully utilizing their specialized expertise and skills. On the other hand, Digital Agency must never fail the expectations of the people or invite their doubts, such as through illegal or inappropriate administrative processing related to their duties.

Therefore, Digital Agency has established a Compliance Committee consisting of external lawyers, certified public accountants, etc., and meetings are held as needed or on a regular basis.

At today's meeting, active discussions and exchanges of views were held on the status of the submission of written pledges, the implementation plan for this fiscal year's training, and other matters.

The results of today's discussions will be fully reflected in the formulation of various norms and rules in Digital Agency.


  • Date and Time: Friday, July 22, 2022 (2022) from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Location: Digital Agency Shared Conference Room

Committee Members

(Japanese syllabary order, honorific titles omitted)


  • Toshiya Natori (Legal Partner, ITN Law Office): Chairman
  • Koichi Endo (Councilor Digital Agency)
  • Toru Kajikawa (Representative Partner and Chairman, Taiyo LLC)
  • Jiro Kokuryo (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Keio University)
  • Akihiko Shiba (Attorney at Shiba and Tanaka Management Law Office)
  • Keiko Fujimori (Representative Director / Certified Public Accountant, ASIMOV ROBOTICS Co., Ltd.)


Relevant policies


Order of business

  • Status of promotion of various initiatives related to compliance
  • Implementation Plan for Compliance Training for Employees in Fiscal 2022
  • Other

Summary of proceedings

After the Secretariat explained the contents of each agenda, discussions were held. The main opinions are as follows.

Status of promotion of various initiatives related to compliance

  • It is necessary to ensure that the rules on bidding restrictions, including exemptions, do not hinder or make it difficult to collect and exchange necessary information, or act as a barrier to necessary work. So far, such a situation has not been ascertained, but we would like to ask you to continue to monitor the situation closely.
  • With regard to cases in which it is difficult to make a decision concerning the rules for bid restrictions, it is important to accumulate such cases and to make known the consultation counter where people can feel free to consult. Therefore, we would like to ask for your cooperation.
  • From the perspective of completing a good project, I think it is important to properly check not only whether the rules of bidding restrictions are followed at the start, but also whether there are cases where the specifications were insufficient or the purpose of the project was not achieved.
  • The rule on bidding restrictions was introduced after considerable discussion at the time of the establishment of Digital Agency last year, but as stated in the remarks by each member today, there is a concern that the existence of the rule will cause adverse effects such as the fact that useful knowledge of private sector will not be reflected and that people will not come to Digital Agency from private sector companies. It is necessary to continue to carefully monitor the actual state of operation.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the whistle-blowing system is extremely important from the viewpoint of compliance. We would like to ask you to make sure that employees are fully aware of the fact that they will not be disadvantaged by making a report, and the specific destinations and means of reporting.
  • In order to make the self-purification of organization function, we would like to see efforts related to internal reporting advanced.

Implementation Plan for Compliance Training for Employees in Fiscal 2022

  • With regard to online training, it should be possible to understand how many employees actually watched it, etc., and it should be reflected in the next and subsequent training plans.
  • As for the content of the training, I think it is particularly desirable for employees from public office companies who have not worked in private sector so far to receive it. Therefore, I would like you to grasp the extent to which employees from private sector have received the training and make use of it in the next time.
  • I think it may be necessary to exchange information with private sector companies, but I would like you to pay attention to the burden of expenses when you have a dinner.


(The Secretariat introduced the progress of Digital Agency development in more than 10 months since the establishment of organization, Issue, and the efforts for reform based on it.)

  • I think there were reports that a considerable number of employees left their jobs at the end of the fiscal year, but in fact, there were two employees who left their jobs before the expiration of their contracts, so I was a little relieved. I think public relations and media response should be carried out appropriately and accurately.
  • I think that the initiative to recognize individuals who are practicing the values of Digital Agency is a good initiative that can be expected to be effective from the viewpoint of compliance.
  • In order to ensure thorough compliance, we should consider how development should be in accordance with Agile procurement.
  • It seems that the results of last year's organization survey were not necessarily good, but based on the Issue that emerged there, I would like to evaluate the fact that various efforts are being made, such as holding online meetings in which all employees, including government officials, participate, and regularly holding one on-one dialogues between superiors and subordinates, so I would like you to continue to do your best.
